113 research outputs found

    glomerulonephritis pathogenetic mechanisms and therapeutic options an overview

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    Introduction: Most forms of human glomerulonephritis (GN) result from immunologic mechanisms that are mediated by the actions of multiple elements of both the innate and adaptive immune systems, thereby resulting in different clinical manifestations. The treatment of immune-mediated kidney disease is based on steroids and immunosuppressive drugs that interfere with the immune processes. These groups of drugs have led to significant benefits, but severe side effects are still frequent. Monoclonal antibodies directed against molecules of inflammation or several cellular components have emerged in clinical practice. Plasmapheresis and new methods to reduce the risks associated with the procedure with standard therapies may be combined. Moreover new therapeutic options have been proposed, as the use of natural anti-inflammatory cytokines or intracellular signaling reducing inflammation. Materials and Methods: We conducted a systematic review on the pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis and their therapies. Results: We analized all RCTs and quasi-RCTs evaluating the current knowledge about pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis and related therapy were considered. Conclusion: The pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis are complex and strongly influenced by immunogenetic factors. Several clinical trials to identify the best therapeutic options for glomerulonephritis have been conducted, but currently, although significant advancements over the last 10 years have been obtained, important questions are still unanswered. Moreover, we need to consider many and important side effects that have the main therapies for glomerulonephritis. Therefore the development of a web enabled data base to assist nephrologists for the treatment of patients with glomerulonephritis is strongly suggested

    Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis and Brain Natriuretic Peptide in the Evaluation of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in Hemodialitic Treatment

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    Introduction: Setting dry weight (DW) in hemodialysis (HD) patients is still a hard issue. Several clinical, hematochemical, and instrumental parameters have been considered. In the last years, bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) became the main method to evaluate body composition and water body percentage. However, it is still difficult to assess the nutritional status and identify a correct DW in HD patients. Aim: The aim of the study was to set DW and nutritional status, combining BIVA with phase angle (PhA) and serum brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in HD patients. Methods: We evaluated PhA and BNP modifications before (T0), after HD section (T1), and after 60 days (T2), in all patients treated in our HD center. Results: A total of 50 patients (36 males) with a mean age of 70.1 ± 8.85 years were recruited. We did not report significant changes in BNP and PhA between T0 and T1, while they were significantly different between T0 and T2. We also reported a significant difference between T0 and T2 in ECW/TBW, while we did not show significant variations in ECM/BMC between T0, T1, and T2 indicating a stability of the nutritional status. PhA, BNP, and ECW/TBW returned to a normal value in patients in which we reached a DW, also considering clinical parameters such as blood pressure and antihypertensive therapy. The weight loss obtained with the evaluation of the BIVA and the BNP was 1.2–5.7 kg, greater than that calculated empirically which stood at around 0.9–4.3 kg. Conclusion: We suggest to carry out BIVA with PhA combined with BNP to assess an adequate DW and evaluate a correct nutritional status in HD patients


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    Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a highly prevalent condition and its prevalence is increasing worldwide, particularly in adults aged ≥ 70 years. Epidemiological studies showed that as many as 20–54% of the older adults suffer from CKD in stages 3-5. Nevertheless the question whether this lower eGFR is a consequence of kidney disease or if it is the result of a physiological aging is still debated, even if it implies a reduced renal reserve and vulnerability to drugs overdose with increased risk of acute kidney injury (AKI). Materials and methods: PubMed search was conducted for available English literature, describing the actual knowledge about specific and frequent issues reported in the acute and chronic kidney disease in older adults. Prospective and retrospective studies, as well as meta-analyses and latest systematic reviews were included. Results:Most of the studies examined and reviewed were discarded for wrong population or intervention or deemed unfit. Only 103 met the inclusion criteria for the review. The studies included in the review were grouped into two areas: chronic and acute kidney disease in older adults and we have analysed the peculiar and frequently found issues in this population. Conclusions: The geriatric population is increasing worldwide.We should consider peculiar aspects of this population, such as sarcopenia, malnutrition, psychological and cognitive deficits and increased risk of AKI, in order to reach a good quality of life, with improved doctor / patient relationship, a greater adherence to therapy, a reduction in health care costs, and if possible, adequate "end of life", as far as it is approved by the patient and his family. The achievement of these objectives requires an organized work in multidisciplinary teams that evaluate overall the geriatric patient

    L'aferesi terapeutica oggi

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    Nel 1914, Abel, insieme a Rowentree e Turner, ha introdotto il termine "plasmaferesi", il cui significato letterale è "sottrazione". La prima "plasmaferesi terapeutica" risale al 1952 in un paziente affetto da mieloma multiplo, ma, nel 1963, iniziarono le prime applicazioni cliniche per ridurre l'iperviscosità del sangue in pazienti affetti da paraproteinemia, ad opera di Salomon e Fahey. Nel tempo sono state introdotte tecniche sempre più specifiche e selettive, ampliando notevolmente le indicazioni cliniche (plasma-exchange, crioaferesi, leucoaferesi, trombocitoaferesi, linfocitoaferesi LDL aferesi). Le attuali indicazioni alla plasmaferesi vengono definite e periodicamente ristabilite da due associazioni scientifiche americane, l'American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) e l'American Society of Apheresis (ASFA), sulla base delle prove di efficacia del trattamento nelle malattie specifiche. Nel 1993 è stato costituito, nell'ambito della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, il gruppo di studio dell'aferesi terapeutica che ha il compito di sviluppare Linee Guida di riferimento per il trattamento con plasmaferesi. Il fine ultimo della terapia aferetica sarebbe quello di poter rimuovere dal circolo solo le sostanze patogene, ma l'utilizzo di tecniche di rimozione selettiva si accompagna in realtà non tanto a una maggiore capacità di estrazione della sostanza, bensì a una minore rimozione di componenti non patologiche, riducendo il rischio di infezioni, emorragie e reazioni allergiche. Tuttavia, la plasmaferesi potrebbe anche agire modulando il sistema immunitario oltre che rimuovendo le sostanze patogene. L'aferesi terapeutica è indicata in immunologia, dermatologia, ematologia, oncologia e nelle malattie dismetaboliche, neurologiche e renali ed è utilizzata anche nelle emergenze come tecnica di detossificazione sia endogena che esogena, in cui è necessaria la rimozione della sostanza patogena prima che si verifichi un danno d'organo irreversibile. La plasmaferesi terapeutica ha subito negli anni un cambiamento notevole conseguente allo sviluppo tecnologico delle apparecchiature e a un'espansione delle indicazioni. Infatti, l'innovazione tecnologica ha introdotto metodiche che permettono un trattamento più tollerabile e meno invasivo. Hemofenix utilizza la filtrazione mediante membrana attraverso un sistema di nanofiltrazione, il filtro ROSA. Hemofenix, permettendo di eseguire il trattamento con un singolo e piccolo ago e con un volume extracorporeo ridotto, circa 70 mL, potrebbe ridurre i rischi per il paziente, anche pediatrico. Ulteriori vantaggi potrebbero essere rappresentati dalla breve durata del trattamento e dalla mancata necessità di utilizzare il plasma come fluido di sostituzione, riducendo il rischio di infezioni e reazioni allergiche. Sicuramente, oltre alla sicurezza, dovrà essere valutata la reale efficacia in trial clinici randomizzati, confrontando questa metodica con le terapie aferetiche classiche

    Glomerulonephritis, Pathogenetic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Options: An Overview

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    Introduction: Most forms of human glomerulonephritis (GN) result from immunologic mechanisms that are mediated by the actions of multiple elements of both the innate and adaptive immune systems, thereby resulting in different clinical manifestations. The treatment of immune-mediated kidney disease is based on steroids and immunosuppressive drugs that interfere with the immune processes. These groups of drugs have led to significant benefits, but severe side effects are still frequent. Monoclonal antibodies directed against molecules of inflammation or several cellular components have emerged in clinical practice. Plasmapheresis and new methods to reduce the risks associated with the procedure with standard therapies may be combined. Moreover new therapeutic options have been proposed, as the use of natural anti-inflammatory cytokines or intracellular signaling reducing inflammation. Materials and Methods: We conducted a systematic review on the pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis and their therapies. Results: We analized all RCTs and quasi-RCTs evaluating the current knowledge about pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis and related therapy were considered. Conclusion: The pathogenetic mechanisms of glomerulonephritis are complex and strongly influenced by immunogenetic factors. Several clinical trials to identify the best therapeutic options for glomerulonephritis have been conducted, but currently, although significant advancements over the last 10 years have been obtained, important questions are still unanswered. Moreover, we need to consider many and important side effects that have the main therapies for glomerulonephritis. Therefore the development of a web enabled data base to assist nephrologists for the treatment of patients with glomerulonephritis is strongly suggested
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