5 research outputs found

    Serological survey on the occurrence of anti-leptospira spp. Antibodies in red-eared terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans) living in a natural park of Northern Italy

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    Turtles are suspected to be involved in the epidemiology of Leptospira; however, data about the dissemination of this zoonotic pathogen among chelonians are scant. In the present study, the serum samples collected from 49 Trachemys scripta elegans living in a natural park of northern Italy were tested by a microagglutination test to measure detectable antibodies against different Leptospira serovars. Three (6.12%) turtles had agglutinins to the serovar Tarassovi, suggesting that they were exposed to the spirochaetes. Currently, it is not clear if Leptospira can cause disease in chelonians or if these animals can serve as reservoirs of leptospirae. Considering that chelonians often share the same environment with other animals and humans, and considering the One Health perspective, investigations to better understand the role of chelonians as a source of Leptospira infection are necessar

    Tuba regulates stability and symmetry of immune synapses

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    La synapse immune est une jonction cellulaire organisée qui permet la communication entre lymphocytes T et cellules présentatrices d'antigène et assure l activation contrôlée du lymphocyte T et l exécution de ses fonctions effectrices. La formation de la synapse immune requiert la polarisation du lymphocyte T. Notre étude a porté sur Tuba, une protéine récemment caractérisée qui interagit avec divers partenaires cellulaires impliqués dans la polarité cellulaire et le remaniement du cytosquelette d actine. Nous avons étudié le rôle de Tuba sur la polarisation des lymphocytes T et sur la formation de la synapse immune. Nos résultats indiquent qu en absence de stimuli, les lymphocytes T déplétés de Tuba présentent une forme très polarisée par rapport aux contrôles. Suite à la reconnaissance antigénique, les cellules T forment des contacts avec les cellules présentatrices d antigène moins stables et asymétriques en l absence de Tuba. Des récepteurs, des molécules de signalisation et adhésion se positionnent de manière peu structurée dans la zone de contact. De façon paradoxale, les étapes précoces de l activation lymphocytaire ne sont que faiblement affectées par l absence de Tuba, alors que la production d IL-2 est exacerbée. Nos résultats indiquent que Tuba régule la formation et la stabilisation des contacts entre lymphocyte T et cellule présentatrice d antigène, et intervient dans la coordination de l activation lymphocytaire lors de la formation de la synapse immune. Tuba pourrait moduler la nature et la dynamique des contacts entre cellules ( kinapse versus synapse ) nécessaires à la coordination des étapes précoces et tardives de l activation du lymphocyte.PARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Biofilm-like extracellular viral assemblies mediate HTLV-1 cell-to-cell transmission at virological synapses.

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    International audienceHuman T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a lymphotropic retrovirus whose cell-to-cell transmission requires cell contacts. HTLV-1-infected T lymphocytes form 'virological synapses', but the mechanism of HTLV-1 transmission remains poorly understood. We show here that HTLV-1-infected T lymphocytes transiently store viral particles as carbohydrate-rich extracellular assemblies that are held together and attached to the cell surface by virally-induced extracellular matrix components, including collagen and agrin, and cellular linker proteins, such as tetherin and galectin-3. Extracellular viral assemblies rapidly adhere to other cells upon cell contact, allowing virus spread and infection of target cells. Their removal strongly reduces the ability of HTLV-1-producing cells to infect target cells. Our findings unveil a novel virus transmission mechanism based on the generation of extracellular viral particle assemblies whose structure, composition and function resemble those of bacterial biofilms. HTLV-1 biofilm-like structures represent a major route for virus transmission from cell to cell

    Agricultural landscape and cultural heritage within specific internationl instruments (IV.3)

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    Modellati lungo i secoli, i paesaggi rurali europei subiscono oggi la pressione, senza precedenti, del nuovo sviluppo, delle pratiche agricole, dall'urbanizzazione e dall'ampliamento dell'Unione Europea. Questo volume presenta i risultati dell'Eucaland Project, un programma multidisciplinare di ricerca che affronta tali problematiche. Attraverso studi, condotti in tredici paesi, sulla descrizione del paesaggio, sulla storia, sulla classificazione, sulle abitudini e sulla pianificazione territoriale, si riflette su come i paesaggi rurali europei esprimano una comune ereditĂ  culturale e si propone come trasmettere tale ereditĂ  alle future generazioni

    Prosafe: a european endeavor to improve quality of critical care medicine in seven countries

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    BACKGROUND: long-lasting shared research databases are an important source of epidemiological information and can promote comparison between different healthcare services. Here we present ProsaFe, an advanced international research network in intensive care medicine, with the focus on assessing and improving the quality of care. the project involved 343 icUs in seven countries. all patients admitted to the icU were eligible for data collection. MetHoDs: the ProsaFe network collected data using the same electronic case report form translated into the corresponding languages. a complex, multidimensional validation system was implemented to ensure maximum data quality. individual and aggregate reports by country, region, and icU type were prepared annually. a web-based data-sharing system allowed participants to autonomously perform different analyses on both own data and the entire database. RESULTS: The final analysis was restricted to 262 general ICUs and 432,223 adult patients, mostly admitted to Italian units, where a research network had been active since 1991. organization of critical care medicine in the seven countries was relatively similar, in terms of staffing, case mix and procedures, suggesting a common understanding of the role of critical care medicine. conversely, icU equipment differed, and patient outcomes showed wide variations among countries. coNclUsioNs: ProsaFe is a permanent, stable, open access, multilingual database for clinical benchmarking, icU self-evaluation and research within and across countries, which offers a unique opportunity to improve the quality of critical care. its entry into routine clinical practice on a voluntary basis is testimony to the success and viability of the endeavor