7 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) on Sharia Banking in Indonesia

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    In 2001, a financial institution in Turkey went bankrupt. The financial institution is "Ihlas Finance House". The cause of the bankruptcy of financial institutions according to Islamic finance economists is as a result of weaknesses in the internal and external mechanisms of corporate governance. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance in Islamic Banking. The method used in this article to answer the research question is a literature study. The results of this study indicate that Islamic banking financial institutions in Indonesia have not fully implemented Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG). The implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) that has not been fully implemented is sharia compliance (syari'ah compliance). Sharia compliance in Islamic bank financial products. Conclusion of this article: 1. Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) in Islamic banking is accommodated in the Sharia Banking Law and Bank Indonesia Regulations; 2. Islamic Corporate Government (ICG) can be seen from the establishment of Sharia Supervisory and Sharia Compliance Board in Islamic banking; and 3. Islamic banking in Indonesia does not yet fully implement Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) in sharia compliance for Islamic financial products

    Prioritas Solusi Permasalahan Pengelolaan Zakat di Propinsi Banten dan Kalimantan Selatan dengan Metode AHP

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    The Priority Problems and Solutions of Zakah Management in Banten and South Borneo Using AHP. The aim of this study is to map the priority problems and solutions in the management of zakat by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Results of a study reveals that there are three kinds of priority issues and solutions zakat management divided by stakeholder agencies (stakeholders) zakat, i.e regulators, zakat organization (OPZ), muzaki and mustahik . The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model at Banten and Jakarta give a same priority score, i.e. the institution for solving problem in zakat management is OPS dan regulator solution priority is amil sertification DOI:10.15408/aiq.v6i2.123

    Framing Analysis of the Indonesian Government's Halal Policy Reports in the Bbc Mass Media

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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to determine the construction of Halal Policy reporting by the Government of Indonesia on halal certification obligations in the BBC.Com mass media. Methodology: The research method used is a qualitative method with the type of media framing method. The framing method used is based on Entman's theory. The subject of this research is the news in the online media BBC.Com on 18 October 2019 with the title Obligatory official halal certification applies, how the fate of SMEs? Main Findings: Researchers believe there is a construction also carried out by the online media BBC.Com. Because it looks the issue selection and highlighting issues on the theme of the issue of halal certification obligations for all food and beverage products. BBC.Com's coverage is unlike the majority of mass media coverage that includes the positive side of the Indonesian government's halal policy by requiring halal certificates for all food and beverage products. BBC.Com prefers to package reports of objections and rejections from small traders and the MSME Association regarding the halal certificate policy for all food and beverage products. Even with relying on the assessment or statement from the spokesperson of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This proves BBC.Com's online media has its own measurement of what is called news, what are the characteristics of good news, or what are the eligibility criteria for news.Applications of this study: The results of the study are beneficial for policy makers and the media industryNovelty/Originality of this study: Analysis of framing in this study regarding the field of halal industry which is rarely discussed in terms of communication, especially from analysis of media framing &nbsp

    Problem and Solution Models for Halal Tourism Development in West Java

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    In 2018 the central government strove for the provinces of West Java to be certified as Halal tourism areas at the International level. To achieve these targets, they required a development model for halal tourism in West Java. The purpose of this study is to explore the development of halal tourism in West Java by using problem and solution models. The method used is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research using the Analytical Networking Process (ANP). The results of this study indicate that halal tourism in West Java faces a number of problems, which can broadly be grouped in the following categories: Government; Society; Hotels, Travel, and Halal Food. The main problem from the aspect of government is the rules of implementation, from the aspect of society is knowledge, and from the aspect of hotels, travel, and halal food is halal food. The solution to the problem of developing halal tourism in West Java is divided into 3 solutions. The main solution from the aspect of government is infrastructure, from the aspect of society is knowledge, and from the aspect of hotels, travel, and halal food is halal food. Keywords: halal, tourism, West Jav

    Towards properties on demand in quantum materials

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