232 research outputs found

    Biological and electrochemical valorisation of lignocellulosic wastes from pulp & paper industry to give new generation biodiesel and aromatic compounds

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    Technical lignin and cellulosic wastepaper represent the main side-streams of the existing industrial-scale biorefineries and paper industry. The valorisation of these renewable and low- or negative-value feedstocks is a strategic approach to enhance the biorefinery and paper industry sustainability. Lignin represents a promising source of aromatic compounds, while cellulosic wastepaper is a high-quality source of sugars which can be converted into several added-value bioproducts, such as biofuels, biochemicals and biomaterials. In this perspective, in the present work, the electrochemical valorisation of lignin to give aromatics was performed [1], whereas in the case of wastepaper, a direct enzymatic hydrolysis was optimised to simultaneously produce glucose and xylose which were then fermented by oleaginous yeasts to produce new generation biodiesel [2]. In particular, the soda technical lignin Protobind™ 1000 (P1000) was adopted as starting material. It is produced on an industrial scale by the company GreenValue (Switzerland), starting from a mix of wheat straw and sarkanda grass, after an alkaline extraction with sodium hydroxide. In order to improve the lignin exploitation to added-value aromatic compounds, a mild chemical conversion route based on electrochemistry was investigated [1]. Under the optimal reaction conditions (NiOOH electrode, pH 14, lignin 20 g/L, 0.4 V), the electro-oxidative depolymerisation of lignin by electrolysis was performed in a divided cell. The main products were sinapic acid, vanillin, vanillic acid, and acetovanillone. The obtained preliminary results demonstrated the potential feasibility of this innovative electrochemical route for lignin valorisation for the production of bio-aromatic chemicals. The wastepaper derived from the converting process for the production of tissue paper products by different local companies in Lucca (Italy). The waste cellulosic powder is produced in the converting section, where the paper coil is unrolled and the sheet is subjected to mechanical operations to give the final commercial product. This cellulosic waste is not suitable to be recycled within the same papermaking process. For this reason, it is typically recovered by aspiration and sent to the landfill. Regarding the exploitation of wastepaper, an innovative two-step process for the conversion of waste tissue paper to single cell oil (SCO) was optimised. SCO represents an outstanding alternative to both fossil sources and vegetable oils for the production of biodiesel. Hydrolysates containing glucose and xylose were produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of the untreated waste. Under the optimised reaction conditions (Cellic® CTec2 25 FPU/g glucan, 48 h, biomass loading 20 g/L), the yield of 95 mol% was reached for both glucose and xylose. The undetoxified hydrolysate was adopted as substrate for a batch-mode fermentation by the oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi. Lipid yield, lipid content for single cell, oil production and maximum oil productivity were 20.2 wt%, 37 wt%, 3.7 g/L and 2.0 g/L/d, respectively. This new generation oil, obtained from a negative value industrial waste, represents a promising platform chemical for the production of biodiesel, biosurfactants, animal feed and biobased plastics

    FT-IR Investigation of the Structural Changes of Sulcis and South Africa Coals under Progressive Heating in Vacuum: Correlation with Volatile Matter

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    The analysis of gas evolving during the pyrolysis of two very different rank coals was studied by using FT-IR spectroscopy. These coals, coming from Sulcis (Sardinia, Italy) and from South Africa, respectively, were subjected to progressive heating up to 800°C in vacuum. The thermal destruction of coal was followed by monitoring the production of gases in this range of temperature. The gases evolving in the heating from room temperature to 800°C were collected at intervals of 100°C and analysed by infrared spectroscopy. The relative pressures were plotted against temperature. These graphs clearly show the correlation among qualitative gas composition, temperature, and the maximum value of emissions, thus confirming FT-IR analysis as a powerful key for pyrolysis monitoring

    Complete exploitation of Arundo Donax L. in a biorefinery approach: Production of furfural, levulinic acid and polyurethane foams

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    A novel process for the complete and efficient acid-catalyzed exploitation of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) was developed. Acid-catalyzed conversion of the hemicellulose and cellulose fractions allows to obtain furfural and levulinic acid, two very interesting platform chemicals. The solid residue recovered at the end of the process, that is mainly composed of lignin and degradation products of sugars (humins), can be easily separated by filtration at the end of the reaction. This fraction has been employed for the formulation of polyurethane foams, without any preliminary purification step, thus making the overall process economically advantageous

    Microwave-assisted FeCl3-catalysed production of glucose from giant reed and cardoon cellulose fraction and its fermentation to new generation oil by oleaginous yeasts

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    The replacement of fossil fuels and materials with biofuels and bioproducts is a crucial current global goal. Biorefining of lignocellulosic biomass generates pentose and hexose sugars which can be converted into several added-value bio-based compounds. Among biofuels, biodiesel is one of the most promising renewable energy sources since it does not require new technology and engines for its use. Traditional biodiesel is produced on the industrial scale starting from vegetable oils obtained from oleaginous crops, such as palm oil, rapeseed oil and sunflower oil. However, most of the oleaginous plant species are food crops, determining the ethical debate on the right use of these renewable resources and the competition between the energy industry and food chain. An innovative and promising solution is represented by single cell oil (SCO) produced from oleaginous yeasts. This new generation oil, if obtained from low or negative value industrial waste, represents a promising platform chemical for the production of biodiesel, biosurfactants, animal feed and biobased plastics [1]. This study investigated the microwave-assisted FeCl3-catalysed hydrolysis of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and defatted cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) cellulose fractions to give glucose. Giant reed is a promising energy crops able to grow on marginal lands, while cardoon stalks are the crop residue in the production of vegetable oil. A preliminary acid pretreatment was adopted for giant reed [2], while steam-explosion pretreatment was performed on cardoon [3], both allowing a significant removal of xylan fractions. Under different reactions conditions, the microwave-assisted FeCl3-catalysed hydrolysis converted the two pretreated feedstocks into glucose-rich hydrolysates which were employed as fermentation medium for the production of SCO by the oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70296. For giant reed, the low production of furanic compounds enabled the direct fermentation of undetoxified hydrolysates, while for cardoon the furfural removal was necessary before the fermentation step. After hydrolysis, for both hydrolysates the fermentation provided promising lipid yields (~14 wt%) and oil content (~25 wt%). Figure 1 shows the process layout of the implemented third-generation biorefinery scheme. The SCO appears a valid candidate for the production of new generation biodiesel with good oxidative stability and cold flow properties. Moreover, it resulted very similar to palm and rapeseed oils, usually employed as a renewable source for the production of traditional biodiesel

    Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus: A Versatile Whole-Cell Biocatalyst for the Production of Single-Cell Oil from Agro-Industrial Wastes

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    Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus is an oleaginous yeast with several favourable qualities: It is fast growing, accumulates high amounts of lipids and has a very broad substrate spectrum. Its resistance to hydrolysis by-products makes it a promising biocatalyst for custom tailored microbial oils. C. oleaginosus can accumulate up to 60 wt.% of its biomass as lipids. This species is able to grow by using several compounds as a substrate, such as acetic acid, biodiesel-derived glycerol, N-acetylglucosamine, lignocellulosic hydrolysates, wastepaper and other agro-industrial wastes. This review is focused on state-of-the-art innovative and sustainable biorefinery schemes involving this promising yeast and second- and third-generation biomasses. Moreover, this review offers a comprehensive and updated summary of process strategies, biomass pretreatments and fermentation conditions for enhancing lipid production by C. oleaginosus as a whole-cell biocatalyst. Finally, an overview of the main industrial applications of single-cell oil is reported together with future perspectives

    New Frontiers in the Catalytic Synthesis of Levulinic Acid: From Sugars to Raw and Waste Biomass as Starting Feedstock

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    Levulinic acid (LA) is one of the top bio-based platform molecules that can be converted into many valuable chemicals. It can be produced by acid catalysis from renewable resources, such as sugars, lignocellulosic biomass and waste materials, attractive candidates due to their abundance and environmentally benign nature. The LA transition from niche product to mass-produced chemical, however, requires its production from sustainable biomass feedstocks at low costs, adopting environment-friendly techniques. This review is an up-to-date discussion of the literature on the several catalytic systems that have been developed to produce LA from the different substrates. Special attention has been paid to the recent advancements on starting materials, moving from simple sugars to raw and waste biomasses. This aspect is of paramount importance from a sustainability point of view, transforming wastes needing to be disposed into starting materials for value-added products. This review also discusses the strategies to exploit the solid residues always obtained in the LA production processes, in order to attain a circular economy approac

    Cascade strategy for the tunable catalytic valorization of levulinic acid and γ-valerolactone to 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and alcohols

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    A cascade strategy for the catalytic valorization of aqueous solutions of levulinic acid as well as of γ-valerolactone to 2-methyltetrahydrofuran or to monoalcohols, 2-butanol and 2-pentanol, has been studied and optimized. Only commercial catalytic systems have been employed, adopting sustainable reaction conditions. For the first time, the combined use of ruthenium and rhenium catalysts supported on carbon, with niobium phosphate as acid co-catalyst, has been claimed for the hydrogenation of γ-valerolactone and levulinic acid, addressing the selectivity to 2-methyltetrahydrofuran. On the other hand, the use of zeolite HY with commercial Ru/C catalyst favors the selective production of 2-butanol, starting again from γ-valerolactone and levulinic acid, with selectivities up to 80 and 70 mol %, respectively. Both levulinic acid and γ-valerolactone hydrogenation reactions have been optimized, investigating the effect of the main reaction parameters, to properly tune the catalytic performances towards the desired products. The proper choice of both the catalytic system and the reaction conditions can smartly switch the process towards the selective production of 2-methyltetrahydrofuran or monoalcohols. The catalytic system [Ru/C + zeolite HY] at 200 °C and 3 MPa H2is able to completely convert both γ-valerolactone and levulinic acid, with overall yields to monoalcohols of 100 mol % and 88.8 mol %, respectively

    Integrated Cascade Process for the Catalytic Conversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to Furanic and Tetrahydrofuranic Diethers as Potential Biofuels

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    The depletion of fossil resources is driving the research towards alternative renewable ones. Under this perspective, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) represents a key molecule deriving from biomass characterized by remarkable potential as platform chemical. In this work, for the first time, the hydrogenation of HMF in ethanol was selectively addressed towards 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (BHMF) or 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran (BHMTHF) by properly tuning the reaction conditions in the presence of the same commercial catalyst (Ru/C), reaching the highest yields of 80 and 93 mol%, respectively. These diols represent not only interesting monomers but strategic precursors for two scarcely investigated ethoxylated biofuels, 2,5-bis(ethoxymethyl)furan (BEMF) and 2,5-bis(ethoxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran (BEMTHF). Therefore, the etherification with ethanol of pure BHMF and BHMTHF and of crude BHMF, as obtained from hydrogenation step, substrates scarcely investigated in the literature, was performed with several commercial heterogeneous acid catalysts. Among them, the zeolite HZSM-5 (Si/Al=25) was the most promising system, achieving the highest BEMF yield of 74 mol%. In particular, for the first time, the synthesis of the fully hydrogenated diether BEMTHF was thoroughly studied, and a novel cascade process for the tailored conversion of HMF to the diethyl ethers BEMF and BEMTHF was proposed

    Catalytic conversion of grass biomass to chemicals and biofuels

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    Lignocellulosic biomass can be converted into platform chemicals, such as 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde and levulinic acid (LA), by acid hydrothermal treatment. This route represents a sustainable solution to the increasing demand of these chemicals, allowing security of supply and economic advantage, in particular when cheap raw materials or agricultural residues are employed as substrates. Now we have studied a novel process for the complete and efficient acid-catalyzed exploitation of grass raw biomass. Giant reed, sorghum and miscanthus were used as starting materials for LA production. LA was successively hydrogenated to gamma-valerolactone (GVL) which is not only a sustainable liquid but also a valuable fuel additive and a precursor for new biofuels.The combined hydrogenation-decarboxylation of levulinic acid and of GVL to give 2-butanol and methyl-THF were also studied in the presence of Ru, Pd and Re catalytic systems

    Challenges and opportunities in the catalytic synthesis of diphenolic acid and evaluation of its application potential

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    Diphenolic acid, or 4,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)pentanoic acid, represents one of the potentially most interesting bio-products obtainable from the levulinic acid supply-chain. It represents a valuable candidate for the replacement of bisphenol A, which is strongly questioned for its toxicological issues. Diphenolic acid synthesis involves the condensation reaction between phenol and levulinic acid and requires the presence of a Brønsted acid as a catalyst. In this review, the state of the art related to the catalytic issues of its synthesis have been critically discussed, with particular attention to the heterogeneous systems, the reference benchmark being represented by the homogeneous acids. The main opportunities in the field of heterogeneous catalysis are deeply discussed, as well as the bottlenecks to be overcome to facilitate diphenolic acid production on an industrial scale. The regioselectivity of the reaction is a critical point because only the p,p-isomer is of industrial interest; thus, several strategies aiming at the improvement of the selectivity towards this isomer are considered. The future potential of adopting alkyl levulinates, instead of levulinic acid, as starting materials for the synthesis of new classes of biopolymers, such as new epoxy and phenolic resins and polycarbonates, is also briefly considered
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