273 research outputs found


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    The intention of this paper is to draw attention to the conceptual and practical instruments presented in the Sufficiency Economy. The idea was first mooted by King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. He observed that Thailand had a very large population with millions of poor people who face environmental obstacles and economic challenges daily. But his Kingdom also possesses immense natural resources but and suggested the Sufficiency Economy for people to supplement their income and improve their quality of life. This paper examines the philosophy and applications of the Sufficiency Economy and its validity today in terms of its ecological and political dimensions. It questions the basis and motivations of those who seek to criticize and undermine this economic strategy. The Sufficiency Economy provides for a rigorous program of human and ecological sustainability and with the proper application of the law, Thailand will be better able to avert environmental disasters of the future

    The Mechanism and Potential Therapeutic Effects of Cyclosporin, Cyclophilin, Probiotics and Syndecan-1 in an Animal Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) have several treatment modalities including immunoregulators, like cyclosporine A, an immunosuppressant that interacts with cytoplasmic cyclophilin A, and probiotics. Aims: This study explored and compared the possible role of syndecan-1 in the IBD pathogenic process as well as the effectiveness of cyclophilin A, cyclosporine A, and their combination in the management of IBDs in the presence of probiotics. Methodology: IBD was induced in a total of 112 mice equally divided between syndecan-1 knock-out (KO) and Balb/c wild-type mice, using 2% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) followed by intraperitoneal treatment with cyclosporine A, cyclophilin A, or a combination of both. In addition, a daily dose of probiotics was given in their drinking water. The animals were monitored for clinical signs and symptoms and checked for gross pathologies in the abdomen after 3 weeks. Descending and sigmoid colon biopsies were collected and fixed for routine microscopy or frozen for protein extraction and molecular testing for IL-6, CD3, CD147, and beta 1 integrins as well as pAkt expression. Results: The data showed that the induction of IBD in the syndecan-1 KO mice was more severe at the clinical, histological, and molecular levels than in the wild type. The combined CypA-CyA treatment showed no added inhibitory effect compared to single-drug treatment in both strains. Probiotics added to the combination was more effective in the wild type and, when used alone, its inhibition of IL-6 was the highest. As for the CD147 marker, there were more suppressions across the various groups in the KO mice except for the probiotics-alone group. Concerning CD3, it was significantly increased by the CypA-CyA complex, which led to more inflammation in the KO mice. Probiotics had little effect with the combination. In relation to beta 1 integrins, the CypA-CyA combination made no significant difference from CyA alone, and adding probiotics to the combination resulted in higher beta 1 integrin expression in the KO mice. As for pAkt, it was very well expressed and upregulated in both strains treated with DSS, but the effect was much larger in the KO mice. In brief, the CypA-CyA complex showed a decrease in the expression of pAkt, but there was no added effect of both drugs. Probiotics along with the complex had a similar reduction effects in both strains, with a greater effect in the wild-type mice, while probiotics alone led to a similar reduction in pAkt expressions in both strains. Conclusions: The differential effects of CyA, CypA, probiotics, and their combinations on the various inflammatory markers, as well as the histological alterations and clinical signs and symptoms, speak in favor of a clear role of syndecan-1 in reducing inflammation. However, probiotics need to be considered after more explorations into the mechanisms involved in the presence of CypA and CyA especially since pAkt is less active in their presence

    Molecular chaperones and thyroid cancer

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    Thyroid cancers are the most common of the endocrine system malignancies and progress must be made in the areas of differential diagnosis and treatment to improve patient management. Advances in the understanding of carcinogenic mechanisms have occurred in various fronts, including studies of the chaperone system (CS). Components of the CS are found to be quantitatively increased or decreased, and some correlations have been established between the quantitative changes and tumor type, prognosis, and response to treatment. These correlations provide the basis for identi-fying distinctive patterns useful in differential diagnosis and for planning experiments aiming at elucidating the role of the CS in tumorigenesis. Here, we discuss studies of the CS components in various thyroid cancers (TC). The chaperones belonging to the families of the small heat-shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 and the chaperonin of Group I, Hsp60, have been quantified mostly by immunohistochemistry and Western blot in tumor and normal control tissues and in extracellular vesicles. Distinctive differences were revealed between the various thyroid tumor types. The most frequent finding was an increase in the chaperones, which can be attributed to the augmented need for chaperones the tumor cells have because of their accelerated metabolism, growth, and division rate. Thus, chaperones help the tumor cell rather than protect the patient, exemplifying chaperonopathies by mistake or collaborationism. This highlights the need for research on chaperonotherapy, namely the development of means to eliminate/inhibit pathogenic chaperones

    Morphological alterations and stress protein variations in lung biopsies obtained from autopsies of covid-19 subjects

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    Molecular chaperones, many of which are heat shock proteins, play a role in cell stress response and regulate the immune system in various ways, such as in inflammatory/autoimmune reactions. It would be interesting to study the involvement of these molecules in the damage done to COVID-19-infected lungs. In our study, we performed a histological analysis and an immunomorphological evaluation on lung samples from subjects who succumbed to COVID-19 and subjects who died from other causes. We also assessed Hsp60 and Hsp90 distribution in lung samples to determine their location and post-translational modifications. We found histological alterations that could be considered pathognomonic for COVID-19-related lung disease. Hsp60 and Hsp90 immunopositivity was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group compared to the controls, and immunolocalization was in the plasma membrane of the endothelial cells in COVID-19 subjects. The colocalization ratios for Hsp60/3-nitrotyrosine and Hsp60/acetylate-lisine were significantly increased in the COVID-19 group compared to the control group, similar to the colocalization ratio for Hsp90/acetylate-lisine. The histological and immunohistochemical findings led us to hypothesize that Hsp60 and Hsp90 might have a role in the onset of the thromboembolic phenomena that lead to death in a limited number of subjects affected by COVID-19. Further studies on a larger number of samples obtained from autopsies would allow to confirm these data as well as discover new biomarkers useful in the battle against this disease

    Immunomorphological Patterns of Chaperone System Components in Rare Thyroid Tumors with Promise as Biomarkers for Differential Diagnosis and Providing Clues on Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

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    Hurthle cell (HC), anaplastic (AC), and medullary (MC) carcinomas are low frequency thyroid tumors that pose several challenges for physicians and pathologists due to the scarcity of cases, information, and histopathological images, especially in the many areas around the world in which sophisticated molecular and genetic diagnostic facilities are unavailable. It is, therefore, cogent to provide tools for microscopists to achieve accurate diagnosis, such as histopathological images with reliable biomarkers, which can help them to reach a differential diagnosis. We are investigating whether components of the chaperone system (CS), such as the molecular chaperones, can be considered dependable biomarkers, whose levels and distribution inside and outside cells in the tumor tissue could present a distinctive histopathological pattern for each tumor type. Here, we report data on the chaperones Hsp27, Hsp60, and Hsp90. They presented quantitative levels and distribution patterns that were different for each tumor and differed from those of a benign thyroid pathology, goiter (BG). Therefore, the reported methodology can be beneficial when the microscopist must differentiate between HC, AC, MC, and BG

    Probiotics as Potential Therapeutic Agents: Safeguarding Skeletal Muscle against Alcohol-Induced Damage through the Gut–Liver–Muscle Axis

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    Probiotics have shown the potential to counteract the loss of muscle mass, reduce physical fatigue, and mitigate inflammatory response following intense exercise, although the mechanisms by which they work are not very clear. The objective of this review is to describe the main harmful effects of alcohol on skeletal muscle and to provide important strategies based on the use of probiotics. The excessive consumption of alcohol is a worldwide problem and has been shown to be crucial in the progression of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), for which, to date, the only therapy available is lifestyle modification, including cessation of drinking. In ALD, alcohol contributes significantly to the loss of skeletal muscle, and also to changes in the intestinal microbiota, which are the basis for a series of problems related to the onset of sarcopenia. Some of the main effects of alcohol on the skeletal muscle are described in this review, with particular emphasis on the “gut-liver-muscle axis”, which seems to be the primary cause of a series of muscle dysfunctions related to the onset of ALD. The modulation of the intestinal microbiota through probiotics utilization has appeared to be crucial in mitigating the muscle damage induced by the high amounts of alcohol consumed


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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Various factors, including oxidative stress, where excessive productions of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) occur, contribute to its pathogenesis. Numerous studies have investigated the effect of antioxidant substances derived from food such fruits and vegetables; however, data on Lycopene are still rare. Stidies on HT-29 colorectal cancer cells and on animal models have shown that Lycopene has effects on cell proliferation and on the progression of the CRC by interacting with variuos cellular signaling pathways. this analysis of the literature focused on the antioxidant effect of Lycopene, a substance that is found in the tomato

    Hsp60 Post-translational Modifications: Functional and Pathological Consequences

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    Hsp60 is a chaperone belonging to the Chaperonins of Group I and typically functions inside mitochondria in which, together with the co-chaperonin Hsp10, maintains protein homeostasis. In addition to this canonical role, Hsp60 plays many others beyond the mitochondria, for instance in the cytosol, plasma-cell membrane, extracellular space, and body fluids. These non-canonical functions include participation in inflammation, autoimmunity, carcinogenesis, cell replication, and other cellular events in health and disease. Thus, Hsp60 is a multifaceted molecule with a wide range of cellular and tissue locations and functions, which is noteworthy because there is only one hsp60 gene. The question is by what mechanism this protein can become multifaceted. Likely, one factor contributing to this diversity is post-translational modification (PTM). The amino acid sequence of Hsp60 contains many potential phosphorylation sites, and other PTMs are possible such as O-GlcNAcylation, nitration, acetylation, S-nitrosylation, citrullination, oxidation, and ubiquitination. The effect of some of these PTMs on Hsp60 functions have been examined, for instance phosphorylation has been implicated in sperm capacitation, docking of H2B and microtubule-associated proteins, mitochondrial dysfunction, tumor invasiveness, and delay or facilitation of apoptosis. Nitration was found to affect the stability of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, to inhibit folding ability, and to perturb insulin secretion. Hyperacetylation was associated with mitochondrial failure; S-nitrosylation has an impact on mitochondrial stability and endothelial integrity; citrullination can be pro-apoptotic; oxidation has a role in the response to cellular injury and in cell migration; and ubiquitination regulates interaction with the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Future research ought to determine which PTM causes which variations in the Hsp60 molecular properties and functions, and which of them are pathogenic, causing chaperonopathies. This is an important topic considering the number of acquired Hsp60 chaperonopathies already cataloged, many of which are serious diseases without efficacious treatment

    Interplay between the Chaperone System and Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Pathogenesis: Is Molecular Mimicry the Missing Link between Those Two Factors?

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    : Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease characterized by self-immune tolerance breakdown and the production of autoantibodies, causing the deposition of immune complexes and triggering inflammation and immune-mediated damage. SLE pathogenesis involves genetic predisposition and a combination of environmental factors. Clinical manifestations are variable, making an early diagnosis challenging. Heat shock proteins (Hsps), belonging to the chaperone system, interact with the immune system, acting as pro-inflammatory factors, autoantigens, as well as immune tolerance promoters. Increased levels of some Hsps and the production of autoantibodies against them are correlated with SLE onset and progression. The production of these autoantibodies has been attributed to molecular mimicry, occurring upon viral and bacterial infections, since they are evolutionary highly conserved. Gut microbiota dysbiosis has been associated with the occurrence and severity of SLE. Numerous findings suggest that proteins and metabolites of commensal bacteria can mimic autoantigens, inducing autoimmunity, because of molecular mimicry. Here, we propose that shared epitopes between human Hsps and those of gut commensal bacteria cause the production of anti-Hsp autoantibodies that cross-react with human molecules, contributing to SLE pathogenesis. Thus, the involvement of the chaperone system, gut microbiota dysbiosis, and molecular mimicry in SLE ought to be coordinately studied
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