23,554 research outputs found

    Variable stars in the globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626)

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    We present a new search for variable stars in the Galactic globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626). The search is based on a series of BVI images obtained with the SMARTS Consortium's 1.3m telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. The search was carried out using the ISIS v2.2 image subtraction package. We find a total of 25 variable stars in the field of the cluster, 9 being new discoveries. Of the newly found variables, 1 is an ab-type RR Lyrae star, 6 are c-type RR Lyrae, and 2 are long-period/semi-regular variables. V22, previously classified as a type II Cepheid, appears as a bona-fide RRc in our data. In turn, V20, previously classified as an ab-type RR Lyrae, could not be properly phased with any reasonable period. The properties of the ab-type RR Lyrae stars in M28 appear most consistent with an Oosterhoff-intermediate classification, which is unusual for bona-fide Galactic globulars clusters. However, the cluster's c-type variables do not clearly support such an Oosterhoff type, and a hybrid Oosterhoff I/II system is accordingly another possibility, thus raising the intriguing possibility of multiple populations being present in M28. Coordinates, periods, and light curves in differential fluxes are provided for all the detected variables.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Investigation of qq-dependent dynamical heterogeneity in a colloidal gel by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy

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    We use time-resolved X-Photon Correlation Spectroscopy to investigate the slow dynamics of colloidal gels made of moderately attractive carbon black particles. We show that the slow dynamics is temporally heterogeneous and quantify its fluctuations by measuring the variance χ\chi of the instantaneous intensity correlation function. The amplitude of dynamical fluctuations has a non-monotonic dependence on scattering vector qq, in stark contrast with recent experiments on strongly attractive colloidal gels [Duri and Cipelletti, \textit{Europhys. Lett.} \textbf{76}, 972 (2006)]. We propose a simple scaling argument for the qq-dependence of fluctuations in glassy systems that rationalizes these findings.Comment: Final version published in PR

    Performance of a Semi-Rigid Braced Excavation in Soft Clay

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    Construction of a 21-foot wide, 28-foot deep braced excavation in Detroit soft clays has been completed. In order to protect an existing 50-year old tunnel adjacent to the excavation, a semi-rigid, tangent wall earth retention system was constructed to minimize the soil movements. The tangent wall was formed by 118 drilled piers with 42-inch in diameter and 41-foot long. The maximum soil lateral and vertical movements adjacent to the excavation were controlled below a magnitude of 2.0 inches, while bottom of the excavation experienced about 3 inches of heave. This paper presents the design considerations and construction performance of the retention system based on geotechnical instrumentation data. Prediction of maximum soil lateral movement based on a finite element analysis and a semi-empirical method conformed well with field measurements. Experience learned from the design and construction will be valuable for future construction of braced excavation systems in similar soil conditions

    Behavior of Braced Sheetpile Excavation in Detroit Clay

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    This paper presents the design criteria, finite element modeling and actual behavior of a braced sheetpile excavation in Detroit soft clay. Due to the close proximity of existing structures to the excavation, a detailed analysis was performed to design and construct an earth retention system to avoid damage to these structures. The excavation involved a 170 ft by 220 ft area. The maximum depth of excavation was 23.5 ft. The subsurface soil consists of soft to very soft Detroit clay from the excavation level to a depth of 80 ft and has an undrained shear strength as low as 360 psf

    Towards a fully self-consistent spectral function of the nucleon in nuclear matter

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    We present a calculation of nuclear matter which goes beyond the usual quasi-particle approximation in that it includes part of the off-shell dependence of the self-energy in the self-consistent solution of the single-particle spectrum. The spectral function is separated in contributions for energies above and below the chemical potential. For holes we approximate the spectral function for energies below the chemical potential by a δ\delta-function at the quasi-particle peak and retain the standard form for energies above the chemical potential. For particles a similar procedure is followed. The approximated spectral function is consistently used at all levels of the calculation. Results for a model calculation are presented, the main conclusion is that although several observables are affected by the inclusion of the continuum contributions the physical consistency of the model does not improve with the improved self-consistency of the solution method. This in contrast to expectations based on the crucial role of self-consistency in the proofs of conservation laws.Comment: 26 pages Revtex with 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Self-consistent treatment of the self-energy in nuclear matter

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    The influence of hole-hole propagation in addition to the conventional particle-particle propagation, on the energy per nucleon and the momentum distribution is investigated. The results are compared to the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) calculations with a continuous choice and conventional choice for the single-particle spectrum. The Bethe-Goldstone equation has been solved using realistic NNNN interactions. Also, the structure of nucleon self-energy in nuclear matter is evaluated. All the self-energies are calculated self-consistently. Starting from the BHF approximation without the usual angle-average approximation, the effects of hole-hole contributions and a self-consistent treatment within the framework of the Green function approach are investigated. Using the self-consistent self-energy, the hole and particle self-consistent spectral functions including the particle-particle and hole-hole ladder contributions in nuclear matter are calculated using realistic NNNN interactions. We found that, the difference in binding energy between both results, i.e. BHF and self-consistent Green function, is not large. This explains why is the BHF ignored the 2h1p contribution.Comment: Preprint 20 pages including 15 figures and one tabl

    On the solution of a supersymmetric model of correlated electrons

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    We consider the exact solution of a model of correlated electrons based on the superalgebra Osp(2∣2)Osp(2|2). The corresponding Bethe ansatz equations have an interesting form. We derive an expression for the ground state energy at half filling. We also present the eigenvalue of the transfer matrix commuting with the Hamiltonian.Comment: Palin latex , 8 page

    Weaning of immunosuppression in long - Term liver transplant recipients

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    Seventy-two long-surviving liver transplant recipients were evaluated prospectively, including a baseline allograft biopsy for weaning off of immunosuppression. Thirteen were removed from candidacy because of chronic rejection (n=4), hepatitis (n=2), patient anxiety (n=5), or lack of cooperation by the local physician (n=2). The other 59, aged 12-68 years, had stepwise drug weaning with weekly or biweekly monitoring of liver function tests. Their original diagnoses were PBC (n=9), HCC (n=l), Wilson’s disease (n=4), hepatitides (n=15), Laennec’s cirrhosis (n=l), biliary atresia (n=16), cystic fibrosis (n=l), hemochromatosis (n=l), hepatic trauma (n=l), alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency (n=9), and secondary biliary cirrhosis (n=l). Most of the patients had complications of long-term immunosuppression, of which the most significant were renal dysfunction (n=8), squamous cell carcinoma (n=2) or verruca vulgaris of skin (n=9), osteoporosis and/or arthritis (n=12), obesity (n=3), hypertension (n=ll), and opportunistic infections (n=2). When azathioprine was a third drug, it was stopped first. Otherwise, weaning began with prednisone, using the results of corticotropin stimulation testing as a guide. If adrenal insufficiency was diagnosed, patients reduced to <5 mg/day prednisone were considered off of steroids. The baseline agents (azathioprine, cyclospo-rine, or FK506) were then gradually reduced in monthly decrements. Complete weaning was accomplished in 16 patients (27.1%) with 3-19 months drug-free follow-up, is progressing in 28 (47.4%), and failed in 15 (25.4%) without graft losses or demonstrable loss of graft function from the rejections. This and our previous experience with self-weaned and other patients off of immunosuppression indicate that a significant percentage of appropriately selected long-surviving liver recipients can unknowingly achieve drug-free graft acceptance. Such attempts should not be contemplated until 5-10 years posttransplantation and then only with careful case selection, close monitoring, and prompt reinstitution of immunosuppression when necessary. © 1995 by Williams & Wilkins
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