45 research outputs found


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    This research aims to assess the stock price as well as knowing the right investment decisions on the company’s listing in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) using fundamental analysis approach price earning ratio (PER). This research is quantitative descriptive research. This population of the research is using companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) period of 2015-2017. The sampling technique in this research is using purposive sampling, with the specified criteria so there are 13 companies that made the samples on this research. The results showed that there 11 company whose shares are includeds in the category of undervalued, shares with code: ADRO, AKRA, ASII, INDF, KLBF, LPKR, LSIP, SMRA, TLKM, UNTR and UNVR then the right investment decisions is buy the stock. While the two companies whose shares are includeds in the category of overvalued, shares with code: ICBP and WIKA, then the right investment decision is to sell the stock.Keywords: Stock Price, Investment, Price Earning Ratio (PER)


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    AbstractThe study aims to examine the effect of the Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding, and religiosity toward decision of students to choose Islamic financial services. The method used in this research was quantitative associative. The analysis technique used in this research was logistic regression analysis with total sample of 150 students. Data collection in this research used the Guttman scale and analyzing it used the help of the SPSS Application. The results of this research indicated that Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding and religiosity increase students opportunities to choose Islamic financial services with a yield of 53,9%; 96,8% and 37,8%. However, the partial test showed that the Islamic financial literacy variable and the religiosity variable did not affect the decision of students, while Islamic branding variable significantly affected the decision of students. Based on simultaneous test showed that Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding, and religiosity simultaneously influences the decision of students to choose Islamic financial services. Keywords: Islamic Financial Literacy, Islamic Branding, Religiosity, Students Decisio


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    Abstrak Program relokasi dilakukan oleh pemerintah sudah berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. Namun saat ini jumlah PKL berkurang disebabkan masih banyaknya permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para pedagang sejak awal menempati sentra PKL Jalan Benteng Pancasila. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penulis ingin meneliti tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi dan upaya yang dilakukan pedagang dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dalam meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang kaki lima jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto dengan tujuan (1) untuk menjelaskan permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi di Sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto, (2) untuk menjelaskan upaya yang dilakukan pedagang kaki lima dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada serta dalam peningkatan pendapatan di Sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pedagang kaki lima di sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila sebanyak 10 informan. Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Analisa data terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi adalah pemasaran, permodalan, sarana prasarana, kurangnya dukungan pemerintah dan teknologi. Permasalahan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan yang diperoleh pedagang. Upaya dari pedagang dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada adalah meningkatkan pelayanan dan bekerja sama dengan para pedagang, berjualan di lokasi lain dan mengganti jenis barang dagangan. Kata Kunci: Relokasi, Pedagang Kaki Lima, Pendapatan. Abstract The relocation program carried out by the government has gone according to plan. But now the number of street vendors is decreasing because there are still many problems faced by traders since the beginning of occupying the center of street vendors in the Pancasila Fortress. Based on this, the authors want to examine the problem faced by street vendors after relocation and efforts made by traders in overcoming these problems in increasing the income of street vendors at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto with the aim of (1) to explain the problems faced by street vendors after relocation in the center of the street at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto, (2) to explain the efforts made by street vendors in dealing with existing problems and in increasing revenue in the center of the street at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were street vendors who were in the PKL center on Pancasila Fortress as many as 10 informants. Determination of informants using the snowbal sampling technique. Data analysis consists of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that the problems faced by street vendors after relocation were marketing, capital, infrastructure, lack of government support and technology. These problems greatly influence the level of income obtained by traders. Efforts made by traders in dealing with existing problems are to improve service and cooperate with traders, selling in other locations and replacing types of merchandise. Keywords: Relocation, Street Vendor, Income

    The Effect Of Minimum Wages And MSMEs On Economics Growth In Tulungagung

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    The stability of the region can be shown in the economic growth. One's income can be used to examine welfare. MSMEs and the minimum wage are two sources of personal income. The goal of this study is to ascertain how Tulungagung's economic growth is impacted by the minimum wage and the number of umkm. Secondary data were used in this study, and literature studies were conducted to get them. The used data spans the years 2011 through 2021. Multiple linear regression is the analytical technique utilized to ascertain the impact of the minimum wage and the proportion of MSMEs on Tulngagung's economic growth. According to the study's findings, the number of MSMEs has an impact on Tulungagung's economic growth whereas the minimum wage has no bearing on it. The minimum wage and the proportion of MSMEs, meanwhile, have an impact on Tulungagung's economic expansion.Kesejahteraan suatu wilayah dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pendapatan seseorang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan. UMKM dan upah minimum adalah dua sumber pendapatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh UMK dan jumlah UMKM terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Tulungagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode studi literatur. Data yang digunakan mencakup tahun 2011 hingga 2021. Regresi linier berganda merupakan teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh UMK dan jumlah UMKM terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung. Menurut hasil penelitian, jumlah UMKM berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung sedangkan UMK tidak berpengaruh. Sementara itu, upah minimum dan jumlah UMKM secara simultan berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung


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    Murabahah is one of the products in BMT MADANI in the form of financing that is in great demand by the public, this can be seen through the increasing level of demand from year to year. It is unavoidable when such funding is in great demand by the community indirectly there is a risk in it, namely the risk of problematic financing which has an impact on the sustainability of BMT MADANI itself.This study aims to obtain results in the form of what strategy analysis BMT MADANI uses in dealing with troubled murabahah financing, so that the level of Non Performing Financing (NPF) possessed by BMT MADANI can be reduced optimally so that it can be in accordance with cooperative regulation No. 07 / PER / DEP.6 / IV / 2016 "Guidelines for Savings and Credit Cooperative Assessment and Islamic Financing and Savings and Loan Unit and Cooperative Financing”. Keywords: Problematic Financing, NPF, Murabaha

    Persepsi Nasabah Tentang Kepatuhan Syariah Dan Good Corporate Governanve Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Bni Syariah Kantor Cabang Surabaya

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    AbstractThe aim of the research is to test effect of sharia compliance and good corporate governance towards loyalty of customers of BNI Syariah Branch Office Surabaya. This research was condacted with an associative quantitative approach. Number of sampel that used in this research is 100 responden from customer BNI Syariah Branch Office Surabaya. The analysis in this study used multiple linear regression. The result of this research show that simultaneously sharia compliance and good corporate governance has a positive effect to loyalty of customers. Based on patial test show that variable sharia compliance not significantly effected to loyalty of customers and variable good corporate governance significantly effected to loyalty of customers.Keywords: sharia compliance , good corporate governance¸ loyalt


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    Abstract This research was conducted to analyzeweather inflation and rupiah exchange rate have an influence on the NAV Islamic mutual funds. Data used in this research is monthly statistical data ranged from 2015 until 2017. This research used multiple linear resgression analysis with T-test, F-test and R Square. The result of this research shows that partially, inflation has a relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds and rupiah exchange hasn’t a relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds. While simultaneously, inflation and rupiah exchange hasn’t relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds. Keywords : Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate, NAV, Islamic mutual funds

    Analisis Pengaruh PDRB, Jumlah Penduduk, Upah Minimum Terhadap Pengangguran di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Timur

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      This research goals to look at and break down the impact of GDP, populace, and the lowest pay permitted by law on joblessness in East Java Province in 2015/2019. The technique utilized is quantitative strategy with an exoplanatory approach. The kind of information utilized in this investigation is board information sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of East Java Province. The aftereffects of this examination demonstrated that GDP has a critical negative relationship to the variable joblessness in East Java. While the populace and the lowest pay permitted by law have no huge impact on the joblessness variable in East Java. This is shown from the likelihood estimation of the two factors higher than the genuine level (α = 5%). In view of synchronous test outcomes indicated that together autonomous factors specifically GDP, populace, and the lowest pay permitted by law influence joblessness in the Regency/City of East Java Province.   Keywords: Unemployment, GRDP, Population, Minimum Wag


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    This research was conducted at BRI Bank Syariah in Malang, the purpose of the study was to determine the effect of incentive, leadership style, age, education, gender and the lenght of work on the performance of marketing employees. This analysis used is multiple regression analysis. The results of multiple regression tests are : the amount of incentives has a significant effect on employee performance. Leadership style has a significant effect on employee performance. The age of employees does not have a significant effect on employee performance. Gender employees have ni significant effect on employee performance. The duration of work of employees influences employe performance. There is influence together (simultaneous). Together the magnitude of incentives, leadership style, age, education, gender, and lenght of work affect the performance of marketing employees. Keywords: Incentives, Leadership Style, and Demograph