14 research outputs found

    Interaction of the Klaipėda sea port and railway transport

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    This article offers the panoramic view to interoperability of sea and railway transport in Lithuania. Serious attention is being given to the cargo flows forecasts, analysis of geographic, political, legal, economical, technical and other factors influencing the intensity of transit cargo flows and using the existing infrastructure capacities. Improvement and further development of technological and technical base of railways for the development of container transportation is identified. Optimization of tariffs (railway + port) will increase the competitiveness of corridor IX B for transit cargo and traffic flows

    Methodological aspects of a questionnaire researching transportation links

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    Changes of foreign trade conditions also bring changes of the main transport routes and directions. Lithuanian transport companies must perfect their ability to adapt in changing environment, to predict and reorient to the possible changes in the flow of goods, to observe changes and tendencies, in short to build a new foundation and appliance of transportation technologies. To aid this a questionnaire researching transport must be made. This article covers the analysis of the planning and conducting of the research and the data processing methodology used to determine the main directions of the flow of goods of Lithuanian transport companies as well as the criteria concerning competitiveness among the companies

    Development of intermodal transport in new European Union states

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    The article presents the main outcomes of the NAS-ITIP project (FRAMEWORK'5) on the situation of intermodal transport in new European Union states. The main measures for the development of intermodal transport in these countries are highlighted: modernisation and development of intermodal infrastructure; innovative technologies; establishment of modern logistics centres. Recommendations to EC and national governmental institutions for the development of intermodality are proposed

    Multimodal approach to the international transit transport

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    In the article not only the problems of multi-modal and inter-modal conveyances in Lithuania and the concept of transit and the transit system stimulating factors are analysed, but also the modelling of transit transport and the flows of the loads are given. The main part of the article comes to the analysis of resent situation of Lithuania. In this part the place of transport sector in the market of transit services is analysed and the transit profit for Lithuanian economy is evaluated. The conclusions and proposals are given at the end of the article

    Study of possibilities to establish regional transport terminal in Kaunas

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    The article describes the creation of regional transport terminals and their usage as a tool to control material flows in the distribution channels. In the first part of the article the authors analyze the role of intermodal transport terminal within international business system, legal aspects of Lithuanian and EU regulations as well as the laws of Lithuanian transport regional transport terminal establishment in Kaunas. The evaluation of alternative locations for establishment of terminal in Kaunas region is presented

    The comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Latvian transit transport

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    The results of the comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Latvian transit transport show that transit transport systems of these countries compete against each other. Latvia has evidently better developed harbours, which are able to process bigger scopes of loads. In comparison with Lithuanian transit transport system, Latvia has the competitive advantages, which are determined by its historical and trading relations, infrastructure, socio-cultural environment and traditions as well as more favourable integration with other systems of transport. In this article general indicators of sea and railroads transit transport as well as the problems, which impede the development of transport system, are analysed. It is suggested to pay attention to the proposed strategic directions of transit services development as well as to solve (on the governmental level) the questions of competition choosing the cooperation policy of Lithuanian and Latvian systems of transit transport