188 research outputs found

    Emergence of a measurement basis in atom-photon scattering

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    The process of quantum measurement has been a long standing source of debate. A measurement is postulated to collapse a wavefunction onto one of the states of a predetermined set - the measurement basis. This basis origin is not specified within quantum mechanics. According to the theory of decohernce, a measurement basis is singled out by the nature of coupling of a quantum system to its environment. Here we show how a measurement basis emerges in the evolution of the electronic spin of a single trapped atomic ion due to spontaneous photon scattering. Using quantum process tomography we visualize the projection of all spin directions, onto this basis, as a photon is scattered. These basis spin states are found to be aligned with the scattered photon propagation direction. In accordance with decohernce theory, they are subjected to a minimal increase in entropy due to the photon scattering, while, orthogonal states become fully mixed and their entropy is maximally increased. Moreover, we show that detection of the scattered photon polarization measures the spin state of the ion, in the emerging basis, with high fidelity. Lastly, we show that while photon scattering entangles all superpositions of pointer states with the scattered photon polarization, the measurement-basis states themselves remain classically correlated with it. Our findings show that photon scattering by atomic spin superpositions fulfils all the requirements from a quantum measurement process

    Collisional decay of a strongly driven Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the collisional decay of a strongly driven Bose-Einstein condensate oscillating between two momentum modes. The resulting products of the decay are found to strongly deviate from the usual s-wave halo. Using a stochastically seeded classical field method we simulate the collisional manifold. These results are also explained by a model of colliding Bloch states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    High sensitivity phonon spectroscopy of Bose-Einstein condensates using matter-wave interference

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    We study low momentum excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate using a novel matter-wave interference technique. In time-of-flight expansion images we observe strong matter-wave fringe patterns. The fringe contrast is a sensitive spectroscopic probe of in-trap phonons and is explained by use of a Bogoliubov excitation projection method applied to the rescaled order parameter of the expanding condensate. Gross-Pitaevskii simulations agree with the experimental data and confirm the validity of the theoretical interpretation. We show that the high sensitivity of this detection scheme gives access to the quantized quasiparticle regime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, author list update

    Splitting in the Excitation Spectrum of A Bose-Einstein Condensate Undergoing Strong Rabi Oscillations

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    We report on a measurement of splitting in the excitation spectrum of a condensate driven by an optical travelling wave. Experimental results are compared to a numerical solution of the Gross Pitaevskii equation, and analyzed by a simple two level model and by the more complete band theory, treating the driving beams as an optical lattice. In this picture, the splitting is a manifestation of the energy gap between neighboring bands that opens on the boundary of the Brillouin zone.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Decoherence and dephasing in strongly driven colliding Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We report on a series of measurements of decoherence and wavepacket dephasing between two colliding, strongly coupled, identical Bose-Einstein condensates. We measure, in the strong excitation regime, a suppression of the mean-field shift, compared to the shift which is observed for a weak excitation. This suppression is explained by applying the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. By selectively counting only the non-decohered fraction in a time of flight image we observe oscillations for which both inhomogeneous and Doppler broadening are suppressed, in quantitative agreement with a full Gross-Pitaevskii equation simulation. If no post selection is used, the decoherence rate due to collisions can be extracted, and is in agreement with the local density average calculated rate.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Echo spectroscopy of bulk Bogoliubov excitations in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose and demonstrate an echo method to reduce the inhomogeneous linewidth of Bogoliubov excitations, in a harmonically-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. Our proposal includes the transfer of excitations with momentum +q to -q using a double two photon Bragg process, in which a substantial reduction of the inhomogeneous broadening is calculated. Furthermore, we predict an enhancement in the method's efficiency for low momentum due to many-body effects. The echo can also be implemented by using a four photon process, as is demonstrated experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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