197 research outputs found

    Wilson Loops and Chiral Correlators on Squashed Sphere

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    We study chiral deformations of N=2{\cal N}=2 and N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric gauge theories obtained by turning on τJtrΦJ\tau_J \,{\rm tr} \, \Phi^J interactions with Φ\Phi the N=2{\cal N}=2 superfield. Using localization, we compute the deformed gauge theory partition function Z(τq)Z(\vec\tau|q) and the expectation value of circular Wilson loops WW on a squashed four-sphere. In the case of the deformed N=4{\cal N}=4 theory, exact formulas for ZZ and WW are derived in terms of an underlying U(N)U(N) interacting matrix model replacing the free Gaussian model describing the N=4{\cal N}=4 theory. Using the AGT correspondence, the τJ\tau_J-deformations are related to the insertions of commuting integrals of motion in the four-point CFT correlator and chiral correlators are expressed as τ\tau-derivatives of the gauge theory partition function on a finite Ω\Omega-background. In the so called Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit, the entire ring of chiral relations is extracted from the ϵ\epsilon-deformed Seiberg-Witten curve. As a byproduct of our analysis we show that SU(2)SU(2) gauge theories on rational Ω\Omega-backgrounds are dual to CFT minimal models.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure, in this version we have added two new references and a detailed comparison with the results obtained in one of these tw

    Perturbation theory in radial quantization approach and the expectation values of exponential fields in sine-Gordon model

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    A perturbation theory for Massive Thirring Model (MTM) in radial quantization approach is developed. Investigation of the twisted sector in this theory allows us to calculate the vacuum expectation values of exponential fields expiaphi(0) exp iaphi (0) of the sine-Gordon theory in first order over Massive Thirring Models coupling constant. It appears that the apparent difficulty in radial quantization of massive theories, namely the explicite ''time'' dependence of the Hamiltonian, may be successfully overcome. The result we have obtained agrees with the exact formula conjectured by Lukyanov and Zamolodchikov and coincides with the analogous calculations recently carried out in dual angular quantization approach by one of the authors.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, LaTe

    The Seiberg-Witten prepotential and the Euler class of the reduced moduli space of instantons

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    The n-instanton contribution to the Seiberg-Witten prepotential of N=2 supersymmetric d=4 Yang Mills theory is represented as the integral of the exponential of an equivariantly exact form. Integrating out an overall scale and a U(1) angle the integral is rewritten as (4n-3) fold product of a closed two form. This two form is, formally, a representative of the Euler class of the Instanton moduli space viewed as a principal U(1) bundle, because its pullback under bundel projection is the exterior derivative of an angular one-form.Comment: LaTex, 15 page

    Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard equations connected with the eight-vertex model

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    Using quasiclassical limit of Baxter's 8 - vertex R - matrix, an elliptic generalization of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation is constructed. Via Off-Shell Bethe ansatz an integrable representation for this equation is obtained. It is shown that there exists a gauge transformation connecting this equation with Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard equation for SU(2)-WZNW model on torus.Comment: 20 pages latex, macro: tcilate

    An Algorithm for the Microscopic Evaluation of the Coefficients of the Seiberg-Witten Prepotential

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    A procedure, allowing to calculate the coefficients of the SW prepotential in the framework of the instanton calculus is presented. As a demonstration explicit calculations for 2, 3 and 4- instanton contributions are carried out.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages; typos are corrected, determinant formula is simplifie

    Integrable Chain Model with Additional Staggered Model Parameter

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    The generalization of the Yang-Baxter equations (YBE) in the presence of Z_2grading along both chain and time directions is presented. An integrable model,based on the XXZ Heisenberg chain with staggered inhomogeneity of someadditional model parameter, is constructed. In the simple case of XX model thelocal Hamiltonian is calculated in the fermionic formulation. Integrableboundary terms are found. It is obvious from the construction that, in the caseof the generalization of the XXZ model, the resulting bulk Hamiltonian has aladder form. This construction can be applied to other known integrable models

    Recursive representation of the torus 1-point conformal block

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    The recursive relation for the 1-point conformal block on a torus is derived and used to prove the identities between conformal blocks recently conjectured by R. Poghossian. As an illustration of the efficiency of the recurrence method the modular invariance of the 1-point Liouville correlation function is numerically analyzed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 eps figure, misprints corrected and a reference adde

    Modular anomaly equations in N N \mathcal{N} =2* theories and their large-N limit

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    We propose a modular anomaly equation for the prepotential of the N=2* super Yang-Mills theory on R^4 with gauge group U(N) in the presence of an Omega-background. We then study the behaviour of the prepotential in a large-N limit, in which N goes to infinity with the gauge coupling constant kept fixed. In this regime instantons are not suppressed. We focus on two representative choices of gauge theory vacua, where the vacuum expectation values of the scalar fields are distributed either homogeneously or according to the Wigner semi-circle law. In both cases we derive an all-instanton exact formula for the prepotential. As an application, we show that the gauge theory partition function on S^4 at large N localises around a Wigner distribution for the vacuum expectation values leading to a very simple expression in which the instanton contribution becomes independent of the coupling constant