23,371 research outputs found

    Role of shocked accretion flows in regulating the QPO of galactic black hole candidates

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    Using a generalized non-spherical, multi-transonic accretion flow model, we analytically calculate the normalized QPO frequency Μˉqpo{\bar {\bf {\nu}}}_{qpo} of galactic black hole candidates in terms of dynamical flow variables and self-consistently study the dependence of Μˉqpo{\bar {\bf {\nu}}}_{qpo} on such variables. Our results are in fairly close agreement with the observed QPO frequencies of GRS 1915+105. We find that Μˉqpo{\bar {\bf {\nu}}}_{qpo} is quite sensitive to various parameters describing the black hole accretion flow containing dissipative and non-dissipative shock waves. Thus the QPO phenomena is, {\it indeed}, regulated by `shocked' black hole accretion, and, for the first time, we establish a definitive connection between the QPO frequency and the properties of advective BH accretion flows. This information may provide the explanation of some important observations of galactic micro quasars.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL). A considerable part of the paper is almost completely re-written, though the results and the final conclussions are the same. One can now ignore the previous version. 8 pages with four black and white figures. For high resolution Fig. 3, please mail the author <[email protected]

    Why Two Renormalization Groups are Better than One

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    The advantages of using more than one renormalization group (RG) in problems with more than one important length scale are discussed. It is shown that: i) using different RG's can lead to complementary information, i.e. what is very difficult to calculate with an RG based on one flow parameter may be much more accessible using another; ii) using more than one RG requires less physical input in order to describe via RG methods the theory as a function of its parameters; iii) using more than one RG allows one to solve problems with more than one diverging length scale. The above points are illustrated concretely in the context of both particle physics and statistical physics using the techniques of environmentally friendly renormalization. Specifically, finite temperature λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 theory, an Ising-type system in a film geometry, an Ising-type system in a transverse magnetic field, the QCD coupling constant at finite temperature and the crossover between bulk and surface critical behaviour in a semi-infinite geometry are considered.Comment: 17 pages LaTex; to be published in the Proceedings of RG '96, Dubn

    New Kinetic Equation for Pair-annihilating Particles: Generalization of the Boltzmann Equation

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    A convenient form of kinetic equation is derived for pair annihilation of heavy stable particles relevant to the dark matter problem in cosmology. The kinetic equation thus derived extends the on-shell Boltzmann equation in a most straightforward way, including the off-shell effect. A detailed balance equation for the equilibrium abundance is further analyzed. Perturbative analysis of this equation supports a previous result for the equilibrium abundance using the thermal field theory, and gives the temperature power dependence of equilibrium value at low temperatures. Estimate of the relic abundance is possible using this new equilibrium abundance in the sudden freeze-out approximation.Comment: 19 pages, LATEX file with 2 PS figure

    Three-Dimensional Evolution of the Parker Instability under a Uniform Gravity

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    Using an isothermal MHD code, we have performed three-dimensional, high-resolution simulations of the Parker instability. The initial equilibrium system is composed of exponentially-decreasing isothermal gas and magnetic field (along the azimuthal direction) under a uniform gravity. The evolution of the instability can be divided into three phases: linear, nonlinear, and relaxed. During the linear phase, the perturbations grow exponentially with a preferred scale along the azimuthal direction but with smallest possible scale along the radial direction, as predicted from linear analyses. During the nonlinear phase, the growth of the instability is saturated and flow motion becomes chaotic. Magnetic reconnection occurs, which allows gas to cross field lines. This, in turn, results in the redistribution of gas and magnetic field. The system approaches a new equilibrium in the relaxed phase, which is different from the one seen in two-dimensional works. The structures formed during the evolution are sheet-like or filamentary, whose shortest dimension is radial. Their maximum density enhancement factor relative to the initial value is less than 2. Since the radial dimension is too small and the density enhancement is too low, it is difficult to regard the Parker instability alone as a viable mechanism for the formation of giant molecular clouds.Comment: 8 pages of text, 4 figures (figure 2 in degraded gif format), to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, original quality figures available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.msi.umn.edu/pub/users/twj/parker3d.uu or ftp://canopus.chungnam.ac.kr/ryu/parker3d.u

    Generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change and special Finsler spaces

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    In this paper, we investigate the change of Finslr metrics L(x,y)→Lˉ(x,y)=f(eσ(x)L(x,y),ÎČ(x,y)),L(x,y) \to\bar{L}(x,y) = f(e^{\sigma(x)}L(x,y),\beta(x,y)), which we refer to as a generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change. Under this change, we study some special Finsler spaces, namely, quasi C-reducible, semi C-reducible, C-reducible, C2C_2-like, S3S_3-like and S4S_4-like Finsler spaces. We also obtain the transformation of the T-tensor under this change and study some interesting special cases. We then impose a certain condition on the generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change, which we call the b-condition, and investigate the geometric consequences of such condition. Finally, we give the conditions under which a generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change is projective and generalize some known results in the literature.Comment: References added, some modifications are performed, LateX file, 24 page

    Temporal 1/f^\alpha Fluctuations from Fractal Magnetic Fields in Black Hole Accretion Flow

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    Rapid fluctuation with a frequency dependence of 1/fα1/f^{\alpha} (with α≃1−2\alpha \simeq 1 - 2) is characteristic of radiation from black-hole objects. Its origin remains poorly understood. We examine the three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulation data, finding that a magnetized accretion disk exhibits both 1/fα1/f^\alpha fluctuation (with α≃2\alpha \simeq 2) and a fractal magnetic structure (with the fractal dimension of D∌1.9D \sim 1.9). The fractal field configuration leads reconnection events with a variety of released energy and of duration, thereby producing 1/fα1/f^\alpha fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ Letters, vol. 52 No.1 (Feb 2000

    Universal entanglement concentration

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    We propose a new protocol of \textit{universal} entanglement concentration, which converts many copies of an \textit{unknown} pure state to an \textit{% exact} maximally entangled state. The yield of the protocol, which is outputted as a classical information, is probabilistic, and achives the entropy rate with high probability, just as non-universal entanglement concentration protocols do. Our protocol is optimal among all similar protocols in terms of wide varieties of measures either up to higher orders or non-asymptotically, depending on the choice of the measure. The key of the proof of optimality is the following fact, which is a consequence of the symmetry-based construction of the protocol: For any invariant measures, optimal protocols are found out in modifications of the protocol only in its classical output, or the claim on the product. We also observe that the classical part of the output of the protocol gives a natural estimate of the entropy of entanglement, and prove that that estimate achieves the better asymptotic performance than any other (potentially global) measurements.Comment: Revised a lot, especially proofs, though no change in theorems, lemmas itself. Very long, but essential part is from Sec.I to Sec IV-C. Some of the appendces are almost independent of the main bod

    A Multi-dimensional Code for Isothermal Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in Astrophysics

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    We present a multi-dimensional numerical code to solve isothermal magnetohydrodynamic (IMHD) equations for use in modeling astrophysical flows. First, we have built a one-dimensional code which is based on an explicit finite-difference method on an Eulerian grid, called the total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme. Recipes for building the one-dimensional IMHD code, including the normalized right and left eigenvectors of the IMHD Jacobian matrix, are presented. Then, we have extended the one-dimensional code to a multi-dimensional IMHD code through a Strang-type dimensional splitting. In the multi-dimensional code, an explicit cleaning step has been included to eliminate non-zero ∇⋅B\nabla\cdot B at every time step. To estimate the proformance of the code, one- and two-dimensional IMHD shock tube tests, and the decay test of a two-dimensional Alfv\'{e}n wave have been done. As an example of astrophysical applications, we have simulated the nonlinear evolution of the two-dimensional Parker instability under a uniform gravity.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, using aaspp4.sty, 22 text pages with 10 figure
