16 research outputs found

    Variation of air condition parameters, in the conditions of the presence of carbon monoxide, in the duct of ventilation installations

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    Industrial ventilation and air conditioning systems aim to ensure the conditions of air purity and microclimate corresponding to the activity of man and the nature of the technological process. The parameters of the state of the air which are of interest for the technique of ventilation and air conditioning are: air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, and air speed. For the study on the variation of the air state parameters inside the industrial ventilation installations, in the experiment laboratory, on the study of the industrial ventilation systems, the experiment was performed on the variation of the air state parameters in the conditions of circulation through the ventilation duct a quantity of carbon monoxide at constant pressure. Prior to the introduction of carbon monoxide into the piping, the ventilation system was started at nominal parameters. During the experiment, the operating parameters of the drive motor were changed using a frequency converter on levels 50; 40; 30; 20; 10 and 5 Hz. The ventilation system used was structured by means of flow converters which were fixed in the open position. The ventilation system as well as the flow variators were operated by the SCADA type command and control system. The paper will present the analysis of the variation of state parameters (temperature, humidity, absolute pressure, and air speed) by introducing a constant amount of carbon monoxide in the ventilation duct

    Візуалізація та хімічні методи для запобігання ризику самозаймання вугілля

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    Important information for drawing up the risk scenario and the plan for preventing spontaneous ombustion in coal mines are provided by knowledge on the coal’s self-ignition tendency gained from laboratory determinations carried out for establishing self-ignition parameters and for the classification of coal from this point of view. This paper provides an analysis on the concerned preventive triangle: a classification on the selfignition risk, applications of preventive methods in coal mining thermography and the instrumentation of inhibiting water solutions as measures for preventing coal self-ignition.Апріорне знання ризику самозаймання шляхом лабораторних визначень параметрів самозаймання та класифікації вугілля з цієї точки зору, забезпечує необхідну інформацію для підготовки сценарію ризику та плану запобігання самозаймання у вугільних шахтах. Ця робота спрямована на аналіз цього профілактичного тринома: класифікація ризику самозаймання, застосування методів запобігання при видобутку вугілля, термографії та контрольно-вимірювальних приладів водних розчинів з інгібіторами, як заходів щодо запобігання самозаймання вугілля

    Управління комплексною вентиляційною мережею соляної шахти Trotus

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    The attestation of salt extraction in these areas was located in the Geto-Dacian period at Oituz and Târgu Ocna. The oldest written testimony dates from 1380. The mining works that serve the Trotuş mine within the Tg. Ocna Salt Mine, are located in the Feţele Târgului salt massif located near the town of Tg. Ocna, on the left side of the Trotuş river. The exploitation of the salt was carried out until 1870 at the Ocnița Mine with a bell-shaped chamber and continued in the Moldova Veche and Moldova Nouă mines with trapezoidal chambers. Since 1967, the salt has been exploited with "small rooms and abandoned square pillars". The exploitation is carried out descending, on the horizons. Currently, the Trotuș Salt Mine has 14 horizons: 2 at the Pilot mine and 12 at the Trotuș mine. The specialized 3D CANVENT program was used to establish the optimal distribution of air flows. A number of 492 junctions and 697 branches were used to solve the ventilation network related to the Trotuș Salt Mine.Атестація видобутку солі в цих районах проходила в гето-дакійський період в Ойтузі та Тиргу-Очна. Найдавніші письмові свідчення датуються 1380 роком. Гірничі роботи, що обслуговують шахту Тротуш у межах Тг. Соляна шахта Окна, розташована в соляному масиві Фецеле-Тиргулуй, що знаходиться недалеко від міста Тг. Очна, з лівого боку річки Тротуш. Експлуатація солі велася до 1870 р. На шахті Окниця з дзвоноподібною камерою і продовжувалась у шахтах Молдова Вече та Молдова Ноуа з трапецієподібними камерами. З 1967 р. Сіль експлуатується в "маленьких кімнатах і занедбаних квадратних стовпах". Експлуатація здійснюється низхідно, по горизонтах. В даний час соляна шахта Тротуш має 14 горизонтів: 2 на пілотній шахті та 12 на шахті Тротуш. Для встановлення оптимального розподілу повітряних потоків була використана спеціалізована програма 3D CANVENT. Для вирішення вентиляційної мережі, що стосується соляної шахти Тротуш, було використано 492 перехрестя та 697 гілок

    Importance of microscopic testing of honey and pollen samples in the prophylaxis of major bacterial diseases in apis mellifera carpathica bees

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    The purpose of the study was to monitor the presence of bacilli in the honey and pollen samples in correlation to the positive diagnosis of these major bacterial diseases in bees. The study took 3 years, and approximately 156 samples of honey and bee bread from reserve honeycombs and 156 live bee intestine samples were processed. To identify the bacilli in honey, bee bread (pollen) reserve and live bees intestine , we used our own method, and the confirmation of their presence was done through methodology OIE/2008. Of the total tested samples, the bacilli were found present in 63 samples from reserve honeycombs and in 67 samples from live bees’ intestine. The bee colonies that did not test bacilli in the samples examined for the duration of the monitoring, did not present a disease episode and did not register mortality of pathologic nature. The mortality registered in the apiaries under study throughout the 3 year-period was 30-100 % for the apiares from which samples testing positive for bacilli had been received. The study confirms that a correlation exists between the presence of bacilli in samples of honey and bee bread from reserve honeycombs, and their presence in adult bees’ intestine. The microscopic testing of honey and pollen samples, as well as of bee intestine, may constitute an important prophylactic method in the management of major bacterial diseases in bees (American and European foulbrood)

    The prophylaxis of chalkbrood in bees by laboratory methods - microscopic testing of pollen

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    The purpose of this study was to monitor the load of Ascosphera apis spores in honey and pollen samples and to evaluate the pertinence of the method in the prophylaxis of Ascosphera apis infestation by eliminating contaminated sources used in bee fed. We investigated 8 apiaries for a period of 2 years at the end of the active bee season, the collected samples consisting in pollen (39 samples) and pollen supplimentary foods (7 samples). The samples were processed and tested for spores of Ascosphera apisthrough the method OIE/2008, adapted for samples of pollenandpollen supplimentary foods. The samples originated from apiaries suspected of nosema disease. Within the lot with pollen samples (46 samples), a number of 39 pollen samples belonging to the 4 dominant floral categories in Romania (polifloral, rape, sun-flower, linden) were chosen in order to determine the infestation level with Ascosphera apis spores. Most of the Ascosphera apis spores positive samples were represented by the rape and sunflower pollen samples. Tests evidenced the presence of Ascosphera apisspores in 22 samples of pollen and pollen supplimentary foods of the total of 45 examined samples during the monitoring process. The tests made on bee samples collected at the end of the beekeeping season, by comparison to the ones collected in the beginning of the following season, demonstrated a significant reduction in the infestation degree (30.43%) in bees by eliminating from consumption the sources of infestation (pollen supplimentary foods and pollen) in the winter season. Testing before the inactive season for Ascosphera apis spores in the reserve honey and pollen represents an important prophylactic method against Ascosphera apis infestation in bees

    "Incidence of some intoxications evolution in Romania in Apis mellifera carpathica bees monitored in a bee disease prevention program in the active beekeeping season of 2019"

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    The aim of this paper consisted in evaluating the intoxication cases and their dynamics during the active beekeeping season of 2019 for Apis mellifera carpathica bees monitored in a program for the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Following the corroboration of the anamnestic data with the morphoclinical data, suspicion of intoxication with toxic feed (pollen), chemicals (pesticides) and medicinal products (antiparasitic products) was established, excluding other causes of illness. During the period of the study, 113 apiaries from different geographic areas of Romania were monitored; counting a number of 7007 bee families, and was identified a number of 18 apiaries (16%) with susceptibility of intoxication, including a number of 1582 bee families (22.57%). The percentage dynamics of the intoxication cases in the studied bee families was the following: 34.07% intoxication with toxic food, 59.6% intoxication with chemical substances and 6.33% intoxication with drugs. We mention that this proportion of the intoxication was on the background of an active beekeeping season in 2019 with many rainfall and extreme weather phenomena

    The prophylaxis of major bacterial infections in the Apis mellifera carpathica bee through honey, pollen and bee bread control

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    For the purpose of controlling the evolution of major bacterial diseases in bees, which decimate bee colonies in Europe and Romania, respectively, we examined samples (honey, pollen and honeycombs) in the apicultural year 2016, from all over Romania. Sample collection and testing were done with the purpose to prevent the contamination of bee colonies with the etiological agents of major bacterial diseases, considering that worker bees and the food entering the hive (honey, pollen) represent the main contamination ways. The diagnosis method observed OIE regulations (2008) and was adapted in an original way in the Bee Pathology Laboratory in Bucharest. A total of 73 samples were examined, representing honey (51), honeycombs (6) and pollen/bee bread (16), from private apiaries all over the country, that presented depopulation without clinical evolution of contagious diseases in bees, and in which we diagnosed the presence of etiological agents of major bacterial bee diseases (36.98 %), while the rest of the samples were negative (63.02%). Of the 51 samples of honey that were examined, we identified 39.22% positive samples and 60.78% negative ones. Of the pollen samples that were examined, 31.25% were positive and 68.75% were negative, and the honeycombs samples showed 33.33% positive and 66.66% negative. Previous researches indicated that the positive samples (honey, pollen, bee bread), from apiaries in all the regions of the country, represented the basis for the prophylaxis of major bacterial diseases so that, by avoiding using them in bee nutrition, the evolution of major bee diseases did not confirm clinically or paraclinically in the following season (January-April 2017)

    Experimental possibilities for industrial ventilation

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    The activity of evaluation and verification of industrial ventilation installations has a strong preventive role in terms of explosion risk mainly due to the fact that of the three determining elements that can lead to an explosion phenomenon, ventilation installations can determine the presence of two elements namely the presence of fuel (gases, vapours, dusts, mists) and the source of initiation (hot surface, flame, sparks of mechanical origin, electrical sparks, static electricity, etc.). The development of experimental systems on„ which particular hazardous aspects that may occur during the operation of industrial ventilation systems can be studied are vital to avoid dangerous situations in the current operation of ventilation installations. Knowledge of the dynamics of formation of explosive / toxic / asphyxiating environments is achieved by analysing explosive mixtures in relation to specific explosive intervals and is one of the most important priorities in ensuring optimal health and safety at work in industrial activities. The information obtained by analysing the dynamics of the formation of explosive / toxic / asphyxiating atmospheres is extremely useful for personnel responsible for health and safety at work, because with their help relevant decisions can be made to ensure safety and health conditions at the level of industrial premises. The paper presents an experimental equipment usable for the study of industrial ventilation systems