49 research outputs found

    As séries de vegetação climatófila do Algarve - Portugal: um documento base para o ordenamento, gestão e conservação da natureza

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    Esta dissertação tem como objectivo identificar e utilizar as séries de vegetação climatófila, para efectuar uma diagnose ambiental das sub-regiões fito-ecológicas da província administrativa do Algarve (Serra, Barrocal e Litoral). Após o respectivo enquadramento biogeográfico e bioclimático, bem como a caracterização pedológica e litológica, identificam-se as principais séries de vegetação climatófila do Algarve, onde se destacam: Querco alpestris-broteroi S.; Euphorbio monchiquensis-Querco canarienis S.; Lavandulo viridis-Querco suberis S.; Aro neglecti-Querco suberis S.; Rhamno oleoidis-Querco rotundifoliae S.; Myrto communis-Querco rotundifoliae S.; Aro italici-Oleo sylvestris S.. Assim, para cada série avalia-se, ainda que muito sucintamente, o seu comportamento ecológico e dinâmico, as principais plantas características das etapas sucessionais e o valor patrimonial correspondente. Por último, tecem-se algumas considerações sobre o estado de conservação das formações climácicas e indicam-se as principais medidas de gestão susceptíveis de contribuir para a manutenção e valorização da biodiversidade; ABSTRACT:The goal of this work is to identify and use the vegetation climatophilous series as an environmental diagnosis of Algarve administrative province phito-ecological sub-regions (Serra, Barrocal and Litoral). In this work, it’s produced the biogegraphic and bioclimatic definitions, and also the pedologic and litologic characterizations of the study area. The main climatic vegetation series of Algarve are identified with emphasis to: Querco alpestris-broteroi S.; Euphorbio monchiquensis-Querco canarienis S.; Lavandulo viridis- Querco suberis S.; Aro neglecti-Querco suberis S.; Rhamno oleoidis-Querco rotundifoliae S.; Myrto communis-Querco rotundifoliae S.; Aro italici-Oleo sylvestris S.. For each of the seven climatophilous series is assessed it’s dynamic and catenal behaviours, the main characteristic plants and correspondent patrimonial value. Finally, some considerations are made about the conservation status of these vegetation climatophilous series and highlighted the most important management policies that aim to protect, recover and increase the biodiversity

    Flora y vegetación de la Serra do Caldeirão

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    [ES] Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el conocimiento de la Flora y Vegetación de la Serra do Caldeiráo (Portugal). Esta información, permitirá promover medidas que puedan contribuir al mantenimiento de la biodiversidad. Se describen los aspectos biofísicos más influyentes en la disposición florística y vegetación, y se presenta un listado de táxones, donde fueron identificados 786 táxones, pertenecientes a 96 familias. En la descripción sintaxonómica de las comunidades vegetales, sobre la base de los supuestos metodológicos de análisis fitosociológico, fueron identificadas 102 asociaciones y comunidades vegetales, siendo propuestas 10 nuevas asociaciones vegetales. Se describen las series, minoriseries, geoseries, geominoriserie y permaseries de la vegetación, así como se esbozó la distribución potencial de las series de vegetación climatófila y edafohigrófila. Se presenta nueva propuesta de delimitación cartografica de las unidades biogeográficas en el sur de Portugal, así como el cambio tipológico de las unidades biogeográficas subordinadas en un sistema de rangos.[EN]This thesis overarching goal is the study of the Flora and Vegetation of the Serra do Caldeiráo (Portugal), for establishing a base decision instrument for landscape management. After a brief approach to the most determinant biophysical circumstances in the region, it is presented the inventory of the vascular flora elenco f1oristic, where are identified 786 taxons from 96 families. In the syntaxonomic description of the vegetation, were identified and characterized according to the phytosociologic methodology, 102 vegetation associations and vegetation communities, included in 29 classes, being proposed 10 new vegetation associations. The series, minoriseries, geoseries, geominoriserie and permaseries of the existent vegetation in the study area were described, as well as was sketched the potential distribution of the climatophilous and edaphohygrophilous vegetation series. The research lead to a new understanding of the biogeographic typology of the studied territories, in accordance with the cartographic sketch that was produced.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Biología Animal, Vegetal y Ecología. Leída el 5 de mayo de 201

    The Algarve climatophilous vegetation series – Portugal: a base document to the planning, management and nature conservation Les séries de végètation climatophiles de l’Algarve - Portugal: un document de base pour la planification, gestion et conservation de la nature

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    This work was developed as part of PhD research devoted to the flora and vegetation of the Caldeirão and Monchique mountains that aims to identify the vegetation climatophilous series and use them as an environmental diagnosis of Algarve administrative province phyto-ecological subregions. Biogeographic and bioclimatic considerations are presented, as well as the study area pedological and lithological characterization. For each of the seven climatophilous series the dynamic and catenal behaviours, as well as the main characteristic plants that constitute the successional stages, are given. The corresponding patrimonial value is studied

    Analysis of the Cytisetea scopario-striati scrubs in the south-west-centre of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The statistical and phytosociological study of 255 relevés taken in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula and made up of our own samples and previous publications reveals how close these relevés, previously ascribed to different syntaxa, really are. Our re-arrangement of the data leads us to propose for the territory the 15 associations already published and three new ones, namely: Genisto floridae-Adenocarpetum argyrophylli ass. nova hoc loco, Cytisetum bourgaei- eriocarpi nova, Lavandulo viridis-Cytisetum striati ass. nova hoc. loco. We also suggest a name correction, Adenocarpo anisochili-Cytisetum scoparii J.C. Costa et al. 2000 corr., and a status change, namely, Ulici latebracteati- Cytisetum striati (Costa et al. 2000) status novo

    Current state of the Prunetalia spinosae communities in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal)

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    This paper re-examines the Rhamno-Prunetea class in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Andalusia. The paper also deals with the alliances Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, and Berberidion vulgaris (Berberidenion seroi) in the area of Cuenca. Our analysis of 225 relevés arranged in 22 phytosociological tables helped us to re-organize the available information and subsequently propose three associations and two subassociations: Clematido vitalbae-Rosetum micranthae nova; Berberido hispanicae- Buxetum sempervirentis nova; Roso siculae-Berberidetum hispanicae Mota nova subas. prunetosum ramburii Mota nova; Lonicero arboreae-Rhamnetum cathartici Martínez-Parras and Molero 1983 subas. prunetosum ranburii nova. As a result of the study, a total of 18 syntaxa with the rank of association and four with the rank of subassociation are proposed for the south of the Iberian Peninsula

    A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west

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    As result of several field trips following doctoral research in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a new heathland named Lavandulo viridis-Ericetum lusitanici ass nova hoc loco (Genistion micrantho-anglicae, Rivas- Martínez 1979) as a thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, upper dry to humid, schistose association. The analysis of 11 relevés, following Braun-Blanquet methodology shows the floristic identity of this new association as well as the chorological segregation of its area of occurrence. Finally, despite these communities already being relatively well known and although they are poor in species number, such heathlands show floristic singularity and own sinecology, with a large and distinct geographical area of distribution, so we emphasized its integration within Atlantic wet heaths priority habitat (⁄4020 – Annex B-I from Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992)

    The Agrostion castellanae Rivas Goday 1957 corr. Rivas Goday & Rivas- Martínez 1963 alliance in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula

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    The water courses of southern Portugal are ecosystems subject to constant fluctuations between periods of flooding and desiccation associated with seasonal dryness. In these unstable ecological conditions, a considerable diversity of riparian plant communities occurs. The objective of this study, carried out in the Monchique Sierran and Andévalo Districts, is to compare the perennial grasslands community dominated by Festuca ampla Hack, using a phytosociological approach (Braun-Blanquet methodology) and numerical analysis (hierarchical cluster analysis and ordination). From these results, a new hygrophilous community of perennial grasslands type was identified, Narcisso jonquillae-Festucetum amplae, as a result of the floristic, ecological and biogeographical differences from other associations already described within the Agrostion castellanae alliance, in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. The association occurs in the thermomediterranean to mesomediterranean belts under dry to sub-humid ombrotypes, on siliceous soils that have temporary waterlogging. This new association corresponds with priority 6220 Habitat - Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea, under the Natura 2000 code

    XIII International Seminar Mamagment and Biodiversity Conservation

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    Livro de resumos do XIII International Seminar on Management and Biodiversity Conservation que decorreu em Vale do Lobo, Loulé, entre 2-7 Junho de 2019

    Sintaxonomic concerns on Genista polyanthos R. Roem. ex Willk. broomlands

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    As result of several field trips following PhD researches in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a new broomland association named Genistetum triachanthi-polyanthi as a thermomediterranean, oceanic and sub-humid to humid, schistose association. The 26 relevés analysis, combining phytosociologic methodology with hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward's Hierarchical Clustering, based on Bray-Curtis distance) allowed the segregation of this Monchiquense association. Appearing as a regressive stage, or fringe, of secondary or edaphoxerophilous cork oak and, punctually, holm oak woodlands, it reveals a high sinecological value, in a wide variety of edaphoclimatic typologies, despite its poorest species number, since it includes restrict distribution taxa with high conservational value. At last, sintaxonomic issues are highlighted as these hyperxerophilous broomlands detach themselves easily from main Cytisetea scopario-striati diagnosis, being intermixed in contrasting ecological diagnosis, with major frequency of Calluno vulgaris-Ulicetea minoris elements, under extremely different edaphoclimatic envelopes, different landscapes and serial dynamics