5 research outputs found


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    Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased reports of scabies within a couple of years in Zagreb, we decided to present epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with scabies in Zagreb. Subjects and methods: A retrospective survey was carried out in county Public Health Institute “Dr. Andrija Stampar” in Zagreb and analysis was performed for the period of 2010-2013 upon individual notifications on scabies cases. The patients are presented by sociodemographic data, diagnosis and treatment. Results: In a 4 year period there were 246 scabies cases recorded in Zagreb. Cases have been registered in all quarters of the City. The highest incidence (50/100 000) was recorded in every child age group following by incidence of over 30/100 000 in elderly institutionalized in nursing homes. In almost two thirds of patients management of scabies has not been conducted in accordance to current guidelines. 10% of scabies cases were found in medical health personnel predominantly in those working in nursing homes and psychiatric wards. A small amount of cases 19 (8%) were infected outside Croatia; the majority of these cases 15 (78%) are registered within last two years. Conclusion: High percentage of scabies cases registered in nursing homes and psychiatric wards suggests that there is a need of raising awareness on scabies epidemiology and management by public health officers. Due to a higher incidence of scabies in children age, the obligation of medical practitioners is also to emphasize the importance of following treatment guidelines. In order to control scabies cases as well to prevent outbreaks within hospital wards or nursing homes there is an obligation of implementation of strict guidelines regarding treatment of scabies and a public health service referra


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    Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased reports of scabies within a couple of years in Zagreb, we decided to present epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with scabies in Zagreb. Subjects and methods: A retrospective survey was carried out in county Public Health Institute “Dr. Andrija Stampar” in Zagreb and analysis was performed for the period of 2010-2013 upon individual notifications on scabies cases. The patients are presented by sociodemographic data, diagnosis and treatment. Results: In a 4 year period there were 246 scabies cases recorded in Zagreb. Cases have been registered in all quarters of the City. The highest incidence (50/100 000) was recorded in every child age group following by incidence of over 30/100 000 in elderly institutionalized in nursing homes. In almost two thirds of patients management of scabies has not been conducted in accordance to current guidelines. 10% of scabies cases were found in medical health personnel predominantly in those working in nursing homes and psychiatric wards. A small amount of cases 19 (8%) were infected outside Croatia; the majority of these cases 15 (78%) are registered within last two years. Conclusion: High percentage of scabies cases registered in nursing homes and psychiatric wards suggests that there is a need of raising awareness on scabies epidemiology and management by public health officers. Due to a higher incidence of scabies in children age, the obligation of medical practitioners is also to emphasize the importance of following treatment guidelines. In order to control scabies cases as well to prevent outbreaks within hospital wards or nursing homes there is an obligation of implementation of strict guidelines regarding treatment of scabies and a public health service referra


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    Introduction: In the labour process there are several occupational hazard risks that present themselves invisibly to workers. Occupational exposure to biological material via sharps is high among health workers. Biosafety is an integral part of safety and occupational hygiene. The risk of contamination by biological material is inherent in anything exposed to it, but it varies according to the activities undertaken by workers. Objective: To characterise the outcomes of accidents at work involving the exposure of workers to biological agents, in the ABC Paulista region. Methods: This was a descriptive study using a convenience sample from three municipalities in the Grande ABC region: Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo and São Caetano do Sul. The data was sourced from 47 records of reported accidents with biological material in the Greater ABC region in the year 2012. The data was processed and tabulated in the statistical program SPSS 19. We used notification records and obtained the profiles of the injured workers and characteristics of the accident, according to gender, age, county of residence, profession, occupation, type of exposure, material involved, the situation of the agent causing the accident, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) equipment, and communication about the work accident (CAT). Results: The incidence of accidents with sharps was related to the frequent handling of these objects and the behaviour of professionals who use practices that pose the risk of needlestick injuries, such as the improper disposal of sharps. Conclusion: The main cause of biological accidents was sharps. Females (70.2 %) and nursing staff (63.8 %) were more likely to be involved in accidents

    Segurança contra incêndio em unidades básicas de saúde

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    Nowadays it is widely recognized the demand of a modernization of the Government and his administrative entities. According to the legislation referent to fire prevention the Firefighters were the most proactive entity concerning the creation of legislation based on the tragic incidents and the experience acquired in daily routines. A fire can occur in any situation whether exist or not human activities and Basic Health Units are not free from this event and unfortunately a real possibility of this happening due to elevated fire charge. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge and that employees have in relation to Fire Safety theme and confront the findings with the needs required by law due to the non-mandatory fire brigade constitution in Basic Health Units with ground floor and inferior to 750 m² whose requisites fulfill the vast majority of buildings. The research method is qualitative observational and descriptive by convenience sample in nine Basic Health Units in city council Santo André,(São Paulo, Brazil) with the aim to enrich the health professionals knowledge about fire prevention was also evaluated in this case study.Hoje em dia reconhece-se a necessidade de uma modernização dos Estados e respectivos aparelhos administrativos. No contexto normativo e referente à prevenção de incêndios, o Corpo de Bombeiros foi à entidade mais atuante na criação de legislações e normas, baseando-se nos trágicos acontecimentos e na experiência adquirida no atendimento diário de ocorrências. O incêndio pode atacar qualquer local onde existam ou não atividades humanas sendo que os estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde (EAS) não estão isentos deste infortúnio e infelizmente existe a possibilidade real de que possam acontecer novas tragédias relacionadas com incêndios dado que a carga de incêndio. O objectivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar o nível de conhecimento que os funcionários de Unidades Básicas de Saúde possuem em relação à temática Segurança contra Incêndio e confrontar os resultados com o exigido legislação vigente confrontando os achados com o Decreto Estadual 5.6819/11 devido à não obrigatoriedade de constituição de brigada de incêndio nas unidades básicas de saúde, com menos de 750 m², piso térreo, constituindo a grande maioria das edificações do sistema de Saúde Brasileiro. O método de investigação é um qualitativo observacional e descritivo por amostra de conveniência em noveUnidades Básicas de Saúde no município de Santo André, São Paulo, Brasil, com o objetivo de aprofundar o nível de conhecimento que os funcionários possuem em relação à temática Segurança contra Incêndio