26 research outputs found

    [Wood preservation.]

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    This document on Wood preservation has been published within the SPIN-project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processes to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences

    STRAVERA: een model voor de berekening van trends in emissies en oppervlaktewaterbelasing

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report consists of a description of STRAVERA (version 1). STRAVERA is a dutch acronum for STRAtegy for Efficient Reduction of Surface water load. STRAVERA is a scenario model for making quick calculations of the effect of technical measures and (autonomous) developments on the total emissions to air and water. Moreover the effects of these measures and developments can be assessed with respect to the atmospheric deposition and the total surface water load. Besides a calculation of abatement costs can be mad. The sorftware is developed using TURBO PASCAL and can be run on a MS-DOS computer.DGM/DWB-WE/Bergen V van de

    Production of primary aluminium

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis document on the production of primairy aluminium has been published within the SPIN project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processes to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences.DGM/HDK - IBPC - IO

    [Produktie van primair aluminium.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis document on production of primary aluminium has been published within the SPIN project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processes to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences.DGM/HDK-IBPC-IO

    Graphics industry

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    This document on Graphics industry has been published within the SPIN-project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processes to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences


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    This document on shipyards has been published within the SPIN project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processes to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences

    [Meat preparation, including barbecuing.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis document on meat preparation has been published within the WESP cooperation project: the Working group Emissions of Service industries and Product use. In this project information has been collected on processes in the target groups of consumers, construction, service industries, environmental firms and recreation to get agreement about the data used by different institutes and to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences.DGM/DWL-IBP

    Asphalt burning installations

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    In dit rapport is informatie verzameld over de milieuaspecten van 'asfaltmenginstallaties'. Het is gepubliceerd binnen het samenwerkingsproject WESP: de Werkgroep Emissies Servicebedrijven en Productgebruik. In dit project wordt informatie verzameld over processen in de doelgroepen van consumenten, bouw, handel en dienstverlening om tot overeenstemming te komen over de gegevens die gebruikt worden bij verschillende instituten en levert ondersteunende informatie voor het regeringsbeleid over emissiereductie. Dit document bevat informatie over processen, emissiebronnen, emissies naar lucht en water, afval, emissiefactoren, emissiereductie, onderzoek naar schone processen en producten, normstelling en vergunningen.This document reporting on environmental aspects of "asphalt burning installations" has been published within the WESP cooperative project of the Working Group on Emissions from Service Industries and Product Use. In this project information was collected on processes found in the target groups: consumers, construction, service industries, environmental cleanup, and consulting firms and recreational services. The aim was to reach an agreement on the data used by various institutes and to provide support for governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, emission reduction, research on clean products, and standards and permits.HIMH DWL-IBP

    Public Swimming Pools

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    In dit rapport is informatie verzameld over de milieuaspecten van "Openbare zwembaden". Het is gepubliceerd binnen het samenwerkingsproject WESP: de Werkgroep Emissies Servicebedrijven en Productgebruik. In dit project wordt informatie verzameld over processen in de doelgroepen van consumenten, bouw, handel en dienstverlening om tot overeenstemming te komen over de gegevens die gebruikt worden bij verschillende instituten en levert ondersteunende informatie voor het regeringsbeleid over emissiereductie. Dit document bevat informatie over processen, emissiebronnen, emissies naar lucht en water, afval, emissiefactoren, gebruik van energie en energiefactoren, emissiereductie, energiebehoud, onderzoek naar schone technologie normstelling en vergunningen.This document reporting on environmental aspects of "Public Swimming Pools" has been published within the WESP cooperative project of the Working Group on Emissions from Service Industries and Product Use. In this project information was collected on processes found in the target groups: consumers, construction, service industries, environmental cleanup, and consulting firms and recreational services. The aim was to reach an agreement on the data used by various institutes and to provide support for governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste, emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology, and standards and permits.HIMH DWL-IBP

    Scopingsrapport 1,1,1-Trichloorethaan

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarAlthough the available data are insufficient for a sound risk assessment the large differences between exposure levels and (no-) effect levels justify the conclusion that the risks of the direct effects of 1,1,1-TCE to humans and ecosystems in the Netherlands are very limited and do not require further action. In contrast to this, 1,1,1-TCE contributes to global effects like acidification, greenhouse effects and effects resulting from ozone layer depletion. First this contribution was expected to increase isgnificantly as a result of a rise in the 1,1,1-TCE cconsumption due to replacing CFC's and carbon tetrachloride. However, recetnly the Montreal Protocol was revised and 1,1,1-TCE is required to be phased out of use by 2005. It is recommended not to draw up an integrated criteria document but to focus the attention on measures and procedures to reduce the emissions in the Netherlands.DGM/SR / Seede AG