2 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Keragaan Tanaman dan Keserempakan Panen Populasi F4 Kacang Hijau

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    Periode panen pendek atau masak polong serempak adalah salah satu fokus utama dalam pemuliaan tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi keragaan tanaman dan keserempakan panen kacang hijau generasi F4 hasil seleksi persilangan VR480B × Vima. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Bengkaung, Kabupaten Lombok Barat pada bulan Maret sampai dengan Juni 2021. Materi genetik adalah populasi F4 dan genotipe pembanding VR480B dan Vima 1. Penanaman dilakukan berdasarkan rancangan untuk populasi bersegregasi dan pengamatan dilakukan terhadap semua individu. Populasi F4 memiliki keragaman pada semua kualitatif kecuali tipe tumbuh, kebiasaan membelit dan warna garis tautan polong. Populasi F4 juga memiliki tinggi tanaman, umur panen pertama, periode panen, dan bobot biji per tanaman yang beragam. Sebanyak 140 genotipe F4 memiliki periode panen lebih singkat dari kedua tetua. Hasil seleksi populasi F4 berdasarkan periode panen dan bobot biji per tanaman menunjukkan sebanyak 24 genotipe berpotensi memiliki periode panen 3.55 hari lebih singkat dan bobot biji 4.56 g dibandingkan populasi F4 awal, sehingga berpotensi diteruskan pada siklus pemuliaan berikutnya. Kata kunci: HP1, HP90, masak serempak, periode panen, produktivitasThe short harvest period or synchronous maturity is the main focus of mungbean breeding programs. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic character and synchronous maturity of mungbean F4 generation from a selection of VR480B × Vima 1 crosses. The research was held in Bengkaung Village, West Lombok from March until June 2021. The genetic material consisted of F4 seeds, and VR480B and Vima 1 as controlled genotypes. A segregated population design was carried out and all of the plants were observed individually. F4 population had variability on all qualitative characters except growth type, twining habit, and the color of the ventral suture of the immature pod. There were 140 F4 genotypes with synchronous maturity because had an earlier harvest period rather than both parents. The selection of the F4 population based on harvest period and seed weight per plant revealed as many as 24 genotypes with the potential to have a shorter harvest period of 3.55 days and seed weight of 4.56 g compared to the initial F4 population, allowing them to potentially be continued in the next breeding cycle. Keywords: HP1, HP90, harvest period, productivity, synchronous maturit

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Sampah Organik di Kelurahan Pejarakan Karya

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    One of the health problems in Indonesia today which is also a global pandemic is the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 cases. The Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Public Health Emergencies for Corona Virus Disease 2019 has stated that COVID-19 is a public health emergency that is prevention efforts must be made. The fairly dense population living in this area can cause the spread of the COVID-19 virus to accelerate if comprehensive prevention efforts are not made. Every individual needs to make efforts to prevent the development and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Actions that can be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Pejarakan Karya Village are by consuming healthy and nutritious food which is realized by creating a Sustainable Home Yard Socialization (P2L) program and to support the Sustainable Home Yard program a P2L pilot area and fertilizer manufacturing plant have been created. organic liquid made from household waste that can be used by the surrounding community. Keywords: Penjarakan Karya, COVID-19 prevention, yard, liquid organic fertilize