40 research outputs found

    Initial clock-drawing items used in statistical analyses.

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    <p>If the answer is yes →1 point, if no →0 point;</p><p>*All numbers are correct: wrong numbers included cases of number that are missing, repeated, not include in 12-number range, or been substituted with some symbols.</p

    Demographic characteristics and AVLT-H indicators in age-specific diagnostic groups.

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    <p>Comparison between NC group and aMCI group was marked behind ‘aMCI group’;</p>**<p>P<0.01.</p><p>Comparison between aMCI group and AD group was marked behind ‘AD group’;</p>†<p>P<0.05;</p>††<p>P<0.01.</p><p>Comparison between NC group and AD group was marked behind ‘AD group’. P<0.05;</p>##<p>P<0.01.</p

    Percentage of zero scores of the AVL-SR and AVL-LR in different age groups in patients with aMCI.

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    <p>Percentage of zero scores of the AVL-SR and AVL-LR in different age groups in patients with aMCI.</p

    Summary of the profile of commonly used verbal memory tests or tests that involve verbal memory.

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    <p>CERAD-CWL: The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease 10-word list.</p>*<p>after list B interference.</p>#<p>after list B interference and a free-recall test of that list.</p

    Hypothesized mediating effects of on the relationships between impairments of CRs, social support and caregiver mental health.

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    <p>Path a represents the influence of predictors (impairments of care recipients and caregiver social support) on the mediators (five domains of caregiver self-efficacy). Path b represents the influence of meidators on outcome measure (caregiver mental health). Path c represents the direct effects of predictors on outcome measure, and Path c’ demonstrates the predictors indirectly influence outcome measure via the influence of the mediators.</p

    AVL scores in three diagnostic groups in each trial.

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    <p>AVL scores in three diagnostic groups in each trial.</p

    Descriptive statistics for MMSE, DAD, RMBPC, MOS-SSS, caregiver self-efficacy and mental health.

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    <p><b>Abbreviations:</b> MMSE, Mini Mental Status Examination; DAD-ADLs, Activity of Daily Living Subscale of Disability Assessment in Dementia; DAD-ADLs, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Subscale of Disability Assessment in Dementia; RMBPC, Revised Memory and Behaviour Problems Checklist; MOS-SSS, Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey; SEQCFC, Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Chinese Family Caregivers; MCS, Mental Component Summary score (MCS) of the Medical Outcome Study (MOS) Short-Form (SF-36) Health Survey.</p

    Partial mediating effect of managing caregiving distress self-efficacy on the relationship between positive social interaction and caregiver mental health.

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    <p>Partial mediating effect of managing caregiving distress self-efficacy on the relationship between positive social interaction and caregiver mental health.</p

    Partial mediating effect of managing caregiving distress self-efficacy on the relationship between BPSD and caregiver mental health.

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    <p>Partial mediating effect of managing caregiving distress self-efficacy on the relationship between BPSD and caregiver mental health.</p

    Discrimination of different scoring systems between non-converters and converters.

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    <p>Discrimination of different scoring systems between non-converters and converters.</p