3 research outputs found

    Rick Riordan's Intention in Writing Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and the Reception of the Readers

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    This research studies Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. The objectives are to describe the Greek mythology presented in the novel, the intention of Rick Riordan, and the reception of the readers. The methodology is hermeneutic referring to Recoeur's theory. It was found that, first, the Greek mythology presented in the novel is blended with American real life; second, the main character is a son of a Greek mythology god and a real American woman and, third, the setting is a blend of places in Greek mythology and real American cities. The intention of Riordan is to open up American culture that is lived through by Americans, that a part of American culture is Greek mythology. The readers accept that the novel fulfils the readers' horizon of expectation of aesthetic enjoyment and of the incorporation of Greek mythology into real American life

    Studi Kelayakan Finansial Investasi Perumahan Ume Malinan Permai Kabupaten Kupang

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    Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Perumahandosen dan pegawai, pihak Undana bekerja sama dengan PT. Spison Brajo selaku developer membangun sebuah kawasan Perumahan yang diberi nama Perumahan Ume Malinan Permai. Mengingat dana yang dibutuhkan cukup besar, perlu dilakukan penyusunan studi kelayakan untuk menghindari resiko kerugian di masa yang akan datang.Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek Perumahan Ume Malinan Permai terhadap aspek finansial. Untuk mengetahui ketersediaan jumlah tempat tinggal digunakan perhitungan peluang pasar dan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari segi finansial digunakan perhitungan analisa uji kelayakan dengan parameter investasi yaitu NPV, IRR dan PP.Setelah diadakan analisis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa peluang pasar pembangunan Perumahan Ume Malinan Permai sangat menjanjikan karena besarnya peluang pasar (market potencial) di Kupang yaitu 58489 unit pada tahun 2018.Dari aspek ekonomi dengan biaya investasi sebesar Rp. 9,536,722,200.00 dan perhitungan uji kelayakan investasi dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun menggunakan 4 asumsi penjualan berbeda disimpulkan bahwa asumsi keempat lebih besar dari 3 asumsi lainnya dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 5,548,503,421,IRRsebesar 25.2112% dan PP selama 3 tahun. Perumahan Ume Malinan Permai yang dilakukan oleh PT. Spison Brajo dikatakan layak (feasible) direalisasikan dari aspek finansial. To fulfill the need of lecturer and staff'shousing, Undana in cooperation with PT. Spison Brajo as the developer built a residential district named Ume Malinan Permai Housing. Because of the huge funds required, feasibility studies need to be done to avoid the risk of losses in the future.This final assesment aims to determine the feasibility of Ume Malinan Permai housing project on the financial aspects. To know the availability of the number of dwelling, calculation of market opportunities is used while to know the feasibility in financial terms, due diligence analysis calculation is used with the investment parameters, namely NPV, IRR and PP.After been analysed, it is concluded that the market opportunities of Ume Malinan Permai housing is very promising because of the large market opportunities (market potencial) in Kupang are 58489 units in 2018.From the economic aspect with the investment cost of Rp. 9,536,722,200.00 and the calculation of investment feasibility test within a period of 5 years using 4 different sales assumptions it has been concluded that the fourth assumption is greater than 3 other assumptions withNPV of Rp. 5,548,503,421,IRR of 25.2112% and PP for 3 years. Ume Malinan Permai housing conducted by PT. Spison Brajo is feasible to be realized on financial aspects

    Satisfaction with Inclusive Education Services and Its Relationship with Father and Mother Involvement: Satisfaction with Inclusive Education Services and Its Relationship with Father and Mother Involvement

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    Parental involvement in education is essential, especially for children with special needs and the existence of inclusive schools supports children's education fairly so that inclusive education services need to prioritize services to achieve parental satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze parental satisfaction with inclusive education services and their relationship to parental involvement. This research was conducted in one of the inclusive schools in East Jakarta. Samples in this study are mothers and fathers from intact families with children with special needs who attend inclusive schools with purposive sampling technique with as many as 30 married couples. The results show a significant positive relationship between the variables of mother's satisfaction with father's satisfaction and father's engagement with father's satisfaction. Moreover, mother's engagement was significantly related to mother's education, while mother's satisfaction positively correlated with mother's age. A significant negative relationship was found between mother's satisfaction and father's education; father's engagement with child's age and length of getting inclusive services. The effect test found that the father's satisfaction was significantly affected by father's involvement and mother's satisfaction, while mother's satisfaction was significantly affected by mother's age and father's satisfaction. Inclusive schools need to provide optimal services and involve parents in schools to feel satisfied