3 research outputs found

    Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Pencurian di dalam Angkutan Umum oleh Kepolisian Resor Kota Pekanbaru

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    In line increases of people's income, many people buy their personal vehicles. With the number of private vehicles on the road it will cause traffic jam. So there are many people who use public transport to travel. However, here appears distorted mind and the opportunity for criminals on public transport, especially theft. The high demand of the economy and lack of jobs is also the reason why crimes occur on public transport. Rampant theft in public transport makes the user of public transport did not feel safe and comfort.There are several types of public transport in the city of Pekanbaru, namely city transport, city bus, trans metro and taxi. Theft is the most often crime happens in the public transpotation. The crimes can happen at the all time, it can happen anytime and anywhere. There are many crimes that occur on public transportation and city buses.In this case the law enforcers have tried to combat the crime, one of them with the process of law against the perpetrators to trial and criminal sanctions imposed in accordance with applicable laws, but it is very difficult for authorities to tackle the problem of crime, thisproofed by the lack of law enforcement especially weak police officers in performing their duties and obligations. The impression or the public image of the police in almost every country still has not improved. Failure to tackle crime will be the target of criticism and public censure.The weakness of law's implementation was caused by the persistence of the constraints and challenges in matter of law, the legal apparatus, facilities and infrastructure as well as other factors that influence it. Although the legal development takes time, but the need for the law to shelter not be delayed even prove the people's demand is constantly increasing, and should be recognized also there are the excesses in the application and enforcement

    Klasifikasi Logo Mobil Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation dan Decision Tree

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    Logo mobil sendiri sangat dalam membedakan dalam sebuah mobil adalah logo kendaraan yang berfungsi untuk mengenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang sebuah brand mereka. Pada klasifikasi ini agar masyarakat paham dalam mengetahui logo mobil yang telah ada. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini mengusulkan klasifikasi logo mobil menggunakan JST -backpropagation dan decision tree. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis logo mobil yang ada di Indonesia. Serta dapat memudahkan masyarakat awam dalam pengenalan sebuah logo mobil, sehingga nantinya masyarakat akan paham dalam pemilihan sebuah mobil dengan brand yang berkualitas. Dari hasil yang didapatkan bahwa Decision Tree pada split ratio 50:50 precision mendapatkan nilai 0.604, recall mendapatkan nilai 0.611, f-measure mendapatkan nilai 0.598 dan accuracy mendapatkan nilai 95.70%. Kemudian pengujian yang dilakukan JST-backpropagation hasil pada split ratio 50:50 fitur tekstur dan bentuk dengan nilai precision mendapatkan nilai mencapai 0.680, recall mendapatkan nilai 0.521, f-measure mendapatkan nilai 0.600 dan accuracy juga memiliki nilai tertinggi yang dihasilkan oleh JST-backpropagation mencapai 92.50% dengan perbandingan data 50:50. Hasil membuktikan dengan klasifikasi dengan Decision Tree menghasilkan precision, recall, f-measure dan accuracy tertinggi dibandingkan decision tree