13 research outputs found

    Analisis Kawasan Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan (Kkop) Bandar Udara Pekon Serai Di Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    As the one requirement for air transport safety and airport operating is Obstacle LimitaionSurface (OLS) area. The aimed of this research is to determining the major obstacle limitationsurface, consist of take-off and landing surface, possibility accident area, conical area, innerhorizontal, outer horizontal, transition area, and instrument of navigation posistion. This researchas inputing program to Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Barat to prevent of high buildingand tower BTS who would be disturb or give the risk for air transport operation at the SeraiAirport. Based on the observation and geodetic calculation we can determining of ObstacelLimitaion Surface (OLS) area at Serai Airport. Thsi research shown that high building and towerBTS by height about 70 – 120 m, not enter in this area of obstacle limitation surface.Furthermore, Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Barat will prepare and make a regulation abouthow many height of building who considered will be allowed in the Obstacel Limitation Surface(OLS) area

    Pengaruh Waktu Pemeraman Terhadap Kekuatan Paving Block Pasca Pembakaran Menggunakan Material Tanah Dan Kapur Untuk Jalan Lingkungan

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    Infrastructure rapid development sometimes had negative impact, such as the use of impermeable pavement layers which result the infiltration be hampered. By utilizing the paving block, it can resolve o f infrastuture development problem. Known, paving block is composition of building materials that made from the mixture of portland cement or hydraulic adhesives, water, and agrregates with or without the other ingridient as defined in SNI 03-0691-19996. To find the other alternatives then will do the assesment with the limestone and soil. Soil samples were tested from Desa Karang Anyar, South Lampung. The composition of mixture was used 6 %, 8 % and 10 %, with curing time during 7, 14 and 28 days, and the treatment with or without combustion and then paving block were tested with compressive strength and water absorption. The research results obtained by the characteristics of the soil is a clay samples. The average value of compressive strength was linearly proportional to the amount of lime composition. The compressive strength during 28 days of curring time and without combustion was from 32,96 kg/cm2 to 10,87 kg/cm2, then the compressive strength with combustion was from 16,99 kg/cm2 to 56,91 kg/cm. Water absorption test value was inversely proportional to the amount of lime composition. The water absorption was from 10,07% to 15,07%. The compressive strength resulting over all still not include the specifications of paving block in SK - SNI 03-1996, also for the compressive strength was 85 kg/cm2. The value of water absorption test were not include the specifications of paving block SK SNI - 03 - 0691-1996 which ranges from 3 % - 10 %

    Kajian Nilai Pcn Runway Berdasar Metode Analitik dan Metode Teoritik di Bandara H. Asan Sampit

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    Implementation of air traffic safety is shown from good operation and free from activity which against the law. This statement has declared on Government Regulation about Air Traffic Safety in Indonesia. Analysis of Pavement Classification Number (PCN) value is the one of air traffic safety requirement. Due to that statement, this research try to evaluation and analysis about performance of runway based on analytical method and theoritical method using data from HWD (Heavy Weight Deflectometer) test. The result of performance runway will shown on PCN value.HWD tests are routinely conducted at the FAA to evaluate performance of pavemnet. HWD tests are conducted in two phases.In the first phase, HWD geophone sensors record vertical deflections at seven points on thepavement surface. The collected data are used for pavement evaluation and environment related thickness response analysis. In the second phase, the insitu pavement sensors record the pavement response while the HWD geophones record the defections on the pavement surface. These tests are conducted by placing the HWD load plate directly over the in situ deflection and strain sensors. One of the objectives of the HWD tests is to develop relationships between the applied load and measured deflections.The result of this research has shown that PCN value from analytical method is 9/F/A/X/T and theoritical method is 38/F/D/X/T. Code letter A or D on PCN value is describe about class of bearing capacity of subgrade. That difference of code letter bearing capacity due to HWD test directly collecting data of subgrade reaction under the pavement but the other method has taken data of subgrade from sample outside of runway . Increasing of bearing capacity of subgrade cause process of compaction on subgrade under the pavement has perfectly done

    Perubahan Perilaku Tanah Lempung Lunak Akibat Stabilisasi dengan Bahan Aditif Kapur Menggunkaan Metode Deep Soil Mixing Pola Triangular

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    Pelembapang, South Lampung has a soft clay soil structure. Soft clay soil has a low bearing capacity value This has an effect on the building to be built on it. Therefore, soil stabilization must be carried out. The method used in this study is the deep soil mixing (DSM) method, which is one of the soil improvement method by mixing additional materials in the field (in-site). This method is more affordable because they use their soil as theiraggregate and reduce the transportation budget because of stuff supply.The purpose of this study is to determine the change of soil load-bearing capacity due to the variation of distance and the diameter of the DSM stabilization column on soft clay soil and soft clay soil with 8% lime. This study shows that the stabilization of soft clay soil using DSM of 8% lime with triangular configuration has increased its load-bearing capacity (qu) from10.368 kg/cm2 to 12.96 kg/cm2. The increase of soil load-bearing capacity with the stabilization of the DSM column is proportional to the volume of soil improvement. The largest increase of the soil load-bearing capacity occurred in 1D columns range and 3.75 cm diameter. The distance variation also gives a more significant change compared to the variation of diameter. The most efficient distance and diameter are at the variation of the distance of 1.25D columns range and 2.5 cm diameter

    Pengaruh Waktu Pemeraman terhadap Daya Dukung Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Berpasir Menggunakan Tx-300

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    Road is one of many things that support the development of construction at citties and villages. Not every soil can be directly used for road construction. Soil conditions in one area will not have the same soil properties with the other area. Some has a good bearing capacity and there's also some with poor soil bearing capacity. This thing is very influenced by the type of the soil, so that on constructionis is requred a deeper understanding of the soil behavior analytically. In this research, the tested soil is study clay soil that diviced from Dusun kali ayu, Desa jadti baru, Kecamatan tanjung bintang, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan-Provinsi Lampung had been optimized with TX-300 with density of 2.49, water contents of 22.34 percent, 41.08 percent Liquit Limit, plastic limit of 31.92 percent and plasticity index of 9.15 percent. Mixed content of TX-300 that used was 1.2 ml and 6 kg soil sample for 0,7,14 and 28 day with unsoaked method. On physical examination like density and liquit limit increased after stabilized. While the mechanical examination, TX-300 is quite effective in increasing the bearing capacity along with the increasing of curing duration from 21.69% up to 25.92% in 28 days curing time. From CBR test result without soaking , the soil that has stabilized with TX-300 has a less effect in increasing the bearing capacity of the sandy clay soil compared with of stabilizing on soft clay soil

    Studi Daya Dukung Tanah Lempung Lunak Menggunakan Ecomix.

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    In this research, the soil to test is soft clay soil from Rawa Sragi area of Belimbing Sari village, inJabung sub district of East Lampung regency, Lampung province. The soil properties were as thefollowing: specific gravity 2.546; water content 50.64%, liquid limit 61.26%, plasticity limit30.77%, plasticity index 30.49%, and material sieve passing no. 200 was 90.42%. Additive mate-rial to use was Ecomix. There were three treatments of ecomix mixtures of 3 gr, 4 gr, and 5gr with0.4 kg cement and 6 kg soft clay soil samples. The mixture samples were letting aside for 7 daysand soaked for 4 days.The results showed that the ecomix addition to mixture or cement and soft clay soil was able toimprove the soil mechanical and physical properties. The physical test results such as specificgravity, optimal water content, and plasticity index tests showed decreasing results after soil sta -bilization. The maximum CBR value was obtained in mixture of 34.49% in non-soaked condition,while the lowest CBR value was 8.2% soaked condition. The CBR test results showed that the soilmixture of ecomix additive material and cement can be used for road construction subgrade be-cause the CBR value was β‰₯ 6

    Kinerja Fly Ash terhadap Stabilisasi Tanah Lunak sebagai Material Perbaikan Tanah Dasar (Subgrade)

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    Subgrade has an important role in road construction work planning. However, a problem may appear because the soil which is used as the subgrade material has low quality, such as soft soil. One of the parameters to know the quality of the soil is by CBR testing and Atterberg Limit to know the index properties of soil that affect the quality. It is necessary to improve the subgrade soil through stabilization to produce construction materials based on standards by using additives in the form of fly ash. In this study, some variations of fly ash as a stabilization material are 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% with curing time of 0 days, 7 days, and 14 days at room temperature. The results showed CBR value increased along with the increase in fly ash percentage as well as the length of curing time. The optimum CBR is 23.89% which is occurred in the addition of 15% fly ash with a 14-day curing time of at room temperature. The addition of fly ash percentage also affects the plasticity index of soils that have decreased from native soil by 28.19% to 9.02% in the addition of 15% fly ash