40 research outputs found

    Alternative evaluation of innovations' effectiveness in mechanical engineering

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The aim of present work is approbation of the developed technique for assessing innovations' effectiveness. We demonstrate an alternative assessment of innovations' effectiveness (innovation projects) in mechanical engineering on illustrative example. It is proposed as an alternative to the traditional method technique based on the value concept and the method of "Cash flow"

    Expansion of synergetic approach to economic science and management

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    The problem of introduction of synergetic approach in economy and management is staticized. Results of research on a problem of an assessment of synergetic efficiency are presented. The judgment about reference of "economic synergetics" and "synergetic management" to the direction veiled and not to the scientific is put forward © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Development of the procurement principles and management system of the «lean production» technology

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    As a result of continued study as to the Lean Production application, a set of principles was proposed for application of this technology in the machinery production; and a new principle of standardization and flexibility was developed and introduced into such set of principles. In implementing any business processes, this principle allows to focus on standardization of the operations and actions that contributes to the cost reduction unification when implementing these operations. Flexibility enables management of personnel, load of the used equipment, efficient application of the existing facilities (equipment, area). Flexibility of the production processes becomes even more possible and expressed if unified standardized operations exist. Application of this principle was demonstrated on the example, how the machine tool's lubricating-cooling fluid was changed in the production. Procurement management system with a reorder point system was developed; it should be implemented in ZF KAMA, LLC. In the reorder point system, the procurement volume becomes optimal, and it remains unchanged later. The minimum aggregated stock holding and repeated order costs become the optimization criterion. The order is given when the current stock reaches a threshold level. It is assumed here to consider the security stock, which covers the need for the period of alleged delay in delivery

    Study of lean production technology application at domestic and foreign enterprises

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    The study of "Lean Production" technology application experience at foreign and domestic enterprises was performed. The features of lean manufacturing technique application and implementation are revealed at foreign and domestic enterprises in the context of eight criteria. At the country level identified the common grounds in this process are determined at a country level and specific tools are determined implemented at enterprises. A significant gap and lag of Russian companies in the implementation of lean manufacturing technology tools is determined. The main reason of this is an inadequate understanding of scientific and methodological principles concerning "Lean production" concept and its philosophy by domestic experts, the lack of interest among owners in the process of production modernization and the availability of a formal approach to the implementation of lean manufacturing technology among managers.The ways of "Lean production" technology implementation process are determined at domestic enterprises. The main way of a Russian company development is the vector of its ideology and corporate culture development based on the principles of lean manufacturing, as well as on production specifics focused on certain reserves of production components, on the mentality of a Russian consumer, who will eventually lead to transition into a qualitatively different development trajectory with the obtaining of a hopping systemic effect

    Agile in project management system in mechanical engineering

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The aim of the work is to highlight the practical application of the Agile concept in the life cycle management of investment projects in the field of engineering. The comparative advantages and disadvantages of the concept of flexible design are revealed. The themes of engineering projects in which the application of the Agile concept can be applied are identified

    The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technological process of iron smelting

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    The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technology smelting from set of existing alternatives on the basis of the method developed by the author is presented

    Exchange of property rights and control as a condition of the innovation process effectiveness at collaboration between university and enterprise

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    INTRODUCTION Currently, the innovative development of the enterprise is considered to be an urgent task. Implementation of innovation in the economic activity of the enterprise is a complex process. Thus, effective innovation process conditions and factors, as well as mechanisms of its control need further investigation. METHODS The study is based on general research methods such as the analysis and synthesis, the deduction and induction, the interrelation between historical and logical, laws of dialectics, and the analysis of cause and effect relationship. Special methods include the institutional approach, methods of the theory of property rights and the theory of innovation. The study is based on the works of scholars such as J.A. Schumpeter, N.D. Kondratieff, D.C. North, R.H. Coase, D. Hahn, S.Y. Glaz'ev, D.S. Lvov, J.L. Abalkin, K.S. Mullakhmetov, S.P. Robbins, M. Coulter, R.L. Daft, V. Horvath, and others. RESULTS Conducted study revels beneficial effect of property rights exchange in the innovation process. Property rights act as a vital institution of increasing confidence and values in the innovation process. The identified main stages of the innovation process are considered in a following sequence: idea → intellectual property asset → intangible assets → shares. The exchange of proprietary rights allows determining the required ratio of economic resources and create behavior scenario of the innovation process participants. DISCUSSION Special attention is paid to the transitions from stage to stage in the innovation process, as well as improvement of control procedures at each stage. It is found that the main risks occur during the transition of the innovation process from one stage to another. These stages should be taken into account when exchanging and control of property rights. The authors distinguish between sales of knowledge and intellectual property management since property rights transformation in these two cases is different. FINAL REPORT The application of the institutional approach and the property rights theory to improve the effectiveness of the innovation process is a promising and relevant tool of economic activity of university and enterprise

    Evaluating of innovative projects’ effectiveness at industrial enterprises

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    The problem of assessing of innovative projects’ effectiveness in industry from the perspective of integrated and compromise approach is actualized. Taking into consideration main directions of the Russian economy development the tooling of efficiency estimation of innovative projects is offered. Evaluating of the effectiveness is presented as solution of multi-criteria optimization problem (using the theory of fuzzy sets and theory of aggregation). The complex of efficiency measurement parameters is developed, which consists of group of critical parameters and economic parameters. Also we offer the mathematical apparatus of innovative projects’ efficiency evaluation. The technique, the sequence in the process of evaluating of innovative projects’ effectiveness in the industrial enterprises are described in present work

    Alternative evaluation of innovations' effectiveness in mechanical engineering

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The aim of present work is approbation of the developed technique for assessing innovations' effectiveness. We demonstrate an alternative assessment of innovations' effectiveness (innovation projects) in mechanical engineering on illustrative example. It is proposed as an alternative to the traditional method technique based on the value concept and the method of "Cash flow"

    The problem of accounting non-economic characteristics when evaluating projects (foreign countries experience)

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    © 2019 International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). The present work gives a brief analysis of the methods for recording non-economic externalities (characteristics) when evaluating projects and project efficiency which were identified in the world practice. At first we identified 168 sources by search queries, but after careful study of their annotations, 57 sources were identified, subjected to detailed study on the content of the articles themselves. The analysis revealed groups of non-economic criteria for evaluating projects, a technology for evaluating existing approaches, and a tendency to evaluate projects comprehensively while taking into account non-economic and economic indicators. The concept of integrating indicators into a single normalized dimensionless scale is proposed. It would combine the advantages of existing approaches and methods of world practice in assessing the impact and effectiveness of projects. Thus, the probability of automation increases, shortening the time frame for substantiating and launching projects of a global and national economic level in the age of the digital economy development