4 research outputs found

    Dalihan Na Tolu Sebagai Konsep Dasar Rancangan Jembatan Tano Ponggol (Studi Kelayakan Jembatan Tano Ponggol)

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    Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (NTSA) requires tourism relevant road and bridge to support tourism. For this reason, the road segment for Tele - Pangururan - Nainggolan - Onan Runggu - Lagundi - Tomok - Ambarita - Pangururan was implemented and plans to build the Tano Ponggol Bridge in Pangururan District, Samosir Regency as land access to Samosir Island. The government plans to replace the Tano Ponggol bridge as well as make it a landmark for Pangururan Tourism City. The local wisdom approach to the bridge design is put on the concept of kinship which is owned by all ethnic groups around the Lake Toba area. The principles of the kinship concept in Batak culture are: Dalihan Na Tolu: elek marboru, somba marhula hula, and manat mardongan tubu. These three principles are manifested in the design of a three-legged bridge. The results of the multi-criteria analysis show that the greatest value in alternative 3, namely replacing the main pilon bridge and cable stayed bridge using a concrete box structure 47.5+95+47.5 m (the erection balance cantilever method), the architectural aesthetic concept "Dalihan Na Tolu” with the construction of three symmetrical parallel pillars as bridge accessories, so that the purpose the bridge design which is also a landmark can still be achieved


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    Kabupaten Asmat, berada pada dataran rawa, dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air sungai. Konstruksi jalan dari hasil kajian teknis, adalah jalan melayang ± 2 m di atas permukaan tanah dasar. Permukaan jalan berupa slab papan kayu atau slab beton, didukung kolom kayu atau beton bertulang dan didirikan di  atas struktur fondasi tiang pancang. Jalan direncanakan melayani beban lalu lintas ringan, yakni sepeda motor elektrik, sepeda motor roda 3, dan gerobak barang. Tujuan analisis manfaat ekonomi untuk menaksir kelayakan proyek dari aspek ekonomi, untuk itu dilakukan analisis manfaat ekonomi pada ruas jalan di Distrik Agats yang menggunakan slab beton lebar 4 m, panjang 3 km. Penghematan BOK dengan membandingkan BOK with project dengan BOK without project. Setelah dibangun jalan, perjalanan dari asal ke tujuan dapat menggunakan sepeda motor elektrik, yang sebelumnya menggunakan perahu motor. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan BOK sepeda motor elektrik dan BOK perahu motor. Metodologi dalam menganalisis parameter-parameter kelayakan, yaitu: NPV, BCR, dan IRR. Dari hasil perhitungan: BOK 1 unit sepeda motor elektrik per tahun = Rp. 19.470.000,- dan BOK perahu motor pertahun= Rp. 32.400.000,- Nilai penghematan BOK berdasarkan umur rencana selama 23 tahun=Rp.252.809.551.559,- Biaya Kontrak dan pemeliharaan= Rp.113,419,883,758,-; BCR=2,01; NPV=Rp.23.015.691.841; IRR=10,61,31%

    Dalihan Na Tolu Sebagai Konsep Dasar Rancangan Jembatan Tano Ponggol (Studi Kelayakan Jembatan Tano Ponggol)

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    Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (NTSA) requires tourism relevant road and bridge to support tourism. For this reason, the road segment for Tele - Pangururan - Nainggolan - Onan Runggu - Lagundi - Tomok - Ambarita - Pangururan was implemented and plans to build the Tano Ponggol Bridge in Pangururan District, Samosir Regency as land access to Samosir Island. The government plans to replace the Tano Ponggol bridge as well as make it a landmark for Pangururan Tourism City. The local wisdom approach to the bridge design is put on the concept of kinship which is owned by all ethnic groups around the Lake Toba area. The principles of the kinship concept in Batak culture are: Dalihan Na Tolu: elek marboru, somba marhula hula, and manat mardongan tubu. These three principles are manifested in the design of a three-legged bridge. The results of the multi-criteria analysis show that the greatest value in alternative 3, namely replacing the main pilon bridge and cable stayed bridge using a concrete box structure 47.5+95+47.5 m (the erection balance cantilever method), the architectural aesthetic concept "Dalihan Na Tolu” with the construction of three symmetrical parallel pillars as bridge accessories, so that the purpose the bridge design which is also a landmark can still be achieved

    Reduksi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Campuran Aspal Industri Konstruksi Jalan

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    The construction industry plays an important role in the national economic development, however it also contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters. According to the BPS Indonesia regarding Final Energy Consumption referring to the 2009-2013 sector, the Industrial and Construction sector ranked first, thus the phenomenons of global warming, climate change, energy conservation and GHG emission reduction has become important issues in the construction industry including road contruction industry. This study is to determine the amount of GHG emissions from road construction industry at the production and the implementation of the asphalt pavement construction stages and also to determine the gap of mitigation results against the GHG emission benchmarks. To achieve these objectives, development of data activities and identification of key sources of GHG emissions for each stage are carried out. Equipment type, capacity,specifications, year of manufacture and fuel requirements were obtained from the survey. GHG emission estimates refer to the IPCC 2006 procedures and Bina Marga AHSP 2010. Aggregate heating at the production stage of HMA using diesel as a benchmark compared to aggregate heating: 1. HMA production using LPG 2. HMA production with 60% original aggregate + 40% RAP using Solar 3. HMA production with 60% original aggregate + 40% of RAP uses LPG 4. Production of warm asphalt mixture (WMA) uses Solar 5. Production of warm asphalt mixture (WMA) uses LPG. Furthermore, the study also carried out a reduction in the temperature of the asphalt mixture to the distance and travel time from the production location to the project location. achieved reduction of GHG emissions exceeding the target of 2.4%. Themost dominant aggregate heating process produces GHG emissions of 59.5% - 67.5% for all stages. Ranking of the largest emitters: AMP (aggregate heating