25 research outputs found

    Towards Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Development: a Case in Trammel Net Fishery in the Northern Coast of Java

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    Konsep pengembangan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutan telah disosialisasikan sejak dasawarsa terakhir oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Akan tetapi konsep ini belum diimplementasikan dalam aktivitas perikanan khususnya untuk perikanan pantai yang telah mendapatkan tekanan tinggi dari aktivitas penangkapan intensif, polusi industri, sampah rumah tangga, dan lain-lain. Trammel net merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan secara meluas di perairan pantai oleh nelayan tradisional di seluruh Indonesia untuk menangkapudang sebagai spesies target dan spesies non-target lainnya. Alat tangkap ini telah berkembang pesat di pantai utara Jawa, Selat Malaka, dan Selat Makassar setelah dihapuskannya trawl pada tahun 1980. Karena tidak adanya aturan khusus pada perikanan ini ditambah lagi dengan rendahnya pengawasan dan perhatian pemerintah,mengakibatkan trammel net dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan pertambahan jumlah yang pesat, meskipun sumber daya ikan di pantai utara Jawa telah menagalami lebih tangkap. Makalah ini mendiskusikan perkembangan perikanan trammel net dan menelaah penelitian-penelitian terdahulu yang terkait dengan pengembangan perikanan ini secara berkelanjutan di pantai utara Jawa dalam rangka mengusulkan pengelolaanyang lebih baik

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Umpan Terhadap Pola Tingkah Laku Makan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Ephinephelus Fuscoguttatus)

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    Study on fish behavior is necessary to establish knowledge on the use of bait effectiveness. The objective of the research was to analyze response and feeding behavior of grouper (Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus) on different chemical composition of bait. The research was conducted by laboratory experimental method. The fish used was 200 mm in total length. The baits used were shrimp (Metapenaeus elegans) and trash fish (Sardinella gibbosa). Data collection consist of response time and feeding behavior pattern of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus on bait with soaking time of 1, 7, and 12 hours. Chemical composition of each bait consisting of proximate, amino acid, fatty acid, and ammonia were analyzed based on soaking time. Data was analyzed using t-student test. The results showed that response time of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus to shrimp bait and fish was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). The feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus with soaking time difference of shrimp bait and trash fish during 1 and 7 hours was significantly difference (p < 0.01). The bait soaking time until 12 hours was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). Longer bait soaking time (until 12 hours) would decrease bait chemical composition that influenced on decrease feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus

    Analisis Indra Penglihatan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) Dan Hubungannya Dalam Merespons Umpan

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    The visual organ in fish has an important role in ensuring its survival. Fish can respond to bait or food with its visual organ. The objectives of this research are to analyse the visual performance of grouper (cone cell morphology, the visual axis, and visual acuity) and to analyse the relation between visual senses with fish behavior response to the bait. This research was conducted in the laboratory by means of the determination of fish retina histology method and behavior of fish. The morphology retina of grouper consists of a single cone and double cone which form a mosaic structure, the visual axis was identified at upper-fore with the angle of 26.8o.The visual acuity of grouper was low in index values with ranged from 0.06 to 0.07 for fish with a total length of 200 to 300 mm, the maximum sighting distance to the bait with the diameter of 20 mm size ranged from 3.93 to 4.74 m, the bait with 25 mm diameter size range from 4.91 to 5.92 and bait with a diameter of 30 mm size ranged from 5.89 to 7.11 m. The frequency of fish closed the bait distance of 30 cm was 45.83%, 25 cm was 33.33% and 20 cm was 20.83%, respectively

    Analisis Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Bintan Timur Kepulauan Riau

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    Coral reef ecosystem management in Regional Marine Conservation Area(RMCA) Bintan Timur is still a sectoral and not based on the consideration ofmulti-sectoral and multi-dimensional, so that it can cause environmental damageand social problems. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze the index andsustainability status of coral reef management in RMCA Bintan Timur, and (2) toanalyze the key factors for sustainable management of coral reef ecosystems.Sustainability analysis conducted by the method of Multi Dimensional Scaling(MDS) approach with Rap-Insus COREMAG techniques (Rapid Appraisal-IndexSustainability of Coral Reef Management). Analysis of key factors ofsustainability management performed a prospective analysis of the sensitivityfactors (leverage factor) of the MDS and the factors from the analysis ofstakeholders\u27 needs. The results showed that the status of sustainability of coralreef management in RMCA Bintan Timur was quite sustainable with amultidimensional index of 55.02. There were ten key factors that influence to thesustainability, namely the condition of coral reefs, protected area, the publicrevenue, tourism employment, human resource availability, government policies,coordination among stakeholders, community compliance, environmental legalcounseling, and surveillance infrastructure

    Studi Mengenai Proses Tertangkapnya Dan Tingkah Laku Ikan Terhadap Gillnet Millennium Di Perairan Bondet, Cirebon (Studies on Capture Process and Fish Behavior Towards Millennium Gillnet in Bondet Waters, Cirebon)

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    The millennium gillnet was recently adopted by Cirebon fishermen. Its use has been spread to other areas. Research on this type of gear is rare. The objectives of this research were: to investigate the effects of transparency on the fish behavior towards net panel of millennium gillnet; and to obtain the information on catch composition and the capture process of millennium gillnet. This research consisted of laboratory experiment and experimental fishing. The first objective was conducted in the laboratory experiment from August 2005 to March 2006 at Fish Behavior Laboratory, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. The second objective was carried out in October to November 2006 in waters off Cirebon. This study concludes that: net transparency affected the Japanese Jack mackerel behavior towards contrast color net panel; the reduced transparency caused by the length of USAge was not significant; catch of millennium gillnet in the field dominated by threadfins (71.29%) and the other catch were by-catch; and capture process of millennium gillnet dominated by gilled and wedged

    Pola Implementasi Co-management Perikanan Tangkap Di Palabuhanratu (Implementation Patterns of Capture Fisheries Co-management in Palabuhanratu)

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    Co-management merupakan salah satu pendekatan pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan yang memberi peran besar bagi partisipasi masyarakat dengan fasilitasi oleh pemerintah dan stakeholders lainnya dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya yang dimilikinya. Palabuhanratutermasuk kawasan pesisir yang telah banyak kegiatan/proyek melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat pemerintah, perguruan tinggi, LSM, dan swasta dalam pengembangan kegiatan perikanannya, dan saat ini menjadi kawasan minapolitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan pola implementasi co-management dalam mendukung pengelolaan perikanantangkap di Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Beberapa komponen pengelolaan berinteraksi signifikan adalah (a) pengembangan sumberdaya manusia dan permodalan (

    Komoditi Unggulan Perikanan Tangkap Di Teluk Banten (Leading Commodity of Capture Fisheries in Banten Bay)

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    Tekanan yang cukup besar di daerah pesisir Teluk Banten mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan, di antaranya adalah pencemaran perairan. Hal ini berakibat kepada penurunanhasil tangkapan nelayan. Pengembangan wilayah penangkapan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi tekanan penangkapan di wilayah pesisir. Pengembangan kawasan (wilayah) berbasis komoditas unggulan merupakan salah satu konsep pengembangan wilayah yang ada. Kawasan Teluk Banten dapat dikatakan kawasan yang memiliki daya saing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghitung bionomi sumber daya ikan; (2) menentukan komoditas unggulan perikanan tangkap di Teluk Banten. Model bionomi Gordon-Schaefer digunakan untuk menganalisis bionomi sumber daya ikan, dan komoditi unggulan dianalisis dengan metode skoring, nilai Location Quotient (LQ) dan indeks spesialisasi (IS) untuk menentukan keunggulan komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak seluruh jenis ikan menguntungkan secara ekonomi. Kembung, cumi-cumi, teri, tongkol, dan lemuru, merupakan jenis ikan pelagis yang layak dikembangkan. Adapun dari kelompok ikan demersal adalahrajungan, kakap merah, udang, kuwe, bawal hitam, ekor kuning, dan beloso. Berdasarkan metode skoring diperoleh bahwa rajungan, teri, dan cumi-cumi merupakan ikan yang dapat diunggulkan, hal ini juga sesuai dengan hasil perhitungan nilai LQ yang ketiganya bernilai lebih dari satu. Nilai IS sebesar 0,42 menunjukkan tingkat spesialisasi komoditi unggulan rendah di kawasan Teluk Banten, berarti konsentrasi komoditi unggulan cukup merata di kawasan Teluk Banten

    Zonasi Perikanan Pasi Untuk Kepentingan Pemanfaatan Secara Berkelanjutan Sumberdaya Ikan Kakap Merah Di Kepulauan Lease (Pasi Zone for Interest Sustainable Utilization of Red Snapper Resources in Lease Islands)

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    Pasi is a specific fishing ground for Red Snapper in Lease Islands. Recently, the exploitation of the red snapper population is tend to increase due to high demand of local, regional and International market as well as object for fishing tourism. This condition will threat the sustainability of the resources as if it is unmanaged in good way. Zone determination is one of the alternatives of good fisheries resources management. If it is done in a right way, it will add value to community without disturbing the sustainability. The objectives of the present study were to determine fisheries pasi zone to the sustainability importance of red snapper resources in Lease Islands. Data used included study of potential of red snapper resources, oceanographically condition, fishing ground (pasi), and fisheries value system namely basic value of ecological component, social and technology as well as PRA method (Participatory Rural Appraisal). Based on the criteria which were formulated of all aspects, specific zonation was made for pasi region in Lease Islands. The analysis showed that there were 4 out of 25 pasi determined as shelter zone, 21 pasi was for sustainable fisheries zone sub-zone of catch whereas 13 pasi was determined as utilization zone sub-zone fishing tourism

    Sistem Bagi Hasil pada USAha Penangkapan Madidihang Skala Kecil di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengevaluasi sistem bagi hasil yang berlaku di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat berdasarkan aspek proporsional, berkeadilan, berkeuntungan, dan berkelanjutan; 2) mensimulasikan alternatif pola bagi hasil dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan minimum nelayan dan pemilik; serta 3) menentukan pola bagi hasil yang ideal bagi kedua belah pihak. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis profit, analisis upah minimum provinsi (UMP), analisis break event point (BEP), serta simulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) pola bagi hasil yang berlaku di lokasi studi belum memenuhi aspek bagi hasil yang proporsional, berkeadilan, berkeuntungan dan berkelanjutan 2) pendapatan nelayan berdasarkan pola bagi hasil yang berlaku masih berada di bawah UMP ideal, 3 )sistem bagi hasil yang ideal adalah dengan pola 52:48, dimana pemilik mendapatkan bagian 52 persen dan nelayan memperoleh 48 persen dari hasil tangkapan bersih