13 research outputs found

    Supervision of Implementation of Drinking Water Depot in Ensuring Quality of Refill Drinking Water

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    Background: The increasing number of refill drinking water depot does not guarantee the needs of the community drinking water that meets the quality requirements because of many drinking water that produced by the depot did not conform to the quality requirements. The aim of this study was to discuss the importance of the supervision of the implementation of drinking water depot. Method: This studies is a literature review that using various reference sources to support the content of subject. Result: The quality of drinking water that produced by depot that does not conform to the standards can indicate that weak supervision in management of drinking water depot. Management system approach is important applied in carrying out supervision of depot management by owner and government, so that supervision can be run effectively and efficiently. Conclusion: Optimized supervision of drinking water depot operation is an important factor in the success depot producing drinking water that meets quality standard

    Analysis of Factors Related to Cholinesterase Concentration on Woman of Child Bearing Age (Wca) in Agriculture Area

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    Background : The woman of childbearing age is one of the population at risk for pesticide poisoning with long term negative effects. Negative effects of pesticides exposure in woman of childbearing age can cause reproductive defect. This is related to their involvement in agricultural activities, such as spraying, preparing equipment for spraying, including the mixing of pesticides, remove grass from the plants, looking for bugs, watering and harvesting. Method : This research was an observational with a cross sectional approach, to determine factors related to cholinesterase concentration on woman of childbearing age. Population of this research was WCA in Sub District Kersana District Brebes. Seventy samples were taken using the purposive sampling. The research was carried on August-October 2009. Data collected by examining cholinesterase, interviewing the respondent, and observating the respondent home. Data was analized with frequency distribution, chi-square, Spearman correlation, and Regression logistic test. Result :The result of this research showed significant relationship between level risk of exposure, with cholinesterase level of WCA (p=0,008), long time of work (p=0,011) with cholinesterase status of woman of childbearing age on Sub District Kersana District Brebes. Conclusion :Conclusions of this research is important to protect WCA from pesticide exposured in agriculture area because it may cause long term negative effects. Key words : Women of childbearing age, cholinesterase concentratio

    Evaluation of Early Warning Alert and Response System (Ewars) Health Office in Tulang Bawang Lampung Province 2012

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    Background: Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) is one of the surveillance tools to determine early the presence warning signals of infectious disease, outbreaks potential. Based on weekly reports in 2012 at Tulang Bawang Health Office, it was showed that the accuracy and completeness of EWARS reports had been the lowest rates among 13 offices in Lampung. In the other hand, it hand not reach the Ministry of Health standard. Method: This research was qualitative research by using evaluating approach. Information was collected through indepth interview to 20 interviewees, observations and documents review. The data analysis was content analysis. Validity test used was sources triangulation, methods and data. Result: EWARS policy had been socialized to all health sub offices. Allocation of fund source was from office budget as limited vouchers. The availability of officers, facilities, infrastructures and technology had not reached standard. Program plan had not been wholly realized. Officers had been trained, but at level of hospitals and clinics had not actively done disease surveillance yet. Data reports were often delayed. Data validation and monitoring had not been optimal. Officers did not complete weekly reports in 2012. Weekly formats were collected every month. Conclusion: The implementation of Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) at Tulang Bawang Health Office Lampung Province was not optimal. Thus, it was recommended to increase the motivation and commitment of officers in reporting data every week

    Analysis of Driver's Behaviour Toward Vehicle Emission Test as Air Pollution Prevention in Palembang

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    Background: Air pollution problem gets worse recently. It comes from industries, transportation and daily household activities. Transportation gas exhaust contributes 70% to pollute the air and emission exahaust is influenced by some factors and one of them is driver's behaviour in driving and caring the vehicle.Method: It was analytic study using cross sectional approachment. Study sample were 80 bus drivers who worked around Palembang and have ever got information about vehicle emission test. The data was obtained through interviews by accidental sampling. The data was analyzed by using univariat and chi-square for bivariat. This study analyzed driver's behavior toward vehicle emission test that was influenced by independent variables are attitude, knowledge, age, income, education level, information source.Result: Almost half of respondents had bad behavior toward vehicle emission test. Others had conducted emission test for fulfilling the procedure. The result showed that a significant relation was found between behaviours with age (p=0,000), length of work (p=0,000), income (p=0,000), knowledge (p=0,000) and attitude (p=0,009) but no significant relation between behaviours with education (p=0,085) and information source (p=0,06).Conclusion: Most of bus driver's did emission test because it was one of procedure in vechile proper test not because they know why it is important to do. So that, the researcher suggests Palembang government to maximalize the campaign and law enforcement of vehicle emission test

    Analysis Factors Associated with Fatigue in Operators of Sugar Factory in Pt.pn VII Cinta Manis 2013

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    Background: Based on previous study (first survey) toward 18 operators of sugar factory in PT.PN VII Cinta Manis found the result that 83,33% operators whose got fatigue. It can make the possibility of accident in work, then to avoid the accident happened it is important to know the factors of fatigue. Method: Used cross sectional design. The sample of research were 63 operators from total number of 138 operators. Statistic test used was Chi square to find out the relationship between independent variable (age, time of work, illness history, nutrient, noisy, temperature, and shift in work) with dependent variable (fatigue) and Regression Logistics test used to find out the main factors of fatigue. Result: The result of statistics test showed that most of the operators got fatigue (71,4%). The result of Chi Square showed that noisiness (p value=0,008), temperature (p value= 0,001), shift work (p value = 0,0480 have connection with fatigue. The result of Chi square also showed that age (p value = 0,599), work experience (p value = 0,535), nutrient status (p value = 1.000), illness history (p value = 0,195), have no connection with fatigue. While, the result of Regression Logistics Test showed that shift work was the main factor that related with fatigue (RP = 11, 900). Conclusion: The variables that related to fatigue were noisiness, temperature, and shift work. The variable that not related to fatigue were age, work experience, nutrient status, and illness history. The factor that most related to fatigue was shift work

    Factors Associated with Non-compliance of Using Respiratory PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)on Factory Workers at PT. Perkebunan Busantar VII Cinta Manis

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    Background : Concentration of air pollution in major cities and industrial areas Indonesia has caused the respiratory problems, irritation of the eyes and ears, and the emergence of certain diseases. Smoke and dust still generated a lot of air pollution in the working environment especially in the processing, packing and storage. With such a working environment, workers should use PPE to reduce exposure and risk from hazards of dust and smoke (fog), primarily the use of respiratory PPE that can prevent upper respiratory tract infection. Method :This research was conducted in 59 factory workers at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Cinta Manis which aimed to identify factors associated with non-compliance of respiratory PPE. This study uses cross sectional design. Data is processed and presented in frequency distribution tables, analyzed analytically by using chi square test. Result : From the analysis of chi square test is known, there is a relationship of knowledge with non-compliance of respiratory PPE (Pvalue 0.044), there is a relationship between attitude with the non-compliance of respiratory PPE (Pvalue 0.029), there is no relationship between working period with the non-compliance period of respiratory PPE (Pvalue 0.219), there is a relationship between comfort with non-compliance of respiratory PPE (Pvalue 0.013), there is no relationship between availability of respiratory PPE with non-compliance respiratory PPE (Pvalue 0.483) and there is no relationship with non-compliance of PPE (Pvalue 1.000)

    Safety Risk Management Activities of the Welding at Pt.pp London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk Tirta Agung Palm Oil Mill

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    Background: Risk management is a tool to protect the company from any possible adverse such as fire or damage (Ramli, 2010). In aspects of Occupational Health and Safety losses from adverse events arising from the activities of the organization. Without implementing enterprise risk management is faced with uncertainty. Management does not know what are the dangers that can occur within an organization or company that is not prepared to deal with it. Method: This is a descriptive study with an observational approach using qualitative analysis methods, namely describing the process of working with activities to see directly the implementation process and the work done by the method of risk identification generic model followed by analysis of risk levels using semiquantitative analysis based on the guidelines of AS / NZS 2004 . Result: Research shows safety risks that exist on the activities of other inter welding electric shock, bruises, eye irritation, wounds and bone injuries, respiratory disorders, burns, increased body temperature that triggers heat stress, low back pain and shoulder, and boredom and burnout for electric arc welding. While welding with diesel engines other risks are burns caused by bursts of water to the radiator and hearing loss. Conclusion: That each stage of the welding activity has a number of safety risks to workers with the level of risk priority 3. For conceqences level, the impact appears that the most important. To the level of exposure, the highest exposure level that is continously while the level of likelihood, ie the highest possible level of Likely

    Health Risk Assessment in Bengkel Auto 2000

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    Background: Health Risk Assessment (HRA) was a tool used to determine the hazards and their impact on health in the workplace by conducting hazard identification, exposure assessment, risk assessment, control and documentation. Bengkel AUTO 2000 Cabang Plaju Palembang has a variety of hazards as well as having a high enough exposure so that the health risk assessment needs to be done. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of work activities, identify potential hazards, exposure level, know to the risks that may arise, and to determine the priority control based on the Risk Management Matrix. Method: This study used descriptive survey, observational approach that uses Walk Through Survey, where results are walking through the checklist, and then analyzed in Matrix Hazard Rating, Matrix Exposure Rating, Risk Matrix, and developed into Risk Manageable Matrix. Result: The results of this study found hazards included in the high risk category was Noise, medium risk categories was Illumination, Dust (TSP), Gas (CO, NO2, SO2), solvent, heavy metal, food sanitation, and ergonomic, and low risk categories was vibration, thermal stress, water supply, and psychosocial. Conclusion: Based on these results, expected in Bengkel AUTO 2000 Cabang Plaju Palembang can be done by applying noise control with Hearing Conservation Program, such as evaluating noise exposure, employee training, audiometric evaluation, control engineering/administrative control, and Personal Protective Equipment, such as earplug