18 research outputs found


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    Today for the System of Electronic Payments of the National Bank of Ukraine is actual modernization and updating according to the real needs of payment system participants in the current economic situation in Ukraine. For improvement forms of interbank payments important is a restructuring of the national payment system in accordance with international and EU standards. The article analyzes the functioning of the payment system TARGET2, discloses its advantages and principles of organization. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of payment systems TARGET2 and The System of Electronic Payments of the National Bank of Ukraine, as well as provided recommendations for improving the domestic payment system based on the experience of the European Union The NBU’s Electronic Payment System is quite modern and efficient, but the existence of a certain time in the payment process, insufficient level of regulatory and information support of the electronic payment system participants and its control lead to the possibility of opaque financial transactions in the system itself. The lack of organizational and financial mechanisms today is also a serious drawback in his work. In Ukraine, the technological level of the NBU system of calculations does not quite allow to use qualitatively most of the means of supporting intraday liquidity. This is a significant disadvantage of EPS compared to its foreign counterpart TARGET2. An analysis of the functioning of TARGET2 and SEP enabled us to examine in more detail the positives and negatives of both payment systems. A significant advantage of TARGET2 is its liquidity management system, which, under certain conditions, is an effective tool in the planning of settlement operations. This allows system members to prevent problems during the calculations and to solve them effectively. Optimization of liquidity management in the SEP is negligible. The National Bank of Ukraine, unlike the European Central Bank, does not provide full information on EPS, which indicates the closedness of the payment system and the NBU’s unwillingness to provide the most transparent settlement mechanism. Today, the TARGET2 settlement system is more modern and open compared to the NBU’s Electronic Payment System.На сьогодні для Системи електронних платежів Національного банку України актуальною є модернізація та осучаснення відповідно до реальних потреб учасників платіжної системи в умовах сучасної економічної ситуації в Україні. Для вдосконалення форм міжбанківських розрахунків важливою є перебудова національної платіжної системи відповідно до міжнародних стандартів і стандартів ЄС. Проведено аналіз функціонування платіжної системи ТАРГЕТ2, розкрито її переваги і принципи організації. Проведено порівняльний аналіз платіжних систем ТАРГЕТ2 та системи електронних платежів Національного банку, а також надано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення вітчизняної платіжної системи на основі досвіду Європейського Союзу. Система електронних платежів НБУ є досить сучасною та ефективною, але існування певного часу у проходженні платежу, недостатньо високий рівень нормативного та інформаційного забезпечення учасників системи електронних платежів та її контролю призводять до можливості непрозорих фінансових операцій у самій системі. В Україні технологічний рівень розрахункової системи НБУ не зовсім дозволяє якісно використовувати більшість із засобів підтримки внутрішньоденної ліквідності, що є значним недоліком СЕП у порівнянні з її зарубіжним аналогом — ТАРГЕТ2. Аналіз функціонування ТАРГЕТ2 та СЕП надав змогу більш детально розглянути позитивні і негативні моменти обох платіжних систем. Значною перевагою ТАРГЕТ2 є система управління ліквідністю, що за певних умов є дієвим інструментом при плануванні розрахункових операцій. Це дозволяє учасникам системи попереджувати виникнення проблем під час розрахунків та ефективно розв’язувати їх. Оптимізація управління ліквідністю у СЕП є незначною. Національний банк України, на відміну від Європейського центрального банку, надає інформацію стосовно СЕП не в повному обсязі, що свідчить про закритість платіжної системи та неготовність НБУ забезпечувати максимально прозорий механізм розрахунків. На сьогодні система розрахунків ТАРГЕТ2 є більш сучасною та відкритою у порівнянні із Cистемою електронних платежів НБУ

    Expansion of the Fast Linac Protection System for High Duty Cycle Operation at the TESLA Test Facility

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    To perform a proof of principle experiment of a SASE based Free Electron Laser operating a permanent magnet undulator has been installed in the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) linac. The type of permanent magnets (NdFeB) used is known to be sensitive to irradiation. Already losses of the order of 10−6 at nominal TTF beam current can cause a degradation of the undulator magnets after a few month of operation. To protect the undulator against radiation a collimation system in front of the undulator removes the electrons with large betatron motion. To detect beam haloor dark current escaping the collimators a beam loss monitor (BLM) system based on photomultiplier has been developed. During the past two years the BLM system has been improved in its electronic components and detectors. It has become a standard tool for linac operation and is nowintegrated part of the linac protect system. In this paper the design, the operation experiences and the performance limits of the system are presented

    Polarimetry of coherent polarization radiation

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    Polarization properties of coherent polarization X-radiation produced by a low-emittance electron beam of 72 MeV interacting with a silicon monocrystal have been investigated experimentally at the superconducting Darmstadt linear accelerator S-DALINAC. Spatially and energetically resolved measurements of the direction and the degree of linear polarization show good agreement with expectations based on the kinematical theory of coherent polarization radiation and rule out a quasi-Černekov nature of the radiation

    Polarization properties of coherent polarization radiation of relativistic electrons in a crystal

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    In this work the linear polarization of coherent polarization radiation was investigated at the Darmstadt electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC at an energy of 72 MeV using a multidetector Compton polarimeter of high analyzing power and energy resolution. The linear polarization analysis of the (111) reflex of Si at an observation angle #THETA# #approx# 21 shows good agreement of the measured averaged polarization directions and the effective degree of polarization with expectations within the kinematical theory of CPR. In particular, the polarization direction follows the hyperbolic pattern predicted for CPR emitted into the forward hemisphere. The experimental results are in contradiction with the Cerenkov model of radiation for which the pattern of polarization directions is expected to be radial. The nature of CPR is the coherent polarization bremsstrahlung induced by relativistic charged particles in a crystal. For a more complete verification of CPR polarization properties measurements at larger observation angles #THETA# need to be carried out. In particular, the radial orientation of polarization planes expected for backward CPR (#THETA# > 90 ) should be experimentally confirmed. The special case of #THETA# = 90 is of interest for possible applications as the entire CPR reflex is expected to be linearly polarized perpendicular to the diffraction plane to a very good approximation. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RR 2916(01-15) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Experience from the Commissioning of the FLASH Machine Protection System.

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    Production of Linearly Polarized Photon Beam at Max-Lab

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    Spectra of coherent bremsstrahlung from the diamond crystal in the laboratory MAX-lab on the accelerator MAX-I are measured at the energy of the electronic beam 144 MeV. First in the laboratory MAX-lab a source of the polarized photon radiation was created. Photon spectra were compared with theoretical calculations, that allow to estimate a magnitude of photon polarization, which is sufficient, for performing the nuclear experiments in the intermediate energy range

    Linearly polarized photon beam at MAX-lab

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    A linearly polarized photon beam has been produced at MAX-lab using the coherent bremsstrahlung of electrons with an energy of 192.6 MeV in a 0.1 mm thick diamond crystal. The intensity and shape of the coherent maxima and their dependence on the crystal orientation are similar to the features observed at higher electron energies (~ 1 GeV) and are well described by coherent bremsstrahlung theory. The linear polarization of the uncollimated beam at the coherent peak energy ≈50–60 MeV is about 20% and can be increased to 40–45% if collimation of half the characteristic angle is used. At present the degree of polarization is high enough to allow the study of polarization observables in photo-nuclear reactions at MAX-lab in the energy range from Giant Dipole Resonance up to ≈80 MeV