6 research outputs found

    Pap Test – With or Without Vaginal Smear?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate medical and economic justification of vaginal smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors. Study included 245.048 participants whose VCE (vaginal, cervical, endocervical) smears were examined at Department of clinical cytology of University Hospital Center Osijek from 2003 till 2008. There were 12.639 (5.2%) abnormal findings, and they were divided into three groups: abnormal cells found only in vaginal smear (V), abnormal cells found in vaginal and in at least one other smear (V+) and abnormal cells not found in vaginal smear (C/E). These three groups were analysed in respect to cytological differential diagnosis and age of participants. It was estimated how many women could be additionally included in the screening, if vaginal smear would be included in the Pap test only after 50 years of age. In 6.9% of cytologically diagnosed lesions abnormal cells were found exclusively in vaginal smears (0.35% of all findings). As for squamous cell lesions, 91.2% were mild lesions (ASC and LSIL). Invasive squamous cell carcinoma was not diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smear in either woman under 50 years of age, while in women over 50 years of age it was diagnosed in 2.3% of cases. Exclusively by vaginal smear was diagnosed 3.9% of all AGC and 6.3% of adenocarcinoma, while in 85.0% of glandular epithelium lesions abnormal cells were not found in vaginal smears. Two thirds of adenocarcinoma diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smears were endometrial adenocarcinoma, but that is only 10.3% of all endometrial carcinoma diagnosed by Pap test. Obtained results show that taking of vaginal smears along with cervical and endocervical smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors in women under 50 years of age is not justifiable, since vaginal smear only has a role in detection of endometrial carcinoma that are extremely rare in younger age groups. If vaginal smear would be taken only in women over 50 years of age, additional 37.7% of women under 50, or 25.1% women over 50 years of age could be included in the screening

    Effect of different sodium butyrate levels in weaned pig diet on the antioxidant capacity of selected organs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different sodium butyrate levels on the antioxidant capacity of selected organs (liver and kidney) in pigs. The study was conducted on 48 weaned piglets (28 to 54 days old) fed one of three diets (group C had no added sodium butyrate, group E-I had 3 g and group E-II 5 g of sodium butyrate added per kg of diet). The guaiacol peroxidase and pyrogallol peroxidase activities in liver tissues of E-II pigs were significantly lower than those in E-I pigs, while the activities of these enzymes in kidney tissues were significantly lower than in control pigs for both butyrate levels. Glutathione peroxidase activity in liver tissues was not upregulated by either level of dietary sodium butyrate. Also, the contents of malondialdehyde, indicative of lipid peroxidation, were not significantly different among the pig dietary groups. No significant differences in the enzyme activities (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione S-transferase or the oxidation product, reduced glutathione) of control pigs and of animals consuming 3 g or 5 g sodium butyrate per kg of diet was found. The results showed that oral administration of sodium butyrate had an impact only on guaiacol peroxidase and pyrogallol peroxidase enzyme activities

    Knowledge, attitudes and dietary practices of pharmacy students regarding the importance of nuts consumption

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    Nuts are nutrient-dense foods with complex matrices rich in unsaturated fatty acids and other bioactive compounds. Numerous reported health benefits of nuts may be attributed to their unique nutrient profiles and synergistic interaction of their constituents, including macronutrients, micronutrients and phytochemicals. The objective of this study was to explore pharmacy students’ nuts consumption practice, as well as their attitudes and knowledge concerning nuts nutritional and health properties. A cross-sectional survey based on the online self-administered questionnaire, was conducted in September 2020. Among respondents (n=136, 90.4% female and 9.6% male, mean age 23.7±2.0 years), more than half agreed or strongly agreed that regular consumption of nuts might have beneficial effects on health, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, the majority of participants perceived nuts as healthy sources of proteins and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The most common reason cited by respondents for eating nuts were taste (80.2%), followed by health effects (53.1%) and nutrient profiles (45.0%). The most commonly consumed nuts among pharmacy students were almonds (35.2%) and peanuts (28.4%), followed by hazelnuts (19.1%) and walnuts (15.6%). Based on self-reported data, students predominantly consume raw nuts (54.0%) as a snack between meals (78.5%). Nutrition-related courses within the faculty curriculum were the main sources of acquiring information regarding the beneficial effects nuts exert on health outcomes. Although certain gaps in knowledge were determined, in most senior students, the attitudes and dietary practices regarding the consumption of nuts were at an adequate level. Nevertheless, expanded efforts and additional educational programs may be useful in strengthening the capacities of these future health professionals for providing adequate nutrition advice and proactive advocacy of nuts health benefits.UNIFood2021 Conference, 24th-25th September 2021 University of Belgrade, 2nd International UNIfood Conferenc

    Papa test - Sa ili bez vaginalnog razmaza?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate medical and economic justification of vaginal smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors. Study included 245.048 participants whose VCE (vaginal, cervical, endocervical) smears were examined at Department of clinical cytology of University Hospital Center Osijek from 2003 till 2008. There were 12.639 (5.2%) abnormal findings, and they were divided into three groups: abnormal cells found only in vaginal smear (V), abnormal cells found in vaginal and in at least one other smear (V+) and abnormal cells not found in vaginal smear (C/E). These three groups were analysed in respect to cytological differential diagnosis and age of participants. It was estimated how many women could be additionally included in the screening, if vaginal smear would be included in the Pap test only after 50 years of age. In 6.9% of cytologically diagnosed lesions abnormal cells were found exclusively in vaginal smears (0.35% of all findings). As for squamous cell lesions, 91.2% were mild lesions (ASC and LSIL). Invasive squamous cell carcinoma was not diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smear in either woman under 50 years of age, while in women over 50 years of age it was diagnosed in 2.3% of cases. Exclusively by vaginal smear was diagnosed 3.9% of all AGC and 6.3% of adenocarcinoma, while in 85.0% of glandular epithelium lesions abnormal cells were not found in vaginal smears. Two thirds of adenocarcinoma diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smears were endometrial adenocarcinoma, but that is only 10.3% of all endometrial carcinoma diagnosed by Pap test. Obtained results show that taking of vaginal smears along with cervical and endocervical smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors in women under 50 years of age is not justifiable, since vaginal smear only has a role in detection of endometrial carcinoma that are extremely rare in younger age groups. If vaginal smear would be taken only in women over 50 years of age, additional 37.7% of women under 50, or 25.1% women over 50 years of age could be included in the screening.Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti medicinsku i ekonomsku opravdanost uzimanja vaginalnog razmaza u sklopu primarnog probira cervikalnog karcinoma i njegovih prekursora. U studiju je uključeno 245.408 ispitanica čiji su VCE (vaginalni, cervikalni, endocervikalni) razmazi bili pregledani na Odjelu za kliničku citologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek od 2003. do 2008. godine. Abnormalnih je nalaza bilo 12.639 (5,2%), a podijeljeni su u tri skupine: abnormalne stanice nađene samo u vaginalnom razmazu (V), abnormalne stanice nađene u vaginalnom i bar u još jednom razmazu (V+) i abnormalne stanice nisu nađene u vaginalnom razmazu (C/E). Te su tri skupine analizirane u odnosu na citološku diferencijalnu dijagnozu i životnu dob ispitanica. Procijenjeno je koliko bi se `ena moglo dodatno obuhvatiti probirom ukoliko bi se vaginalni razmaz uključio u PAPA test tek nakon pedesete godine života. U 6,9% citološki dijagnosticiranih lezija abnormalne su stanice nađene isključivo u vaginalnim razmazima (0,35% svih nalaza). Kod lezija pločastog epitela u 91,2% slučajeva radilo se o lakšim lezijama (ASC i LSIL). Invazivni pločasti karcinom isključivo vaginalnim razmazom nije dijagnosticiran niti u jedne žene mlađe od 50 godina, dok je u žena starijih od 50 godina dijagnosticiran u 2,3% slučajeva. Isključivo vaginalnim razmazom otkriveno je 3,9% svih AGC i 6,3% adenokarcinoma, dok kod 85,0% lezija žljezdanog epitela abnormalne stanice nisu nađene u vaginalnim razmazima. Dvije trećine adenokarcinoma dijagnosticiranih isključivo vaginalnim razmazom čini adenokarcinom endometrija, no to je samo 10,3% svih PAPA testom dijagnosticiranih endometralnih karcinoma. Iz navedenih se rezultata može zaključiti da čenama mlađim od pedeset godina nema opravdanja uz cervikalni i endocervikalni uzeti i vaginalni razmaz u sklopu primarnog probira cervikalnog karcinoma i njegovih prekursora, budući da vaginalni razmaz ima ulogu jedino u detekciji endometralnih karcinoma koji su u mlađim dobnim skupinama izuzetno rijetki. Ukoliko bi se vaginalni razmaz uzimao samo ženama starijim od 50 godina moglo bi se dodatno pregledati još 37,7% žena mlađih od 50 godina, ili 25,1% žena starijih od 50 godina

    Citodijagnostika karcinoma malih stanica pluća

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    Small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCLC) together with the large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), typical carcinoid (TC), and atypical carcinoid (AC) make a group of morphologically identifiable neuroendocrine tumors. The differential diagnosis of SCLC includes, first of all, other neuroendocrine tumors, and primary or metastatic non-small cell carcinomas. Although the criteria for the morphologic separation from other tumors of the lung are defined, in everyday practice it can be a problem, both in cytology and with histological samples. Accurate and early differentiation of the SCLC is important because it exhibits aggressive behavior, rapid growth, early spread to distant sites, but also exquisite sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiation. The study included 127 patients who underwent bronchoscopic examination or percutaneous transthoracic fine-needle aspiration (PTTFNA) during the period from early 2003 to 2007 in University Hospital Center Osijek whose cytological diagnosis was SCLC. The value of cytological diagnosis was determined by comparing it with histological findings obtained from a biopsy sample during bronchoscopy or on a resection specimen in 50 patients. In the remaining 77 patients, histological verification of cytological diagnosis was not made and the patients were treated based on cytological diagnosis of small cell carcinoma. In 76% of cases (38/50) cytological diagnosis of small cell lung carcinoma was also confirmed histologically. In 8% of cases (4/50) adenocarcinoma was histologically confirmed, in 10% (5/50) of the cases the squamous carcinoma was confirmed, and there was one case of urothelial carcinoma, one case of sarcoma and one undifferentiated carcinoma. Cytological diagnosis of SCLC was made in all cases in a brush smear while the catheter aspirate was positive in only 32 cases (25,8%). Median survival in the group of patients with histologically confirmed small cell cancer was 238 days, for women 250 days, and for men 237 days. Cumulative survival was 63,2% for 6 months, 26,3% for 12 months, 13,2% for 18 months and 7,9% for two years. In conclusion, cytology is a reliable and relatively non-invasive method for patients. Our results confirm that there is a good correlation between cytology and histology diagnoses, especially when it comes to malignant lesions. In determining the type of tumor cytology must be supported with additional methods, especially in cases when it is not possible to take samples for histological verification.Karcinom malih stanica pluća (SCLC) klasificira se u skupinu neuroendokrinih tumora pluća. Iako su kriteriji za njegovo morfološko odjeljivanje od ostalih tumora pluća dobro definirani, u praksi to može predstavljati problem, kako u citologiji tako i na histološkim uzorcima. Važnost točnog i ranog diferenciranja karcinoma malih stanica leži u njegovom agresivnom ponašanju, rapidnom rastu i stvaranju udaljenih metastaza, ali jednako tako i njegovoj osjetljivosti na kemoterapiju i zračenje. U studiju je uključeno 127 pacijenata kojima je u razdoblju od početka 2003. do kraja 2007. godine učinjen bronhoskopski pregled ili transtorakalna punkcija te je citološka dijagnoza bila karcinom malih stanica. Vrijednost citološke dijagnoze karcinoma malih stanica utvrđena je usporedbom s histološkom dijagnozom donesenom na bioptičkom ili resekcijskom materijalu. U 76% slučajeva (38/50) citološka dijagnoza SCLC je potvrđena i histološki. U 8% slučajeva (4/50) histološki je potvrđen adenokarcinom, 10% slučajeva (5/50) pločasti karcinom, a u po jednom slučaju metastaza karcinoma prijelaznih stanica i sarkoma te nediferencirani karcinom. U ostalih 77 pacijenata (77/ 127; 60,6%) nije učinjena patohistološka verifikacija te su oni liječeni u skladu s kliničkom prosudbom i citološkom dijagnozom SCLC. Citološka dijagnoza SCLC postavljena je kod svih slučajeva na brisu četkicom dok je kateter aspirat bio pozitivan samo u 32 slučaja (26%). Prosječno preživljenje pacijenata od prve citološke dijagnoze u grupi pacijenata s histološki potvrđenim SCLC iznosilo je 238 dana, za žene prosječno 250 dana, a za muškarce prosječno 237 dana. Zaključno, citologija je jednako vrijedna metoda kao i histologija u određivanju prisustva maligne bolesti, ali u određivanju tipa tumora potrebno ju je nadopuniti dodatnim metodama, prije svega imunocitokemijom, osobito u slučajevima kada nije moguće dobiti histološki uzorak

    Value of Cytology in Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Diagnostic – Single-Center Study

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    Small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCLC) together with the large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), typical carcinoid (TC), and atypical carcinoid (AC) make a group of morphologically identifiable neuroendocrine tumors. The differential diagnosis of SCLC includes, first of all, other neuroendocrine tumors, and primary or metastatic non-small cell carcinomas. Although the criteria for the morphologic separation from other tumors of the lung are defined, in everyday practice it can be a problem, both in cytology and with histological samples. Accurate and early differentiation of the SCLC is important because it exhibits aggressive behavior, rapid growth, early spread to distant sites, but also exquisite sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiation. The study included 127 patients who underwent bronchoscopic examination or percutaneous transthoracic fine-needle aspiration (PTTFNA) during the period from early 2003 to 2007 in University Hospital Center Osijek whose cytological diagnosis was SCLC. The value of cytological diagnosis was determined by comparing it with histological findings obtained from a biopsy sample during bronchoscopy or on a resection specimen in 50 patients. In the remaining 77 patients, histological verification of cytological diagnosis was not made and the patients were treated based on cytological diagnosis of small cell carcinoma. In 76% of cases (38/50) cytological diagnosis of small cell lung carcinoma was also confirmed histologically. In 8% of cases (4/50) adenocarcinoma was histologically confirmed, in 10% (5/50) of the cases the squamous carcinoma was confirmed, and there was one case of urothelial carcinoma, one case of sarcoma and one undifferentiated carcinoma. Cytological diagnosis of SCLC was made in all cases in a brush smear while the catheter aspirate was positive in only 32 cases (25,8%). Median survival in the group of patients with histologically confirmed small cell cancer was 238 days, for women 250 days, and for men 237 days. Cumulative survival was 63,2% for 6 months, 26,3% for 12 months, 13,2% for 18 months and 7,9% for two years. In conclusion, cytology is a reliable and relatively non-invasive method for patients. Our results confirm that there is a good correlation between cytology and histology diagnoses, especially when it comes to malignant lesions. In determining the type of tumor cytology must be supported with additional methods, especially in cases when it is not possible to take samples for histological verification