8 research outputs found

    The influence of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 on the growth and meat quality indices of chicken broilers

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    The effect of phytogenic preparation Biomin P.E.P.-1000 on the growth of chicken broilers was analysed. The active component of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 is a herbal formula consisting of phytobiotics and polyfructosans. All active substances in this preparation are of plant origin, which do not cause antibiotic resistance and do not leave residues in animal productsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Interaction between digestibility of feed and the enzymatic activity of poultry alimentary tract

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    The effect of the multienzyme composition Vilzim F, given in different dozes (0,05; 0.075 and 0.1% of feed mass) on the enzymatic activity of alimentary tract of chicken broilers and digestibility of feed nutrients was investigated. All the investigated doses of the Vilzim F increased the enzymatic activity in the alimentary tract of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The effect of natural feed additives on the productivity of laying hens

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    Bibliogr. str. galeIn 2002 the impact of the albuminous feed additive Lyprot SG-9 and the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the productivity of laying hens was studied at the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies of Vilnius Pedagogical University and a joint-stock company "Girelės Paukštynas"Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The effects of the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the growth of chicken broilers

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe tests were carried out in 2001 in the Biologic Variety and Technologies Testing Laboratory of Vilnius Pedagogical University in co-operation with the Public Company "Vilniaus paukštynas". The analysis covered the effects of the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the growth of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The effects of the feed probiotic BioPlus 2B on the growth of chicken broilers

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe study was carried out in 2002 at the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies of Vilnius Pedagogical University and on the "Vilniaus paukštynas" poultry farm. The goal of our research was to determine the effect of feed probiotic BioPlus 2B (manufacturer "Biochem", Denmark) on the growth of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The influence of phytobiotics on the meat quality indices of chicken broilers

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe effect of phytobiotics Biomin P.E.P.-1000 and Digestarom Geflugel Premium-1317 on the meat quality indices of chicken broilers was analysed. The data of the investigation lead to the conclusion that under the influence of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 and Digestarom Geflugel Premium-1317 the live weight of chickens of the experimental groups at the age of 42 days was higherVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Probiotikų panaudojimas viščiukų broilerių lesaluose

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    The researches were carried out in the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies, Vilnius Pedagogical University, and on the poultry farm "Vilniaus paukstynas". The object of the researches - Ross four line combination chicken broilers. The possibilities of usage in the feed and influence on the growth of chicken broilers of probiotic preparation Bio Plus 2 B (producer "Biochem", Denmark) were analysed. Under the influence of probiotic BioPlus 2B at the age of 42 day the chicken broilers live weight was bigger by 2.8 % compared with the control group and an average daily weight gain was correspondingly bigger by 2.53%. The amount of feed for 1 kg of live weight gain decreased by 4,98 % (BioPlus 2B) compared to the control groupVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij