98 research outputs found

    Targeting Molecular Pathways in Intracranial Metastatic Disease

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    The discovery and clinical application of agents targeting pivotal molecular pathways in malignancies such as lung, breast, renal cell carcinoma, and melanoma have led to impressive improvements in clinical outcomes. Mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and rearrangements of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) are targetable in lung cancer, while BRAF mutations have been successfully targeted in metastatic melanoma. Targeting estrogen receptors, cyclin dependent kinases, and HER2 (Human Epidermal Receptor) have resulted in improvement in survival in breast cancer. Major strides have been made in the management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma by targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway. However, intracranial metastases remain a major hurdle in the setting of targeted therapies. Traditional treatment options for brain metastases include surgery, whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT), and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Surgery is effective in symptomatic patients with dominant lesions or solitary intracranial metastases, however, recovery time can be prolonged, often requiring an interruption in systemic treatment. WBRT and SRS provide symptomatic relief and local control but data on improving overall survival is limited. Most targeted therapies which provide extracranial control have limited penetration through the blood brain barrier. Given the limited therapeutic options and increasing prevalence of brain metastases, finding new strategies for the management of intracranial metastatic disease is critical. Genomic analysis of brain metastases has led to a better understanding of variations in the driver mutations compared to the primary malignancy. Furthermore, newer generations of targeted agents have shown promising intracranial activity. In this review, we will discuss the major molecular alterations in brain metastases from melanoma, lung, breast, and renal cell carcinoma. We will provide an in-depth review of the completed and ongoing clinical trials of drugs targeting the molecular pathways enriched in brain metastases

    Subtype switching in breast cancer brain metastases: a multicenter analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) brain metastases (BM) can have discordant hormonal or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression compared with corresponding primary tumors. This study aimed to describe incidence, predictors, and survival outcomes of discordant receptors and associated subtype switching in BM. METHODS: BCBM patients seen at 4 tertiary institutions who had undergone BM resection or biopsy were included. Surgical pathology reports were retrospectively assessed to determine discordance between the primary tumor and the BCBM. In discordant cases, expression in extracranial metastases was also assessed. RESULTS: In BM from 219 patients, prevalence of any discordance was 36.3%; receptor-specific discordance was 16.7% for estrogen, 25.2% for progesterone, and 10.4% for HER2. Because estrogen and progesterone were considered together for hormonal status, 50 (22.8%) patients switched subtype as a result; 20 of these switches were HER2 based. Baseline subtype predicted switching, which occurred in up to 37.5% of primary HR+ patients. Moreover, 14.8% of initially HER2-negative patients gained HER2 in the BM. Most (63.6%) discordant patients with extracranial metastases also had discordance between BM and extracranial subtype. Loss of receptor expression was generally associated with worse survival, which appeared to be driven by estrogen loss (hazard ratio = 1.80, P = 0.03). Patients gaining HER2 status (n = 8) showed a nonsignificant tendency toward improved survival (hazard ratio = 0.64, P = 0.17). CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter study, we report incidence and predictors of subtype switching, the risk of which varies considerably by baseline subtype. Switches can have clinical implications for prognosis and treatment choice

    Molecular profiling of pediatric meningiomas shows tumor characteristics distinct from adult meningiomas

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    In contrast to adults, meningiomas are uncommon tumors in childhood and adolescence. Whether adult and pediatric meningiomas differ on a molecular level is unclear. Here we report detailed genomic analyses of 37 pediatric meningiomas by sequencing and DNA methylation profiling. Histologically, the series was dominated by meningioma subtypes with aggressive behavior, with 70% of patients suffering from WHO grade II or III meningiomas. The most frequent cytogenetic aberrations were loss of chromosomes 22 (23/37 [62%]), 1 (9/37 [24%]), 18 (7/37 [19%]), and 14 (5/37 [14%]). Tumors with NF2 alterations exhibited overall increased chromosomal instability. Unsupervised clustering of DNA methylation profiles revealed separation into three groups: designated group 1 composed of clear cell and papillary meningiomas, whereas group 2A comprised predominantly atypical meningiomas and group 2B enriched for rare high-grade subtypes (rhabdoid, chordoid). Meningiomas from NF2 patients clustered exclusively within groups 1 and 2A. When compared with a dataset of 105 adult meningiomas, the pediatric meningiomas largely grouped separately. Targeted panel DNA sequencing of 34 tumors revealed frequent NF2 alterations, while other typical alterations found in adult non-NF2 tumors were absent. These data demonstrate that pediatric meningiomas are characterized by molecular features distinct from adult tumors

    Consensus recommendations for a standardized brain tumor imaging protocol for clinical trials in brain metastases.

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    A recent meeting was held on March 22, 2019, among the FDA, clinical scientists, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, clinical trials cooperative groups, and patient advocacy groups to discuss challenges and potential solutions for increasing development of therapeutics for central nervous system metastases. A key issue identified at this meeting was the need for consistent tumor measurement for reliable tumor response assessment, including the first step of standardized image acquisition with an MRI protocol that could be implemented in multicenter studies aimed at testing new therapeutics. This document builds upon previous consensus recommendations for a standardized brain tumor imaging protocol (BTIP) in high-grade gliomas and defines a protocol for brain metastases (BTIP-BM) that addresses unique challenges associated with assessment of CNS metastases. The "minimum standard" recommended pulse sequences include: (i) parameter matched pre- and post-contrast inversion recovery (IR)-prepared, isotropic 3D T1-weighted gradient echo (IR-GRE); (ii) axial 2D T2-weighted turbo spin echo acquired after injection of gadolinium-based contrast agent and before post-contrast 3D T1-weighted images; (iii) axial 2D or 3D T2-weighted fluid attenuated inversion recovery; (iv) axial 2D, 3-directional diffusion-weighted images; and (v) post-contrast 2D T1-weighted spin echo images for increased lesion conspicuity. Recommended sequence parameters are provided for both 1.5T and 3T MR systems. An "ideal" protocol is also provided, which replaces IR-GRE with 3D TSE T1-weighted imaging pre- and post-gadolinium, and is best performed at 3T, for which dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion is included. Recommended perfusion parameters are given

    Melanoma central nervous system metastases: current approaches, challenges, and opportunities

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    Melanoma central nervous system metastases are increasing, and the challenges presented by this patient population remain complex. In December 2015, the Melanoma Research Foundation and the Wistar Institute hosted the First Summit on Melanoma Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here, we provide a review of the current status of the field of melanoma brain metastasis research; identify key challenges and opportunities for improving the outcomes in patients with melanoma brain metastases; and set a framework to optimize future research in this critical area
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