11 research outputs found

    Gambaran Keragaman Makanan dan Sumbangannya terhadap Konsumsi Energi Protein pada Anak Balita Pendek (Stunting) di Indonesia

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    Conditions that potentially interfere with the fulfillment of nutrients, especially energy and protein in children aged 0-3 years will cause a problem of growth disorders in children under five (24-59 months). The aim is to assess proportion of food diversity and contribution to energy and protein consumption among children under five (24-59 months) stunted and not stunted. Data used in this analysis are secondary data base of health research (Riskesdas) in 2010. A total of 6796 children aged 24-59 months include the variable child's age, height, nutrient consumption and family characteristics (family head education, occupation and family income) were anlyzed for the purpose. Nutrient intake data were analyzed with the program nutrisoft while nutritional status processed by the program antro WHO, 2007. Data analysis using chi square test and anova. Food consumption was normal toddlers (24-59 months) is more diverse than the short toddlers. Food consumption was normal toddlers (24-59 months) is more diverse than the short toddlers. The diversity of these foods is approached with the hope offood pattern score (PPH), which is normal toddlers PPH score at 96.6, while among short toddlers at 88,4. Significantly more short toddler who suffered a deficit of energy and protein compared with normal toddlers (P = 0.000)

    Faktor Pembeda Prevalensi Gizi Kurang dan Buruk pada Balita di Daerah Tidak Miskin

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    Generally, the area with low-poverty has low-prevalence of underweight among children underfives. However, there are some districts with low­poverty, but they have high prevalence of underweight among children underfives, that called as negative deviance. Objectives: The aim of data analysis was to study the difference factors of prevalence of underweight among children underfives in the districts with low-poverty. Method: Data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 was used for the analysis. The sample is households that have child underfives in the district with low-poverty. The total number of samples are 1051 households. Variables were consisted of parents education level, occupation, environmental sanitation, infant morbidity, infant growth monitoring, maternal hygiene, access to health services and immunization. The statistically analysis was conducted with X2 statistical test. Results: There was a significant difference on parents education level, occupation, the number of household members, economic status, distance to health services (hospitals, co-health-centers [PustuJ), household waste disposal channels, acute respiratory infection, mothers hygiene (hand washing habits), and the frequency of infants weighing with the prevalence of underweight among children underfives (p<0.05). Conclusion: The factor that distinguishes the prevalence of underweight among children underfives are lack of education of the parents, occupation, the number of household members, household economic status, distance to health services (hospitals, health centers, physician practices), environmental sanitation, infants weighing frequency, mother's hand-washing habits, and respiratory disease in infants. In the low-prevalence areas, the factors have a better condition than the high prevalence area

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Rumah Makan Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul Kabupaten Kendal

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    Costumer satisfaction is influenced by several factors, including the quality of service and price. This study establishes the service quality and price as a benchmark for customer satisfaction at Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul restaurant. This type of research is explanatory research, by using a self questionnaire administrator as the data collection technique. The tool used was a questionnaire. The population in this study is the food costumers Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul. Calculation of the sample using non-probability sampling technique, the type used is accidental sampling by respondents as many as 100 people. The data analysis technique used is the linear regression analysis. The conclusion from this study is that there are significant between service quality and price on consumer satisfaction Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul Kendal, partially affect service quality by 28.8% to customer satisfaction, and prices by 34.9% on customer satisfaction. Mutual influence the quality of service and price to customer satisfaction by 36.3%, while 63.7% is influenced by other factors. Advice: the company must conduct periodic evaluation and improvement of the quality of service that is better in the eyes of costumers, Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul restaurant must still maintain a decent price for the costumer based on their level of income, a place of comfort and quality of food as well as other competitors

    Pola Pemberian Makan Anak (6-18 Bulan) Dan Hubungannya Dengan Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Anak Pada Keluarga Miskin Dan Tidak Miskin

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    PATTERNS OF CHILD FEEDING (6-18 MONTHS OLD) FROM POOR AND WELL OFF FAMILIES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT.Background: A research was conducted on children of 6-18 month old from poor and well off family at Ciomas Sud-district, Boger Regency, West Java.Objective: This research aimed at observing the influence of feeding pattern of child under 2 years in its relation to child growth and development of the two family groups.Method: Sampling was conducted purposively amounted to 55 children from the poor families and 36 children from well of families, so the total is 91 children. Data was analyzed statistically by using SPSS program, with chisquare and T statistical test to find out the relationship among variabels.Results: From the result of this research it was found out that there are 44 children from the poor families who were only feed with carbohydrate, and the other 11 had a complete feeding pattern (carbohydrate + protein). Meanwhile, of the 36 children of well off families, 30 (83%) have the complete feeding pattern and 6 (17%) have the carbohydrate only feeding pattern. From the result of growth measuring calculated based on nutrient status (weight/age) there were 15 of 55 children from the poor families who were undernourished, those who had thecarbohydrate only feeding pattem,i.e. 10 children (66.7%). Whereas of the 36 children from well families, therewere 34 with good nutrient status, and 2 undernourished children. Statistical test shows that there is a significant difference of feeding pattern and growth between the two family groups (p<0.05). Observing the rough motoric development, there were 28 children with slowness at the beginning of the research, i.e. 25 children from the poor families and 3 from the well off families. However, six month after the activity was carried out, there was a change on 3 children from the well of families to be normal, while from the poor families only 3 children that changed to normal.Conclusions: Statistical test shows that there is a significant difference between the motoric development and feeding pattern on the two family groups both at the beginning and the end of the research

    Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Diare Dan Pencarian Pengobatannya Di Dua Desa Di Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Diare masih merupakan penyebab penting kematian bayi dan Balita di Indonesia. Telah dipelajari persepsi masyarakat tentang diare serta cara penanggulangannya di desa Manyaran dan Sempulur Boyolali sebagai bahan untuk penanggulangan diare oleh masyarakat. Diare tidak dianggap sebagai penyakit yang terlalu serius. Menurut masyarakat, penyebab diare ada yang langsung terhadap anak yaitu masuk angin, terlalu lama mandi, makan makanan rasa asam (kecut), dan tidak langsung bila ibu menyusui masuk angin atau makan makanan yang pedas-pedas, air susu menjadi jelek dan anak menderita mencret. Tidak ada kepercayaan bahwa diare disebabkan oleh roh halus. Persepsi masyarakat/ibu-ibu tentang diare dan penyebabnya menghasilkan perilaku pengobatan diare pada anak sebagai berikut: Mula-mula ditangani sendiri dengan ramuan tradisional, bila tidak sembuh diobati dengan pil "Ciba" yang dijual bebas di warung-warung yang tersebar di desa, bila tetap belum sembuh baru di bawa ke petugas kesehatan

    Kualitas Garam, Perilaku Pembelian Garam, Serta Kadar Yodium dalam Urin Ibu Hamil di Jawa Barat

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    Pengalaman di berbagai negara menunjukkan bahwa yodisasi garam secara universal terbukti menurunkan prevalensi gondok. Indonesia bertekad menurunkan prevalensi gondok dan bebas kretin baru pada tahun 2000. Dalam jangka panjang Indonesia bertekad melakukan yodisasi garam secara universal. Selama yodisasi garam secara universal belum tercapai perilaku ibu dalam membeli garam akan banyak menentukan konsumsi yodium rumahtangga. Selain itu beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian yodium hilang dalam pemasakan. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi status yodisasi garam, perilaku pemilihan garam serta hubungannya dengan kadar yodium yang diekskresi di urin ibu hamil. Karena itu telah dilakukan penelitian di 20% desa di setiap kecamatan di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Di setiap desa terpilih dilakukan wawancara terhadap 30 ibu hamil dan menyusui yang dipilih secara acak. Sub sampel ibu hamil dipilih secara acak sekitar 4 orang per desa terpilih untuk pengukuran eksekusi yodium di dalam urin. Di desa tersebut dilakukan uji kadar yodium dalam 4-5 macam sampel garam yang dijual di beberapa warung. Dari 4153 sampel garam yang diperiksa 27.1% mempunyai kadar yodium >30 ppm, 70% mengandung yodium <30 ppm dan 2.9% tidak mengandung yodium. Dari 45928 ibu hamil sampel pada saat membeli garam, 57% memilih garam beryodium, 8.7% sengaja memilih garam tidak beryodium dan 34.3% tidak peduli. Sebesar 89.6% ibu hamil membeli garam di warung-warung desa. Median ekskresi yodium di dalam urin 70 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L ataupun proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium <50 ug/L

    The Role of Land Deed Officials in the Conversion of Agriculture Land Fucntion Related Land Social Function in Sragen Regency

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    This study aims to analyze the role, constraints and solutions of Land Deed Officials in the conversion of agricultural land related to social functions on land in Sragen Regency. In case conversion of agricultural land is associated with social functions on land, cannot be avoided, especially if the land is for a highway development project as is the case in Sragen Regency which also involves the role of Land Deed Officials. The role of Land Deed Officials in the conversion of agricultural land to highway development projects carried out within the period of 2014-2015 is the provision of consultation to the community included in the authority of PPAT. Thus, Land Deed Officials can provide assistance in managing the conversion of agricultural land to the community. Meanwhile, in the conversion of agricultural land for highway construction, there is no significant obstacle because the Land Deed Officials manages the transfer of agricultural land functions according to procedures set by the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency Number 2 year 2011 concerning Guidelines for Land Technical Considerations in Issuance of Location Permits, Determination Location, and Permission to Change Land Use. Thus, if in handling the conversion of agricultural land is in accordance with the provisions of existing regulations, the Land Deed Officials will be able to overcome the existing obstacles

    Pemanfaatan Antropometri Gizi Untuk Penentuan Sasaran Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan

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    THE USE OF NUTRITIONAL ANTHROPOMETRICS DATA FOR TARGETING OF POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAM.Background: In limited fund situation and increased of poor population, the selection of the targets of poverty alleviation program becomes very important The precise targeting means save the fund and help the needy household. Based on the experiences in poverty alleviation program generally the weaknesses are selecting the targets. Nutritional anthropometrics data are available but they are not optimally use to support the poverty alleviation program. Studies on anthropometries data and their correlation with social-economic data, recipient from other poverty alleviation program can help to select the targets.Objective: To study the agreement of nutritional indicator with other indcator to select targets for poverty alleviation program.Method: Research was conducted at 4 districts in West Java. At each district was chosen 2 sub districts with the highest proportion of poverty household and with the same method in each sub district 1 village were chosen. In each village were choose randomly 80 families. The entire household member was measure on their weight and height. Other data was collect by interview and observation. Agreement test was performed to test on the targeting done by the poverty alleviation program such as Social Safety Net program with nutritional anthropometrics indicator.Conclusions: 1. Based on the occupation, education and income estimation of household head, generally household samples were categorized as poor and deserve to be the target of the program. 2. Data of recipient from religious organization until the end of the research cannot be collected so it cannot be analyze. 3. Body Mass Index (BMI) of household head and wife less than 18,5 kg/m2 has high agreement for targeting. 4. Anthropometrics indcator of children under 5 years using cut off point <-2 Z score and <-3 Z score have high agreement to targeting, except for weight-for-height using cut off point <-3 Z score

    Regional Investment Attractiveness in Indonesia, 2004: Rating to 214 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia & Problems on Business Environment

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    KPPOD (Komite Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah/Regional Autonomy Watch), which is existing all along with the age of otda, is seeking to realize its vision of partaking in the creation of conducive business climate in the era of autonomy through various activities. As one of its annual activity, KPPOD conducted a “Rating on Investment Attractiveness of Regencies/Cities for Year 2004” covering 161 Regencies and 53 Cities in Indonesia. The study is the fourth rating; the first was in 2001 covering 90 Regencies/Cities, the second was in 2002 with 134 Regencies/Cities, while the third was in 2003 with 200 Regencies/Cities. Apart from being a reference for business players in weighing investment decision, said activity is intended to induce healthy competition among autonomous regions in facilitating economic activities. Likewise, the activity is expected to become one of the means to assist principal parties to evaluate the otda, the program that is on-going and will continue to go on