858 research outputs found

    A new approach to service provisioning in ATM networks

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    The authors formulate and solve a problem of allocating resources among competing services differentiated by user traffic characteristics and maximum end-to-end delay. The solution leads to an alternative approach to service provisioning in an ATM network, in which the network offers directly for rent its bandwidth and buffers and users purchase freely resources to meet their desired quality. Users make their decisions based on their own traffic parameters and delay requirements and the network sets prices for those resources. The procedure is iterative in that the network periodically adjusts prices based on monitored user demand, and is decentralized in that only local information is needed for individual users to determine resource requests. The authors derive the network's adjustment scheme and the users' decision rule and establish their optimality. Since the approach does not require the network to know user traffic and delay parameters, it does not require traffic policing on the part of the network

    Arnold diffusion in the dynamics of a 4-machine power system undergoing a large fault

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    We focus on the seemingly complicated dynamics of a four-machine power system which is undergoing a sudden fault. Adopting a Hamiltonian (energy) formulation, we consider the system as an interconnection of (one degree of freedom) subsystems. Under certain configuration (a star network) and parameter values we establish the presence of Arnold diffusion which entails periodic, almost periodic, and complicated nonperiodic dyanmics all simultaneously present; and erratic transfer of energies between the subsystems. In section 1 we introduce the transient stability problem in a mathematical setting and explain what our results mean in the power systems context. Section 2 provides insights into Arnold diffusion and summarizes its mathematical formulation as in [8], [1]. Section 3 gives conditions for which Arnold diffusion arises on certain energy levels of the swing equations. These conditions are verified analytically in the case when all but one subsystem (machine) undergo relatively small oscillations

    Wage Effects of Trade Reform with Endogenous Worker Mobility

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    In this paper, we use a linked employer–employee database from Brazil to evaluate the wage effects of trade reform. With an aggregate (firm-level) analysis of this question, we find that a decline in trade protection is associated with an increase in average wages in exporting firms relative to domestic firms, consistent with earlier studies. However, using disaggregated, employer-employee level data, and allowing for the endogenous assignment of workers to firms due to match-specific productivity, we find that the premium paid to workers at exporting firms is economically and statistically insignificant, as is the differential impact of trade openness on the wages of workers at exporting firms relative to otherwise identical workers at domestic firms. We also find that workforce composition improves systematically in exporting firms, in terms of the combination of worker ability and the quality of worker-firm matches, post-liberalization. These results stand in stark contrast to the findings reported in many earlier studies and underscore the importance of endogenous matching and, more generally, non-random labor market allocation mechanisms, in determining the effects of trade policy changes on wages.

    Trade liberalization, firm heterogeneity, and wages : new evidence from matched employer-employee data

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    In this paper, the authors use a linked employer-employee database from Brazil to examine the impact of trade reform on the wages of workers employed at heterogeneous firms. The analysis of the data at the firm-level confirms earlier findings of a differential positive effect of trade liberalization on the average wages at exporting firms relative to non-exporting firms. However, this analysis of average firm-level wages is incomplete along several dimensions. First, it cannot fully account for the impact of a change in trade barriers on workforce composition especially in terms of unobservable (time-invariant) characteristics of workers (innate ability) and any additional productivity that obtains in the context of employment in the specific firm (match specific ability). Furthermore, the firm-level analysis is undertaken under the assumption that the assignment of workers to firms is random. This ignores the sorting of worker into firms and leads to a bias in estimates of the differential impact of trade on workers at exporting firms relative to non-exporting firms. Using detailed information on worker and firm characteristics to control for compositional effects and using firm-worker match specific effects to account for the endogenous mobility of workers, the authors find the differential effect of trade openness on wages in exporting firms relative to domestic firms to be insignificant. Consistent with the models of Helpman, Itskhoki, and Redding (2010) and Davidson, Matusz and Schevchenko (2008), they also find that the workforce composition improves systematically in exporting firms in terms of innate (time invariant) worker ability and in terms the quality of the worker-firm matches.Labor Markets,Microfinance,Free Trade,Trade Policy,Economic Theory&Research

    Analysis of Solar Energy Aggregation under Various Billing Mechanisms

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    Ongoing reductions in the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are driving their increased installations by residential households. Various incentive programs such as feed-in tariff, net metering, net purchase and sale that allow the prosumers to sell their generated electricity to the grid are also powering this trend. In this paper, we investigate sharing of PV systems among a community of households, who can also benefit further by pooling their production. Using cooperative game theory, we find conditions under which such sharing decreases their net total cost. We also develop allocation rules such that the joint net electricity consumption cost is allocated to the participants. These cost allocations are based on the cost causation principle. The allocations also satisfy the standalone cost principle and promote PV solar aggregation. We also perform a comparative analytical study on the benefit of sharing under the mechanisms favorable for sharing, namely net metering, and net purchase and sale. The results are illustrated in a case study using real consumption data from a residential community in Austin, Texas.Comment: 12 page