16 research outputs found

    Analisis Manfaat Sertifikasi Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (Inofice) terhadap Keberlanjutan USAhatani Kopi Organik di Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    This research purposed to analyze the benefits of Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (INOFICE) toward the development of coffee farm sustainability from economic dimension, environmental dimension and social dimension. This research was conducted at Air Hitam sub district Lampung Barat district. Sample of research are 30 farmers each from certified farmer and non certified farmer. Economic benefits was analyzed through on farming analysis by counting productivity, cost efficiency and income then was tested with t test to know if there any difference. The economic, environmental and social benefits were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test. The result showed that (1) INOFICE certification had not given benefits toward of coffee farm sustainability. Certified farmers who has been sustainable on economic, environmental dan social were 73,33.% while noncertified farmers were 96,67% categories in sufficiently sustainable on economic, environemental and social. (2) INOFICE certification had not given economic benefits like increasing of productivity and income, but it gave benefit like increasing cost efficiency. (3) INOFICE certification gave benefits in sustainable coffee farm application in term of economic, environmental and social. The application of sustainable coffee farm in economic, environmental and social form was higher significantly on farmers certified than nonsertified farmers

    Gaya Hidup Rumah Tangga dalam Mengonsumsi Buah-buahan di Bandar Lampung

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    This research aims to determine the fruit consumption lifestyle and eating pattern of fruits, and the affecting factors on the demand of fruits in the household having primary school age children in Bandar Lampung. This research samples are 60 households that have primary school age children. The data is collected in November 2014-April 2015 and analyzed descriptively and statistically by seemingly unrelated regression (SUR). The results of this research showed as follows. The household lifestyle in consuming fruits in side of activity was indicated that 75.0% of the households bought fruits routinely, but 66.7% were rarely consuming fruits in various serving and 73.3% preferred local than import fruits. As much as 98.3% households had opinions that fruits contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and fibers. Banana, papaya, watermelon, snakeskin fruit and avocado were the most consumed fruits in the households in which monthly average consumption was 2-8 times with each weight were 3.8 kg, 2.5 kg, 1.9 kg, 0.9 kg, 0.8 kg. The demand of banana was influenced by the price of banana and total income; of papaya was influenced by the price of papaya, banana and avocado; of watermelon was influenced by the price of watermelon and avocado; of snakeskin fruit was influenced by the price of watermelon and sugar; and of avocado was influenced by the price of avocado

    Analisis Efisiensi Produksi dan Keuntungan USAhatani Jagung di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Sumatera Selatan

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    This research aims to: identify the factors that affect corn's farming, analyze the efficiency of corn production and know the advantages of corn's farming in East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency of South Sumatera. This research was located in Bunga Mayang and Jayapura Subdistrict of East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The Farmer respondets were drawn by simple random sampling. The data was analyzed by Cobb-Douglas production function, production analysis by using value of NPMxi/Pxi and farmer profit analysis. The results showed that production of maize farming in the District of East OKU in the year of 2012-2013 were affected by land area (X1), seeds(X2) and labor(X5). Technically, the use of inputs in corn farming in the study site was in the region I (increasing returns to scale); thus, it was considered as inefficient use of inputs. Corn farming in the District of East OKU was profitable in which R/C >1 and the revenue generated was Rp17,014,306.00/hectare

    Permintaan dan Kepuasan Konsumen Rumah Tangga dalam Mengonsumsi Susu Bubuk di Bandar Lampung

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    The purposes of this research are to investigate the demand of powdered milk at the household level, to know what factors that influence the demand, to analyze satisfaction level and to know the influencing factors of household consumer satisfaction on consuming powdered milk in Bandar Lampung. This research was conducted by purposive survey method in traditional, modern, and minimarket in Bandar Lampung. The samples of this research were 80 people that taken by accidental sampling method. Data collection was conducted from August until November 2014. The demand level and its influencing factors were analyzed by using Cobb Douglass function, satisfaction of consuming powdered milk was measured by costumer satisfaction index (CSI), where as the factors that influenced household consumer satisfaction was analyzed by logistic regression analysis. The result of this research showed that demand of powdered milk which consumed by household consumer was 670 g/ month. The factor that influenced powdered milk demand was powdered milk cost, liquid milk cost, and income level. There were 61 consumers felt satisfy with powdered milk performance. Factors that influence consumer satisfaction level was powdered milk cost and buying location

    Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Rumah Tangga dalam Mengonsumsi Bihun Jagung di Bandar Lampung

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    The objectives of this study are to analyze: the level of household consumers\u27 satisfaction, the level of household consumers\u27 loyalty, and factors that influence the satisfaction and loyalty on consuming corn vermicelli in Bandar Lampung. The research was conducted in the randomly choosen 3 traditional markets and 3 modern markets in May to July 2013. Accidental sampling method was employed to choose the sample of 60 consumers as respondents. Methods of analysis used were Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for the degree of satisfaction, the pyramid of loyalty was used for the degree of consumers\u27 loyalty, and the logistic regression analysis for the factors that influence satisfaction and loyalty of household consumer. The results showed that CSI value was 76.97 percent, it meant that the costumers were satisfied by corn vermicelli product. Most costumers tended to be loyal, because the number of commited buyers (with the value of 95 percent) was higher than that of switcher buyers (with the value of 3 percent). Based on the logistic regression analysis, variables that significantly influenced costumers\u27 satisfaction were the length of consumption and purchase frequency. Variables that significantly influenced on the costumers\u27 loyalty were age, education level, and purchase frequency

    Kesediaan Membayar Petani Kopi Untuk Perbaikan Lingkungan

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    This study aims were, first to measure the level of farmers' willingness to pay the external cost to improve the environment and second, examine the determinant factors. The experiment was conducted in District Sumberjaya and Sekincau, West Lampung District during June-October 2009. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used to answer the first purpose, while ordinal logit regression analysis was used to answer the second purpose. Factors of farmland area, land productivity, household income, educational level, number of family labor, and knowledge of farmers about the benefits of forests had positive influence on WTP while distance of farmers' house to the forest had negative influence. The increase of WTP was needed to reduce environmental damage due to forest conversion to coffee plantation; moreover, environment improvement hopefully could restore the function of forest where coffee trees were planted

    Permintaan dan Kepuasan Konsumen Rumah Tangga dalam Mengonsumsi Kecap di Bandar Lampung

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    The objectives of this research were: to assess the demand of soy sauce at the household level and its influencing demand factors, to analyze the degree of satisfaction and the factors that influence consumer's satisfaction in consuming soy sauce in Bandar Lampung. The study was conducted by a survey method in Beringin Raya Village of Kemiling Sub District and Sawah Brebes Village of East Tanjung Karang Sub District, Bandar Lampung. The number of samples in this research was 76 people who were taken by Simple random sampling method. The data collection was conducted from April to June 2014. The factors that influenced consumer demand were analyzed by Cobb Douglas Analysis Function; the satisfaction of degree was analyzed by Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), whereas the factors that influenced satisfaction of household consumers was analyzed by Logistic Regression Analysis. The result of this research showed that the demand of soy sauce of the household consumer was 501 ml/month. The factors that influenced the demand of soybean sauce were the price of soybean sauce, the price of sugar, income level, and number of family members. A total of 53 consumers were satisfied with the performance of soy sauce. Factors that influenced the level of customer satisfaction were age, duration of consumption, the price of soy sauce, and location of purchase