209 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2014

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    The main focus of this study is to investigate and analyze the influence profitability, firm size, asset structure and growth in sales of the Capital Structure Manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011-2014. The study also wants to re-examine the variables that exist, because there are differences in the results of previous studies. Capital structure (Debt Equity Ratio) is the independent variable in this study, emphasizing the use of debt to meet the company's capital structure. Profitability, company size, structure, assets and sales growth is the dependent variable of this study. The approach used in this study is the quantitative approach. This study uses secondary data with the source data originating from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Samples are manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2014. The sample was selected using purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 31 companies (according to criteria). Testing is done by multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results showed that all independent variables have a significant influence on the DER (Capital Structure). Sales growth, structure and size of the company's assets have a significant positive effect, while a significant negative effect on the profitability of Capital Structure

    The Development of Science Domain Based Learning Media Tool Which is Integrated with Local Wisdom to Improve Science Process Skill and Scientific Attitude

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    This research was conducted to : (1) improve the science domain based learning media which is integrated with appropriate local potention for Science learning material “Object Change Around Us” for students grade VII of Junior High School, (2) know the effectiveness of science based learning media which is integrated with developed local potention to improve science process skill and scientific attitude of students grade VII of Junior High School. This research was a research and development which adapt 4D Thiagarajan model which include four steps, they were: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate and Borg & Gall development model which was done into 7 steps, they were: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) developing preliminarry form of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, and (7) operational product revision. The research result showed thet the science domain based learning media which was integrated with developed local potention were: (1) appropriate to be used for science learning material “Object Change around us” for students grade VII of JHS, (2) effective to improve science process skill and scientific attitude of students grade VII of JHS

    The Blended Learning Accomplishment of Computer and Network Engineering Expertise Program in Vocational Schools

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    This study aims to (1) describe supporting and inhibiting factors in blended learning implementation for the students of computer and network engineering expertise program and (2) describe the accomplishment level of the implementation. This study is designed as a descriptive study with quantitative approach. The research object is the blended learning implementation in computer and network engineering expertise program in SMK N 1 Baureno Bojonegoro. The research subjects consist of teachers, facilities, materials and applications and students in the blended learning implementation process. The data was collected using observation, surveys and interviews. It was analyzed using percentages and classification analysis. The results reveals that the blended learning has been appropriately implemented. It is proven by the analysis result of supporting and inhibiting factors including facilities, teachers\u27 skill, materials and applications and blended learning accomplishment. The result is also supported by the description about blended learning activity, the use of facilities, blended learning composition and the impact of implementing blended learning. The weaknesses in the implementation process are the low quantity and quality of personal computers and inadequate internet connection. Teachers and school boards are expected to work collaboratively to solve the problems thus the implementation of blended learning can be maximized

    Characterization of K2O/CaO-ZnO Catalyst for Transesterification of Soybean Oil to Biodiesel

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    AbstractIn this study, heterogeneous solid base catalysts (K2O/CaO-ZnO) were developed and characterized for transesterification of soybean oil to biodiesel. In the catalyst, CaO-ZnO prepared by coprecipitation was promoted by K2O by impregnation method. The catalysts were characterized by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) surface area. The catalysts were compared to ZnO and CaO-ZnO catalysts to study their activities in the transesterification process under suitable conditions (reaction temperature of 60 oC, catalyst loading of 6wt.%, methanol to oil molar ratio of 15:1, and reaction time of 4h). From the catalyst testing results, the 2wt.% K2O/CaO-ZnO showed the highest catalytic activity with Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) yield of 81.08%. The incorporation of K2O on the CaO-ZnO catalyst enhanced the catalytic transesterification activity due to increasing its basicity and surface area

    Profil Perlemakandarah Dan Persentase Lemak Abdominal Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Tepung Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb)dalam Ransum (Fat Content in Blood and Percentage of Abdominal Fat of Broiler Supplementation Fingerroot (Boesenbergia Pandura

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    This studi aimed to determine the effect offingerroot (Boesenbergiapandurata ROXB) powder in the diet on broiler chicken of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglyceride levels of blood and percentage of abdominal fat. The material used in the study were 120 broilers chick unsex, aged 7 days, mean weight 137,5 ± 16,04 g (CV 6,36 %). Diet was divided into four, T0:was diet without fingerroot powder, T1 : diet with fingerroot powder 0,8%, T2 :diet with fingerroot powder1,2%, T3 :diet with fingerroot powder 1,6% and T4 :diet with fingerroot powder. The experimental was conducted using the completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and one 4 replications and each research unit consist of 6 chickens. Diet and water given ad libitum. The result shownthat means not defernt means of cholesterol (T0 =101,02, T1 = 102,02, T2 = 1012,30, T3 = 143,43, T4 = 130,05 mg/dl), meanshigh density lipoprotein(T0 = 123,78, T1 = 152,70, T2 = 119,80, T3 = 129,18, T4 = 149,05 mg/dl), defernt (P<0,01) meansof triglyceride(T0 = 55,50, T1 = 22,19, T2 = 61,82, T3 = 24,30, T4 = 19,18 mg/dl)and percentage of abdominal fat(T0 = 1,29, T1 = 1,62, T2 = 1,98, T3 = 1,39, T4 = 1,36%).Conclusions the use of fingerroot powder in the diet ration had no decreased abdominal fat and blood cholesterol and not increased HDL, but decreased blood triglyceride of broiler chickens