57 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Pemasaran (Studi Kasus Pada Agen Asuransi PT. Axa Financial Cabang Semarang)

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    This research is about the Influence of Work Motivation on Marketing Performance (Case Study at Insurance Agent PT AXA Semarang). This research is done because there are employee performance problems that are suspected caused by less work motivation, in the form of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation from employees of PT. AXA Semarang. This is based on the non-fulfillment of targets set by the company. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. With the holding of this research it can be taken policy about intrinsic motivation problems, extrinsic motivation and employee performance so that company objectives can be achieved optimally. The type of research used is explanatory research or explanatory research. Population in this research is employees of PT. AXA Semarang as many as 156 people. Sample calculation technique using slovin so that the number of samples to 113 respondents. The technique of determining the sample using Proportional Random Sampling. Data collection method using questionnaires while data analysis techniques used are validity, reliability, test t test, F test, coefficient of determination and regression analysis. Calculations in this study using SPSS for windows. The result of the calculation shows that: (1) intrinsic work motivation have positive and significant effect to employee performance of PT. AXA thus increasing intrinsic work motivation will improve performance and decrease intrinsic work motivation will decrease performance, (2) extrinsic work motivation have positive and significant effect to employee performance of PT. AXA, thereby increasing extrinsic work motivation will improve performance and decrease of extrinsic work motivation will decrease performance, (3) intrinsic work motivation and extrinsic work motivation together have positive and significant influence to employee performance of PT. AXA, thus increasing intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation will improve performance and decrease intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation will degrade performance. Suggestions that can be given are (1) should the company pay attention to the problem of intrinsic work motivation by giving awards, promotion, and development for employees of PT. AXA regularly and continuously, (2) company should pay attention to extrinsic work motivation problem by improving supervision, working conditions, salary, relationship with peers, and security, (3) For other researchers, if you want to do research about performance then use variable Other than the variables contained in this study are intrinsic work motivation and extrinsic work motivation to predict performance. Other variables used to predict performance include leadership, compensation, facilities. Thus research on this performance will be more perfect

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Atm Setor Tunai Bank Mandiri Di Semarang

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    The research was distributed by the fast development of information technology so that the required means of banking transaction that can do anything to help the banking transaction of costumer activities. ATM Cash Deposit is one of the types of services offered by Mandiri Bank.The purpose of doing research is to know the influence of the variabel quality of product, and brand image against the interest in using ATM Cash Deposits Mandiri Bank. Its population is user indepent Bank ATM machine service. The sampel as many as 100 respondents with the sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The analysis of the data used in this research using SPSS 18.8 program, where do test validity, reliability, determination of the coefficient of the corelation coefficient, regression analysis, simple and simple and double, and the test of significance (t-test and F-test).The results of this study indicate that the variable product quality and brand image has a positive influence against the interest in using ATM Cash Deposits Mandiri Bank.The suggestions can be submitted is a good idea to improve the quality of the ATM Cash Deposits Mandiri Bank and keeping the brand image in order to be always trusted by customers

    Analisis Eko-efisiensi Pada USAha Kecil Dan Menengah (UKM) Batik Tulis Bakaran (Studi Kasus Pada Batik Tjokro)

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    Eco-Efficiency is an efficiency concept that incorporates aspects of natural resources and energy or a production that minimizes the use of raw materials, water, energy and environmental impacts per unit of product. This study itself aims to determine the application of eco-efficiency in small and medium enterprises (UKM) batik tulis bakaran, precisely on Tjokro batik tulis. The type of research used is case study, model analysis using descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Data collection using oral interviews, observation (observation), eco-efficiency measurement, and literature study. Based on the analysis once per production that is 30 pieces per day can be obtained, the total cost of NPO is Rp 519.579,64 per day or per 30 pieces of batik cloth. According to the data, there are 20 SME Batik Bakaran with total production volume of 3,821 sheets, resulting in NPO cost of Rp 66.177.121,72 per month. Suggestions for SMEs Batik Tulis Tjokro in terms of eco-efficiency is the use of raw materials in the production process should pass precise and thorough measurements, it is done so that not a lot of raw materials are wasted, and produce the cost of NPO (Non Product Output) the minimum

    Analisis Perbedaan Harga, Volume Perdagangan, Dan Return Saham Sebelum Dan Sesudah Informasi Akuisisi Pada Industri Telekomunikasi Dan Properti

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    Economic development requires companies to work better and be able to survive from intense competition. In a modern era, telecommunications and property industries are the most developed industry. There are several strategies to maintain the business continuity, one of which is the incorporation of a business entity such as an acquisition. The purpose of this research is to find differentiation among stock price, stock trading volume and stock return before and after acquisition on the telecommunications and property industries. In the telecommunications industry, there is the acquisition of PT. XL Axiata Tbk with Axis Telekom Indonesia, while the acquisition in the property industry is between PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk and PT. Graha Cipta Karisma. The observed research period is one year before and after the acquisition information. This study has found that there is a significant difference in the stock price before and after acquisition information of PT. XL Axiata Tbk and PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk, but there is no significant difference in trading volume and stock return (indicated by the abnormal return to test the information content of an event) before and after acquisition information of PT. XL Axiata Tbk and PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. Hence, the investor has the assumption that the acquisition is a normal activity which has no significant influence the stock volume and returns

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengungkapan Modal Intelektual Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Yang Listing Di Jakarta Islamic Index 2012-2014

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    In the „knowledge based business‟ paradigm, intellectual capital have become a pre-eminent economic resources and the basis for competitive advantages. The main objective of this study was to examine factors - factors that affect the disclosure of intellectual capital in the companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2012 - 2014. The variables used are the Intellectual Capital Disclosure Item, Firm Age, Firm Size, Leverage, Profitability, Level of Intellectual Capital, and the type of Auditors. Measurement of intellectual capital items using models of Bukh et al. 2005, namely employees, customers, information technology, processes, and reporting strategies. This study indicates that the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital finding suggest that the age, size, and type of auditor found to have an influence on the amount of intellectual capital disclosure. Other factors, such as leverage, profitability, and level of intellectual capital were found not to have an influence on the amount of intellectual capital disclosure. The method is applied using multiple regression analysis, the statistical test of hypothesis testing and statistical test t F. The results showed that the age of the firm and the size, has a significant influence on the intellectual capital disclosure. Type of auditor have an influence on the amount of intellectual capital disclosure. However, this study did not find a positive effect on leverage, profitability and level of intellectual capital on the disclosure of intellectual capita

    Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasi dan Komunikasi Interpersonal terhadap Komitmen Afektif melalui Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Karyawan Bagian Pengemasan PT. Sido Muncul Semarang, Tbk

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    The success of the organization in achieving the objectives that have been determined is determined by the success of the employees in carrying out its duties. These employees are ultimately the executor of activities within the organization and have an important role in efforts to achieve the goals of the organization. It is unfortunate when in reality the utilization of employees as human resources has not been optimal.The purpose of this research is to know the effect of organizational support and interpersonal communication to affective commitment through job satisfaction as intervening variable. Type of research used in this research is a type of research eksplanatory research. This research is aimed to find out the magnitude of relationship and influence between research variables. In this study the population is the employee of packaging PT. Sido Muncul Semarang. So it can be concluded that the sample to be taken at least 80 people with the reasons of time limitations, for that number of research samples to be researched as many as 100 people because it already meets the minimum sample amount of 80 people. In this research the sampling technique used is non probability sampling. This sampling technique is a sampling technique in a particular consideration to determine which population members will be selected as samples and data collected through questionnaires.The analysis used in this research is inferential analysis (test of validity and reliability test), coefficient of determination, cross table analysis, simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, and path analysis. The results of this research instrument testing using computer programming tool SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) For Windows version 19.The conclusion in this research is organizational support has an affect on to Job Satisfaction at packaging department employees PT. Sido Muncul Semarang. Interpersonal Communication affects Job Satisfaction at packaging department employees PT. Sido Muncul Semarang. Organizational Support has an affect on to Affective Commitment at packaging department employees PT. Sido Muncul Semarang. Interpersonal Communication affect on to Affective Commitment at packaging department employees PT. Sido Muncul Semarang. Job Satisfaction affect on to Affective Commitment at packaging department employees PT. Sido Mucul Semarang.Suggestions can be submitted for PT. Sido Muncul Semarang is to be more appreciate its employees especially on the packaging by giving rewards and punishment. Employees in achieving job targets should be maintained and improved performance and job satisfaction in order to arise the spirit and motivation of employees to be able to build the company better
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