1 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Tingkat Lahan Kritis Kabupaten Wonosobo Dengan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Kec. Kejajar, Kec. Garung, Kec. Mojo Tengah)

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    The existence of the land is an important aspect forhuman life and another living beings . But the degradation of forests\u27s land have persisted and increased resulting ciritical land. At Wonosobo, land degradation in the Dieng temple and Kejajarmake 7758 hectares of critical land on 1998-1999. The impact on the rainy season landslides at many points at residance, roads onWonosobo, and all districts Garung - Dieng, and during the dry season population in mountainous areas of water shortage. This study for make map and estimate the level of critical land in Wonosobo, Central Java (District Kejajar, District Garung, District Mojotengah. The method used is the method of remote sensing and geographic information system that includes an overlay, scoring and weighting. Based on the Regulation of Director General of Watershed Management and Social No: P.4 / V-SET / 2013 factors affecting the critical area is vegetation, erosion, productivity, and management. The results of this study show the class area of critical land dominated by a class of potential critical area of 10802 Ha. Broad class of critical land in the function of protected areas outside the protected forest was dominated by a class of potentially critical area of 1304 Ha. While the lowest grade is very critical class has an area 2 hectares. Broad class of critical land in the function of protected areas outside the protected forest was dominated by a class of potentially critical area of 5091 Ha. While the lowest class is class very criticalhas area 5 ha. Broad class of critical land on the functioning of agriculture is dominated by a class of potential critical area of 4543 Ha. On the function of the protected area, do not have a very critical grade, while the lowest grade is critical class has an area 178 hectares