4 research outputs found

    Analsisi Taksonomi Bloom sebagai Alat Evaluasi Pembelajaran di SDN Kosambi 06 Pagi

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze Bloom's taxonomy if it is used as a learning evaluation tool. Find out more about Bloom's taxonomy and learning evaluation. In this research, the type used is qualitative research. In research, for data collection the authors collected through observations to schools, teacher interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out according to the analytical method of Milles and Huberman. In this method there are 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the interview also explained that the teacher actually understood well about the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. The teacher also knows how to use the evaluation tool properly, it's just that the teacher is still unfamiliar with "Bloom's Taxonomy". Studying Bloom's Taxonomy is a provision or reference for an evaluation tool for a teacher or teacher candidate. If the basis of the evaluation tool is not studied, the teacher will find it difficult to make an assessment. The use of Bloom's taxonomy is also highly recommended as an evaluation tool. Because these three domains can cover all aspects of the world of education or learning

    Analisis Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the development of teaching materials. This study uses a qualitative approach, then the instruments used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study stated that the development of teaching materials is very important for learning activities in class, because of the floating teaching materials can make students more easily understand in understanding the material and more active to better know the material being taught. Many teaching materials, which can be with ordinary teaching aids or teaching aids made from used materials and can also use video. With the props or video playback able to attract the attention of students to learn with a pleasant atmosphere

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bangun Ruang Kelas VI SD

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    The purpose of this research is to study the development of building materials. This research uses the Research and Development (R and D) method, because the teaching material is able to make students easier to understand in understanding the material and more active to better know the material being tried. There are many teaching materials, which can be with ordinary teaching aids or teaching aids made from used materials and can also use video. With the props or video playback that is able to attract the attention of students to learn with a pleasant atmosphere and make students' understanding increase

    Minat Belajar Menyanyi Siswa pada Pembelajaran Seni Budaya Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to obtain information about how the interest in learning to sing in second grade elementary school students in learning art and culture at SDN Karanganyar 3, and what factors influence the interest in learning. This research was started from February to August 2022. This study used a qualitative approach and a descriptive type of research. The method used by researchers in this study is a combined method. Data was collected by researchers by observing and interviewing teachers to obtain information about what factors influence interest in learning to sing in second grade students at SDN Karanganyar 3, and distributing questionnaires to grade 2A students to get the results of students' interest in singing. Quantitative data is from the results of questionnaires and is supported by qualitative data from interviews. The results showed that based on indicators of feeling happy students got 85% results, indicators of student interest got 85% results, indicators of student attention reached 81%, and indicators of student participation reached 85%. The results of this questionnaire said that the four indicators were in the category of strongly agree. This is also supported by the results of interviews which stated that the high interest in learning to sing was caused by several factors, namely very adequate school facilities, active and creative teachers, good communication between teachers and parents, parental support, student talents, and students' thinking skills