8 research outputs found

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    Hygienic Value and Mycotoxins Level of Grass Silage in Bales for Horses

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds which have adverse effects on humans, animals, and crops and result in illnesses and economic losses. The toxins may occur in storage under conditions favourable for the growth of the toxin-producing fungus or fungi. The highest forage concentration of toxins was found in horizontal storage methods such as bunker silos and feed piles, which were left open to oxygen. In any fermentation storage system, temperature and the presence of moisture is sufficient for toxin production. In a plastic covered storage system, oxygen penetration is slowed but not eliminated. The longer silage is stored, the greater the opportunity for significant fungus growth and toxin contamination. Although the effects of mycotoxins on horses are not well documented in scientific literature, in many situations mycotoxin problems appear to be significant e.g. colic, neurological disorders, paralysis and brain lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of mycotoxins in grass silage prepared in bales for horses

    Fish catches in mid-field ponds of the commune Czarnowo in relation to oxic conditions

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    Celem prezentowanych w pracy badań było określenie składu ichtiofauny w dwóch śródpolnych oczkach wodnych w gminie Stare Czarnowo w latach 2010-2011 oraz analiza nasycenia wody tlenem w okresie od kwietnia do października. Odłowy kontrole prowadzono za pomocą selektywnego zestawu wontonowego, a w 2011 r. dodatkowo zastosowano klasyczny zestaw do elektropołowów typu IUP. Ryby oznaczano wg gatunków i wieku, liczono, a także wykonywano pomiary długości i masy ciała. Badania natlenienia wody oraz jej temperatury mierzono za pomocą wieloparametrowego miernika Multi 3400, wyposażonego w sondę tlenową. W wyniku przeprowadzonych odłowów w oczkach wodnych uzyskano łącznie 108 ryb o masie 15 622 g. Oba oczka różniły się nie tylko pod względem składu gatunkowego ryb, ale również ich liczby, biomasy oraz wieku. W Starym Czarnowie łącznie odłowiono 48 ryb o biomasie 3 225 g. Wśród pozyskanych gatunków były osobniki karasia srebrzystego (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) oraz karasia pospolitego (Carassius carassius L.). W oczku wodnym Żelisławiec odłowiono łącznie 60 ryb o biomasie 12 397 g. Oprócz dominujących karasi, odłowiono osobniki lina (Tinca tinca L.), szczupaka (Esox lucius L.), płoci (Rutilus rutilus L.) oraz okonia (Perca fluviatilis L.). W oczku wodnym Stare Czarnowo średnie stężenie tlenu było mniejsze niż w Żelisławcu. W okresie letnim, gdy temperatura była wysoka, tlenu było bardzo mało i dlatego w Starym Czarnowie przeżywały tylko osobniki karasia, który jest wytrzymały na duże deficyty tlenu w wodzie.The aim of presented studies was to estimate the composition of fish fauna in two midfield ponds of the commune Stare Czarnowo in the years 2010-2011 and to analyse water saturation with oxygen in the period April-October. Control catches were performed with a selective pontoon set and additionally (in 2011) with a standard electro-fishing set type IUP. Fishes were determined to species and age, counted and their length and mass were measured. Water temperature and saturation with oxygen were measured with the multi-parameter probe Multi 3400 equipped with the oxygen probe. In total 108 fishes of a mass of 15 622 g were caught in ponds. The ponds differed in the species composition of fish, their number, biomass and age. Forty eight fishes of a mass of 3 225 g caught in Stare Czarnowo represented two species: the Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) and the crucian carp (Carassius carassius L.). In Żelisławiec pond, 60 fishes of a total biomass of 12 397 g were caught. Apart from dominating crucian carps. there were also individuals of the tench (Tinca tinca L.), pike (Esox lucius L.), roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Mean oxygen concentration in water was smaller in Stare Czarnowo pond than in Żelisławiec. In summer, when water temperature was high, oxygen concentrations were low and therefore the only survivors in Stare Czarnowo were the crucian carps which tolerate oxygen deficits in water

    Determination of conjugated fatty acid in ovine milk, meat, fat and intestinal digesta

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    Positional and geometric isomers of geometric isomers of linoleic acid (CLA) were separated from interfering species on commercially available two reversed-phase C18-columns (Nova Pak, Waters) in gradient systems composed of acetonitrile and water, utilizing photodiode array detection. The biological samples were hydrolyzed with 2 M NaOH for 35 min at 85°C. After cooling, the hydrolysates were acidified with 4 M HCl and the free fatty acids were extracted with dichloromethane. The CLA isomers were determined directly using UV detection at 234.5 nm or after pre -column derivatization with 2,4’-dibromoacetophenone in the presence of triethylamine and UV detection at 256 and 235 nm. HPLC system with pre-column derivatization enables more efficient fractionation of the CLA isomers than the direct HPLC system. On the other hand, elimination of derivatization procedure provides a less expensive, more specific and simpler analytical tool for determination of CLA than HPLC method with precolumn derivatization. The presented HPLC methods provide analytical tools for simple quantification of CLA in ovine meat, milk, fat and intestinal digesta samples

    The influence of gender on the fatty acid profile in the carcasses of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus L.)

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    Celem pracy było określenie wpływu płci na profil kwasów tłuszczowych w tłuszczu podskórnym i okołonarządowym lisa polarnego. Badania przeprowadzono na 60 samcach i 60 samicach, wybranych losowo z poszczególnych miotów. Po uboju zważono każdego lisa i wykonano pomiary zoometryczne , a następnie zbierano tkankę tłuszczową podskórną. Od 24 lisów z każdej płci pobrano próbkę tłuszczu podskórnego i okołonarządowego, określając w nich skład jakościowy i ilościowy kwasów tłuszczowych. Wystąpiły istotne różnice w składzie kwasów tłuszczowych tłuszczu podskórnego: C16:1, C18:0, C20:3n6, C20:3n3, C22:2 oraz udziału kwasów nasyconych i nienasyconych oraz składzie kwasów tłuszczowych tłuszczu okołonarządowego: C16:1, C18:0, C18:1c12, C18:2c9t11, C18:2c9c.The aim of the investigation was to find the sex effect on the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous and internal fat in arctic fox. The investigations were carried out on 60 males and 60 females randomly selected. After slaughter, the body weight was determined and body measurements were done. Also whole subcutaneous fat tissue was collected. The samples of subcutaneous and internal fat from 24 foxes of each sex were collected for analysis concerning quantity and quality of fatty acids. The significant differences in composition of fatty acids in subcutaneous fat were found for C16:1, C18:0, C20:3n6, C20:3n3, C22:2 acids. Also the differences in composition of fatty acids in internal fat were found for C16:1, C18:0, C18:1c12, C18:2c9t11, C18:2c9c acids. In subcutaneous fat the difference in composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid were found