93 research outputs found

    Segurança Alimentar: Controlo de Agentes Patogénicos no Presunto

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    Cerca de 75% das doenças que nos últimos anos tem afectado a espécie humana tem origem nos animais e seus produtos, tendo muitas delas origem alimentar. A sua etiologia é frequentemente associada ao consumo de carne e, entre os potenciais perigos transmitidos por este alimento destacam-se bactérias, vírus e parasitas. Para além destes perigos biológicos, a presença de diversos contaminantes químicos nos alimentos, entre os quais se incluem contaminantes ambientais, micotoxinas e resíduos de medicamentos, comprometem também a sua inocuidade. Os vários perigos mencionados podem atingir os alimentos em qualquer ponto da sua cadeia de produção pelo que os actuais conceitos de segurança alimentar preconizam que a implementação de medidas de prevenção e controlo da sua presença se realize de uma forma integrada, desde a produção até ao consumo, envolvendo todos os intervenientes. No caso presente, a aplicação das diversas medidas que permitam prevenir e controlar a presença de agentes patogénicos no presunto deve iniciar-se na produção animal (incluindo a produção de alimentos para animais), seguindo na obtenção da matéria-prima (carne), sua transformação e distribuição e, finalmente no consumo. #### About 75% of the diseases that in recent years has affected the human species are originated in animals and their products and many of them are food-borne diseases. Its aetiology is often associated with the consumption of meat and among the potential hazards transmitted by this food stand out bacteria, viruses and parasites. In addition to these biological hazards, the presence of various chemical contaminants in foods, such as environmental contaminants, mycotoxins and residues of veterinary medicinal products, can compromise its safety. The several hazards mentioned can reach the food at any point in the production chain. Current concepts of food safety require that the implementation of measures to prevent and control their presence takes place in an integrated way, from production to consumption, involving all stakeholders. In the present case, the application of several measures to prevent and control the presence of pathogens in dry-cured ham should be initiated in animal production (including the production of animal feed), following the acquisition of raw materials (meat), its processing and distribution and finally its consumption

    Microbiology of the artisanal cheese produced in the region of Évora

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade de Évora para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Higiene e Sanidade Animal

    Qualidade do Leite de Ovelha

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    O Regulamento (CE) nº 853/2004, que estabelece as regras de higiene específicas para os produtos de origem animal, na Secção IX – III do Anexo III, define os critérios microbiológicos a que deve obedecer o leite cru. Segundo este Regulamento, para o leite de vaca, são estabelecidos critérios para a carga microbiológica, mesófilos viáveis totais (MVT) e para a conta gem de células somá cas (CCS). Já no que se refere a outros leites que não de vaca, onde se inclui o leite de pequenos ruminantes, só é definido um critério para a carga microbio lógica, não havendo qualquer referência a CCS.Parece nos fundamental que seja estabelecido um critério para a CCS no leite de ovelha, pois será a única forma de garan r que o leite que entra na cadeia alimentar não é proveniente de animais com mas te. Eventualmente, pode rão ser implementados incen vos económicos que sirvam de es mulo aos produtores

    Role of Starter Cultures on the safety of fermented meat products

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    Starters are microbial cultures used to promote and conduct the fermentation of meat products. Bacteria, particularly lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), as well as yeasts and molds, may be used as starters. They can increase the safety of fermented meat products by means of rapid matrix acidification or due to the production of antimicrobial substances, such as bacteriocins. Besides, starters may help to standardize product properties and shorten ripening times. Safety of fermented meat products may be jeopardized by microbiological, namely foodborne pathogens (Salmonella spp., Listeria spp., etc), and chemical hazards, particularly biogenic amines, nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and mycotoxins. Biogenic amines (BA) are potentially unsafe nitrogenous compounds that result from the decarboxylation of some amino acids. Some microorganisms may be responsible for their formation. Starters can cause a fast pH decrease, inhibiting the development of microorganisms with amino acid decarboxylative ability, thus preventing the accumulation of BA in fermented meat products. Besides, starters can compete with the autochthonous, non-starter microbiota throughout ripening and storage, thus reducing BA production. Some strains of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus plantarum have been shown to reduce the formation/accumulation of BA. On the other hand, Staphylococcus xylosus and Debaryomyces hansenii strains have been reported to degrade BA in food. PAH are organic compounds containing multiple aromatic rings and produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter, such as the wood used for smoking meat. Mixed starters containing Lactobacillus spp., Gram-positive catalase-positive cocci and yeasts have been used in the manufacturing of traditional meat sausages. However, the effect of starters on reducing the accumulation of PAH is poorly understood. Starters may also be engaged in competitive exclusion, outcompeting the spoiling or deteriorating autochthonous microbiota. For example, Pediococcus acidilactici has been shown to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes in meat products. Additionally, the role of molds, such as Penicillium nalgiovense in the competitive exclusion of undesired filamentous fungi, has also been demonstrated. Most of these undesired fungi produce mycotoxins, secondary metabolites capable of causing disease. The current review addresses the role of starters on the microbiological and chemical safety of fermented meat products

    Addition of vinegar to "cabeça de xara" made from Alentejano pig meat increases shelf life

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    “Cabeça de xara” is a very typical product from Alentejo region. It’s a very particular type of galantine, made from meat, tongue and connective tissue removed from Alentejano pig breed heads. Usually this product has a parallelepiped shape, as those used in the present study, with 40 cm length and 14 cm height. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of vinegar to increase the products’ shelf life without negatively affecting the physicochemical and microbiological parameters, as well as its sensorial attributes. Two different treatments were compared, namely control and vinegar, for three months using end product “cabeças de xara”. Three batches with two replicates per treatment were used. One-Way ANOVA was used for statistical analyses. The mean pH of the “cabeças de xara” with vinegar (5.48) was lower than the pH of the control treatment (6.05). However, no significant differences were observed between control and vinegar treatments regarding water activity (aw). The microbiological flora of the “cabeças de xara” showed no significant differences regarding yeasts and moulds. The counts of total mesophiles, psychrophiles, psychrophilic anaerobes and enterobacteria were higher in the control treatment. Only a few samples showed a minor contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. As expected, the counts for all microbial groups increased with time. Regarding sensorial analysis, panellists generally gave higher scores to the control “cabeças de xara”, however no differences were observed between control and vinegar “cabeças de xara” concerning the attributes marbled and colour and aroma intensity. Considering the results of the end product at three months shelf life, the vinegar “cabeças de xara” showed lower microbial counts, probably due to the lower pH values. Our data suggest that the sensorial panel prefers the control “cabeças de xara”; however, the panellists did not taste some of the control products due to contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics of such a traditional product. Acknowledgements This work was supported by national funds through project PRODER (QREN/PRODER/Medida 4.1) and funded by FEDER Funds through the COMPETE and National Funds through FCT under the Strategic Project PEst-C/AGR/UI0115/2011. The authors thank PALADARES ALENTEJANOS, Lda. for their collaboration and A. Oliveira and G. Pias for their technical assistance

    Safety conditions and native microbial flora of three processing units in Alentejo , Portugal

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    Portugal as other Mediterranean countries has a great diversity of dry fermented sausages. This traditional sausage production is highly diverse and products possess very particular organoleptic characteristics, which please consumers. These sensory characteristics are related not only to the manufacturing process, but also to the house microbial flora. On the other hand, the safety of fermented products is always difficult to achieve due to their processing technology and final characteristics, as the process does not have any step able to undoubtedly eliminate pathogens, according to HACCP approach. In this kind of products, coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are present in high levels. These bacteria are responsible for the particular taste and flavour and also for extending the shelf life of sausages. LAB are useful particularly for the ability to produce bacteriocins that are generally active towards several foodborne pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella sp., while CNS are mainly nitrate reducers, thus contributing to flavour development. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of Salmonella sp., L. monocytogenes and E. coli in different surfaces of the three visited processing units as well as in meat batters, half ripened and final products (Portuguese traditional sausages). Furthermore, we also evaluated the total number of mesophiles in each surface and product, as well as the number of CNS and LAB. Surfaces were generally well hygienised, only a few presenting with low contamination levels by L. monocytogenes and E. coli. No contamination with Salmonella sp. was detected in the diverse analysed products independently of their processing stage. However, different contaminations levels with L. monocytogenes and E. coli were found in distinct processing units

    Animal Health, Biosafety and Food Safety

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    Pork meat and processed pork meat products may carry some hazards that threaten the consumer’s health. These hazards are related with animal health or with the way in which the raw materials are manipulated during slaughtering and manufacturing until the consumption. Substances having anabolic effects, the residues of veterinary drugs and chemical contaminants, some of them with origin in animal production but others produced during the transformation processes should be considered among chemical hazards. Concerning biological hazards, we can mention some parasites like Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella spiralis, Taenia solium and also some bacteria like Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes. The physicochemical characteristics of fresh meat further facilitate the growth of various microorganisms, other than those mentioned above, which turns it into a highly perishable product. Several transformation processes of the raw material, provide different food products to consumers and constitute ways to increase its shelf-life. Drying, fermentation and cure are among these processing methods. In Portugal there is a wide variety of processed meat products, such as Chouriço, Paio, Presunto, Salsichão and Catalão many of them manufactured according to traditional techniques of their regions of origin. Some of these products have been studied at the Universidade de Évora. Some results, which show the favourable effect of a range of transformation processes in controlling some of the mentioned biological hazards, will be presented

    Campylobacteriosis in beef cattle in Alentejo – preliminary assessment

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of infection by Campylobacter fetus in beef cattle reared in extensive systems in Alentejo region by direct fluorescent antibody test (DFAT), a technique widely used for determining the prevalence of this disease

    Utilização de diferentes meios de cultura na identificação e recuperação de bactérias lácticas

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    Foram isoladas várias colónias bacterianas provenientes de amostras de queijo em duas fases de maturação (3 e 45 dias) inoculadas nos meios de cultura de de Man, Rogosa e Sharpe Agar (MRSA), M17 Agar, Kanamicina Esculina Azida Agar (KA3), APT Agar e Dextrose Triptona Agar (DTA). Com base nas suas características culturais, morfológicas e bioquímicas foram identificados os diferentes géneros de bactérias lácticas (BAL). Uma pequena percentagem (13,96%) dos isolados revelou não ser BAL. O meio KA3 permitiu o crescimento quase exclusivo de Enterococcus. No meio MRSA, além de Lactobacillus, cresceram também Enterococcus e algumas não BAL, provenientes principalmente de amostras com 3 dias de maturação. O meio M17, onde cresceu a maior parte de Lactococcus provenientes, principalmente, de queijos com 3 dias de maturação, foi também aquele que permitiu o crescimento de maior número de não BAL. O meio DTA foi o que revelou menor selectividade, permitindo o crescimento de vários géneros de BAL provenientes das diferentes amostras, podendo a sua selectividade ser alterada por diferentes condições de incubação, como a temperatura. O meio APT, moderadamente selectivo, permitiu a proliferação de Enterococcus e de Lactobacillus em números apreciáveis. Dos diferentes meios avaliados, o meio KA3 foi o mais eficaz no isolamento de Enterococcus. O meio MRSA, mesmo permitindo o crescimento de algumas não BAL, foi útil para o isolamento de Lactobacillus. Apesar de o meio M17 ter consentido o crescimento de muitas não BAL, revelou-se o mais eficaz para o isolamento de Lactococcus

    Editorial - Food Microbiology 2020

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    Food microbiology studies the microbiota of food products