141 research outputs found

    Simulation and Experimental Demonstration of the Importance of IR-Drops During Laser Fault-Injection

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    International audienceLaser fault injections induce transient faults into ICs by locally generating transient currents that temporarily flip the outputs of the illuminated gates. Laser fault injection can be anticipated or studied by using simulation tools at different abstraction levels: physical, electrical or logical. At the electrical level, the classical laser-fault injection model is based on the addition of current sources to the various sensitive nodes of CMOS transistors. However, this model does not take into account the large transient current components also induced between the VDD and GND of ICs designed with advanced CMOS technologies. These short-circuit currents provoke a significant IR-drop that contribute to the fault injection process. This paper describes our research on the assessment of this contribution. It shows through simulation and experiments that during laser fault injection campaigns, laser-induced IR-drop is always present when considering circuits designed with deep submicron technologies. It introduces an enhanced electrical fault model taking the laser-induced IR-drop into account. It also proposes a methodology that allows the use of the model to simulate laser-induced faults at the electrical level in large-scale circuits. On the basis of further simulations and experimental results, we found that, depending on the laser pulse characteristics, the number of injected faults may be underestimated by a factor of up to 2.4 if the laser-induced IR-drop is ignored. This could lead to incorrect estimations of the fault injection threshold, which is especially relevant to the design of countermeasure techniques for secure integrated systems

    Sensitivity tuning of a bulk built-in current sensor for optimal transient-fault detection

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    International audienceBulk Built-In Current Sensors (BBICSs) are able to detect anomalous transient currents induced in the bulk of integrated circuits when hit by ionizing particles. This paper presents a new strategy to design BBICSs with optimal transient-fault detection sensitivity while keeping low both area and power overheads. The approach allows increasing the detection sensitivity by setting an asymmetry in the flipping ability of the sensor's latch. In addition, we introduce a mechanism to tune the delay of the bulk access transistors that improves even more the BBICS detection sensitivity. The proposed design strategy offers a good compromise between fault detection sensitivity and power consumption; moreover it makes feasible the use of several CMOS processes

    A single built-in sensor to check pull-up and pull-down CMOS networks against transient faults

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    International audienceThis work proposes a novel built-in current sensor for detecting transient faults of short and long duration as well as multiple faults in combinational and sequential logic. Unlike prior similar strategies, which are formed by pairs of PMOS and NMOS sensors, the proposed scheme is a single sensor connected to PMOS and NMOS bulks of the monitored logic. In comparison with existing transient-fault mitigation techniques, the paper presents very competitive results that indicate no performance penalty, and overheads of only 26 % in power consumption and 23 % in area

    Design of Bulk Built-In Current Sensors to Detect Single Event Effects and Laser-Induced Fault Injection Attempts

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    International audienceBulk Built-In Current Sensors (BBICS) are fault detection mechanisms embedded in integrated systems. BBICS are able to monitor anomalous transient currents like the so-called single event effects induced by radiation or even malicious injection sources. This work reviews BBICS principles and introduce new sensor architectures that improve the transient-fault detection sensitivity. In addition, a test chip is presented for the validation of the sensor concept under the laser-induced effects

    Projeto de um Microprocessador Robusto a Soft Errors

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    O avanço das tecnologias de circuitos integrados (CIs) levanta importantes questões relacionadas à confiabilidade e à robustez de sistemas eletrônicos. A diminuição da geometria dos transistores, a redução dos níveis de tensão, as menores capacitâncias e portanto menores correntes e cargas para alimentar os circuitos, além das freqüências de relógio elevadas, têm tornado os CIs mais vulneráveis a falhas, especialmente àquelas causadas por ruído elétrico ou por efeitos induzidos pela radiação. Os efeitos induzidos pela radiação conhecidos como Soft Single Event Effects (Soft SEEs) podem ser classificados em: Single Event Upsets (SEUs) diretos em nós de elementos de armazenagem que resultam em inversões de bits; e pulsos transientes Single Event Transients (SETs) em qualquer nó do circuito. Especialmente SETs em circuitos combinacionais podem se propagar até os elementos de armazenagem e podem ser capturados. Estas errôneas armazenagens podem também serem chamadas de SEUs indiretos. Falhas como SETs e SEUs podem provocar erros em operações funcionais de um CI. Os conhecidos Soft Errors (SEs) são caracterizados por valores armazenados erradamente em elementos de memória durante o uso do CI. SEs podem produzir sérias conseqüências em aplicações de CIs devido à sua natureza não permanente e não recorrente. Por essas razões, mecanismos de proteção para evitar SEs através de técnicas de tolerância a falhas, no mínimo em um nível de abstração do projeto, são atualmente fundamentais para melhorar a confiabilidade de sistemas. Neste trabalho de dissertação, uma versão tolerante a falhas de um microprocessador 8-bits de produção em massa da família M68HC11 foi projetada. A arquitetura é capaz de tolerar SETs e SEUs. Baseado nas técnicas de Redundância Modular Tripla (TMR) e Redundância no Tempo (TR), um esquema de proteção foi projetado e implementado em alto nível no microprocessador alvo usando apenas portas lógicas padrões. O esquema projetado preserva as características da arquitetura padrão de tal forma que a reusabilidade das aplicações do microprocessador é garantida. Um típico fluxo de projeto de circuitos integrados foi desenvolvido através de ferramentas de CAD comerciais. Testes funcionais e injeções de falhas através da simulação de execuções de benchmarks foram realizados como um teste de verificação do projeto. Além disto, detalhes do projeto do circuito integrado tolerante a falhas e resultados em área, performance e potência foram comparados com uma versão não protegida do microprocessador. A área do core aumentou 102,64 % para proteger o circuito alvo contra SETs e SEUs. A performance foi degrada em 12,73 % e o consumo de potência cresceu cerca de 49 % para um conjunto de benchmarks. A área resultante do chip robusto foi aproximadamente 5,707 mm².The advance of the IC technologies raises important issues related to the reliability and robustness of electronic systems. The transistor scale by shrinking its geometry, the voltage reduction, the lesser capacitances and therefore smaller currents and charges to supply the circuits, besides the higher clock frequencies, have made the IC more vulnerable to faults, especially those faults caused by electrical noise or radiationinduced effects. The radiation-induced effects known as Soft Single Event Effects (Soft SEEs) can be classified into: direct Single Event Upsets (SEUs) at nodes of storage elements that result in bit flips; and Single Event Transient (SET) pulses at any circuit node. Especially SETs on combinational circuits might propagate itself up to the storage elements and might be captured. These erroneous storages can be also called indirect SEUs. Faults like SETs and SEUs can provoke errors in functional operations of an IC. The known Soft Errors (SEs) are characterized by values stored wrongly on memory elements during the use of the IC. They can make serious consequences in IC applications due to their non-permanent and non-recurring nature. By these reasons, protection mechanisms to avoid SEs by using fault-tolerance techniques, at least in one abstraction level of the design, are currently fundamental to improve the reliability of systems. In this dissertation work, a fault-tolerant IC version of a mass-produced 8-bit microprocessor from the M68HC11 family was designed. It is able to tolerate SETs and SEUs. Based on the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) and Time Redundancy (TR) fault-tolerance techniques, a protection scheme was designed and implemented at high level in the target microprocessor by using only standard logic gates. The designed scheme preserves the standard-architecture characteristics in such way that the reusability of microprocessor applications is guaranteed. A typical IC design flow was developed by means of commercial CAD tools. Functional testing and fault injection simulations through benchmark executions were performed as a design verification testing. Furthermore, fault-tolerant IC design issues and results in area, performance and power were compared with a non-protected microprocessor version. The core area increased by 102.64 % to protect the target circuit against SETs and SEUs. The performance was degraded in 12.73 % and the power consumption grew around 49 % for a set of benchmarks. The resulting area of the robust chip was approximately 5.707 mm²