510 research outputs found

    Significance of functional organization of settlements for development of primary rural settlements in the City of Zaječar

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    The aim of this paper is determination of the City of Zaječar settlements' functional organization characteristics significant for development of primary rural settlements on this territory. The paper examines truthfulness of a hypothesis that in conditions of extreme monocentrism, i.e. dominance of urban centre, development of primary rural settlements is in direct negative correlation with isochronous distance from the urban center. Secondary hypothesis is an assertion that primary rural settlements functionally connected to centers of communities of settlements as dispersly located micro-development centers are characterized by significantly more favorable development compared to settlements functionally connected to local rural centers or directly to the urban center. Methodologically, the paper is based on the comparison of development characteristic of primary rural settlements relative to their isochronous distance from the urban center and functional connections to higher rank settlements in the functional hierarchy. Selection of indicators was made in order of comprehensive representation of the most significant demographical and economical processes in these settlements caused by their geographical and functional positions. Perception of the significance of the isochronous distance from the urban center was made using Pearson correlation coefficient, and the method of comparison was used for the functional connections. The significance of this paper is in contribution to the insight of applicability of decentralized concentration concept on local territorial level in conditions of extreme monocentrism, i.e. dichotomy on relation rural-urban

    Diagnostics of plasma in the ionospheric D-region: detection and study of different ionospheric disturbance types

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    Here we discuss our recent investigations of the ionospheric plasma by using very low and low frequency (VLF/LF) radio waves. We give a review of how to detect different low ionospheric reactions (sudden ionospheric disturbances) to various terrestrial and extra-terrestrial events, show their classification according to intensity and time duration, and present some methods for their detections in time and frequency domains. Investigations of detection in time domain are carried out for intensive long-lasting perturbations induced by solar X-ray flares and for short-lasting perturbations caused by gamma ray bursts. We also analyze time variations of signals used in the low ionospheric monitoring after earthquake events. In addition, we describe a procedure for the detection of acoustic and gravity waves from the VLF/LF signal analysis in frequency domain. The research of the low ionospheric plasma is based on data collected by the VLF/LF receivers located in Belgrade, Serbia

    Review of hazard analysis methods and their basic characteristics

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    Živimo u svetu koji čine sistemi i rizici. Uz sisteme i tehnologiju, neizbežno dolazi i do izloženosti nesrećama, poÅ”to sistemi mogu otkazati ili raditi nepropisno, Å”to dovodi do Å”tete, povreda i smrti. Verovatnoća da sistem otkaže i dovede do smrti, povreda, Å”tete i slično, zove se rizikom od nesreće. Ključni momenat kada je reč o bezbednosti sistema i efikasnom upravljanju rizikom, je uočavanje i umanjenje opasnosti. Da bi se uspeÅ”no kontrolisala opasnost, potrebno ju je razmotriti, kao i znati kako je uočiti. Cilj ovog rada je bolje razumevanje opasnosti, kao i alata i tehnika za njeno uočavanje, da bi se ista mogla uspeÅ”no kontrolisati tokom razvoja sistema.We live in the world comprised of systems and risks. With systems and technology there also comes the exposure to mishaps because systems can fail or work improperly which results in damage, injury and deaths. The possibility that a system fails and results in death, injury, damage and the like is referred to as mishap risk. The key to system safety and effective risk management is the identification and mitigation of hazards. To successfully control hazards, it is necessary to understand hazards and know how to identify them. The purpose of this paper is to better understand hazards and the tools and techniques for identifying them, so that they can be effectively controlled during the development of a system

    Review of hazard analysis methods and their basic characteristics

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    Živimo u svetu koji čine sistemi i rizici. Uz sisteme i tehnologiju, neizbežno dolazi i do izloženosti nesrećama, poÅ”to sistemi mogu otkazati ili raditi nepropisno, Å”to dovodi do Å”tete, povreda i smrti. Verovatnoća da sistem otkaže i dovede do smrti, povreda, Å”tete i slično, zove se rizikom od nesreće. Ključni momenat kada je reč o bezbednosti sistema i efikasnom upravljanju rizikom, je uočavanje i umanjenje opasnosti. Da bi se uspeÅ”no kontrolisala opasnost, potrebno ju je razmotriti, kao i znati kako je uočiti. Cilj ovog rada je bolje razumevanje opasnosti, kao i alata i tehnika za njeno uočavanje, da bi se ista mogla uspeÅ”no kontrolisati tokom razvoja sistema.We live in the world comprised of systems and risks. With systems and technology there also comes the exposure to mishaps because systems can fail or work improperly which results in damage, injury and deaths. The possibility that a system fails and results in death, injury, damage and the like is referred to as mishap risk. The key to system safety and effective risk management is the identification and mitigation of hazards. To successfully control hazards, it is necessary to understand hazards and know how to identify them. The purpose of this paper is to better understand hazards and the tools and techniques for identifying them, so that they can be effectively controlled during the development of a system

    Overview of modern contributions in vehicle noise and vibration refinement with special emphasis on diagnostics

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    U ovom radu prikazana su određena razmatranja vezana za karakteristike buke i vibracija savremenih motornih vozila. Pored naučnog, problematika se razmatra i sa praktičnog aspekta u cilju struktuiranja potrebnih znanja, neophodnih za pravilnu dijagnostiku problema. Takođe se razmatraju napredne analize signala buke i vibracija. Ova sinergija naučnog i praktičnog pristupa predstavlja osnovu za dalja napredna istraživanja.This paper presents certain considerations related to noise, vibration and harshness issues on modern motor vehicles. The first, practical aspect was used toward structuring of the acquired knowledge and relationships, required for proper problem diagnosis. On the other hand, advanced signal analyses are considered. The influence on human body is processed and certain noise and vibration analyzers are presented. This synergy of scientific and applicative approach represents a basis for further research related to this important automotive branch

    AgrobioloŔke osobine različitih genotipova običnog prosa (Panicum miliaceum L.) u redovnoj i postrnoj setvi

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    Agro-biological traits of common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) genotypes were studied on experimental lots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Bački Petrovac, Serbia in 2009 and 2010. The study included 16 genotypes of millet grown and used in selection programs in Serbia and abroad. Crops in trials were based on regular and stubble crops. A significant variability appeared during and at the end of growing season in the number of days from emergence to earing of some genotypes of millet, plant height, grain yield, 1000-grain weight and test weight of the test material, and it can be used as a good basis for further work on breeding and improvement of common millet. Cluster analysis identified genotypes with high performance for yield per plant, but also good stability of other studied parameters. Studies have shown that the genetic factor had significant effect on realized values of all tested traits. The difference between the yield of millet in regular and stubble crops was also statistically significant. Out of 9 varieties and lines of millet, 3 of them achieved a higher yield in stubble crops. From the point of agro-biological traits, 2010 was more favourable for the production of millet.Na oglednim parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, u Bačkom Petrovcu u toku 2009. i 2010. istraživane su agrobioloÅ”ke osobine različitih genotipova običnog prosa (Panicum miliaceum L.). U istraživanja je bilo uključeno 16 genotipova prosa koje se gaje i koriste u selekcijskim programima kod nas i u svetu. Usev u ogledima zasnovan je u redovnoj i postrnoj setvi. U toku i na kraju vegetacije utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost broja dana od nicanja do klasanja pojedinih genotipova prosa, visine biljke, prinosa zrna, mase 1000 zrna i hektolitarske masa ispitivanog materijala i ona može poslužiti kao dobra osnova za dalji rad na oplemenjivanju i unapređenju proizvodnje običnog prosa. Klaster analiza identifikovala je genotipove sa visokim performansama za prinos po biljci ali i dobre stabilnosti ostalih ispitivanih parametara. Istraživanja su pokazala da je genetski faktor bio veoma značajnog uticaja ostvarene vrednosti svih ispitivanih svojstava. Razlike između prinosa zrna prosa u redovnoj i postrnoj setvi takođe su bile statistički značajne. Od 9 sorti i linija prosa, tri su postigle viÅ”i prinos u postrnoj setvi. Sa aspekta agrobioloÅ”kih osobina 2010. je bila povoljnija godina za proizvodnju prosa

    Analysis of the Influence of Pavement Irregularities on the Lifespan of a Vehicle's Drive-Wheel Half Shaft

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    As a complex technical system, a vehicle requires a full analysis of its dynamic behaviour. A vehicle is the research subject requiring a detailed analysis of all separate systems both individually and in mutual interaction. One of the technical aspects of vehicle analysis is the lifespan of each element. This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the characteristics of pavement irregularities on the lifespan of a half shaft. In this paper, a mathematical model and a computer simulation of vehicle half-shaft loads have been set up. The importance of this approach is reflected in the use of state-of-the-art computational methods of analysis. The obtained results enable the drawing of clear conclusions about the effects of pavement properties on the lifespan of a vehicle half shaft

    Value Creation Concept In Stakeholder And Shareholder Economies

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    In the financial theory it is common to make distinction between two types of corporate value creation concept: shareholder value and stakeholder value. In shareholder systems, also known as Anglo-American concept, institutional investors, who usually own small percentages of companies' shares, exert significant influence over managers. In major stakeholder systems, marked as Continental concept, influence is shared between large shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers. The aim of this paper is to analyze influence of globalization processes and economic crises on value creation theory and practice

    Analysis of the Influence of Pavement Irregularities on the Lifespan of a Vehicle's Drive-Wheel Half Shaft

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    As a complex technical system, a vehicle requires a full analysis of its dynamic behaviour. A vehicle is the research subject requiring a detailed analysis of all separate systems both individually and in mutual interaction. One of the technical aspects of vehicle analysis is the lifespan of each element. This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the characteristics of pavement irregularities on the lifespan of a half shaft. In this paper, a mathematical model and a computer simulation of vehicle half-shaft loads have been set up. The importance of this approach is reflected in the use of state-of-the-art computational methods of analysis. The obtained results enable the drawing of clear conclusions about the effects of pavement properties on the lifespan of a vehicle half shaft
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