289 research outputs found

    Noodynamics - an Integrated Part of Healthy Personality`s Nature

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    The meaning of life and the pursuit of development excite every healthy person. In antiquity, Aristotle states that the ultimate goal of human development is to achieve eudaimonia (happiness). One of the aspects of eudaimonia is health and storing it for a long time has been associated with the theory of homeostasis. Researchers in the new time challenge the idea of homeostasis with another theory, i.e. of noodynamics. The aim of this study is to explore at theoretical and empirical level the importance of the meaning of life and the pursuit of self-actualization in the context of a healthy personality. We studied classical and modern scientific theories of healthy personality. Respondents were 100 people in Varna region in the stage of youth. Alternative, graphic and comparative analyses were accomplished. Our study shows that the availability of purpose that gives meaning and direction in life is extremely important for 80% of the participants. Some 60% believe that they are aware of their personal and professional development over the next 5 years. Some 80% do not accept their life-style and strongly desire certain change. Between 24% and 80% of the participants experienced emptiness in their life as a manifestation of an existential vacuum. For a healthy personality it is not so important to maintain homeostasis, as much as noodynamics related to the realization of personal purposes and goals. The existential vacuum is the result of frustrated development needs and a negative health indicator

    Increased on-campus child care sought by UM families

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    On-campus child care at UMaine can be hard to get, forcing some students and staff with young children to make difficult choices bwteen working and child-raising, parents said

    Bounded quantifier depth spectrum for random uniform hypegraphs

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    The notion of spectrum for first-order properties introduced by J. Spencer for Erdos-Renyi random graph is considered in relation to random uniform hypergraphs. In this work we study the set of limit points of the spectrum for first-order formulae with bounded quantifier depth and obtain bounds for its maximum value. Moreover, we prove zero-one k-laws for the random uniform hypergraph and improve the bounds for the maximum value of the spectrum for first-order formulae with bounded quantifier depth. We obtain that the maximum value of the spectrum belongs to some two-element set

    Novel chemical and toxicological studies on textile industry waste streams clean up

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    The textile industry is a major water consumer and producer of effluent waste water. A comprehensive review of the literature shows an urgent need to improve the treatment of dyeing and finishing plant effluent. To destroy dyes and purify dye house effluents modem photochemical oxidation methods, such as the UV /hydrogen peroxide process, provide an effective treatment technology. Organic contaminants can be completely mineralised by this method but it is relatively expensive. Photochemical oxidation with subsequent microbiological treatment appears an attractive and cost effective approach in textile waste water treatment. This research studied the feasibility of combining UV /hydrogen peroxide photochemical oxidation with microbiological treatment to destroy organic dyes and to decolourize waste water. Experiments on the decolourization of a number of mono- and disazo dyes by UV/oxygen and hydrogen peroxide as a function of initial concentration of dyes, dissolved oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, alkalinity and temperature of solutions were carried out. UV /hydrogen peroxide photochemical treatment was shown to rapidly decolourize and decompose organic azo dyes. Increase in oxidant concentration to give a molar ratio between hydrogen peroxide and dye concentrations of 200/1 was found to increase the decolourization rate. Changes in pH to acidic and alkaline also increase dye decolourization rate, the highest decolourization was observed at pH 10.5. Increase in the temperature from 25°C to 60°C slightly increases decolourization rate. Chromatographic, spectrophotometric and mass-spectrometric techniques were used to elucidate breakdown pathways and identify intermediates. Suggested type of photo-degradation is destructive oxidation involving rapid breakdown of the azo group with the formation of colourless intermediate substances such as naphthalene (naphthoquinone) and benzene (phenol) derivatives. These intermediates do not accumulate and are further photo-degraded to lower molecular weight substances, organic acids. Work on establishing ecotoxicological effects and biodegradability of dyes and their photochemical breakdown products, with particularly reference to micro-organisrns, was carried out with the biological tests using the freshwater green alga Chlorella vulgaris, the bacterium Pseudomonas putida and activated sludge. Photochemical treatment of dye solutions with UV/oxygen or UV irradiation alone does not eliminate their toxicity. When the UV /hydrogen peroxide system was used decolourized solutions were non-toxic to microorganisms. Activated sludge is slow and inefficient in removing residual colour from the dye solutions partially decolourized by photo-oxidation, generally removal of residual colour was in the range of 82 - 85.5 % after 72 hours of biotreatment. An increase in biochemical treatment time from 24 to 144 hours also did not have an influence on colour removal. With an increase in preliminary photochemical treatment time susceptibility of the dye solutions to the biochemical action of activated sludge increases. The combination of the UV /hydrogen peroxide process with subsequent microbiological treatment is a satisfactory treatment for azo dye solutions suitable for commercial application. Further research to extend the application to other dye classes, particularly reactive dyes In justified

    Employment impact on the subjective well-being amongst the youth

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    Статията отразява резултати от проучване на влиянието на заетостта върху субективното благополучие на младите хора. С конструиран за целта въпросник е извършено психометрично изследване на извадка от 250 души (средна възраст - 22,81 3,43 г), разпределени в три групи - студенти, работещи и студенти, които учат и работят. Сравнителният анализ на самооценките за субективно благополучие според заетостта показа, че най-щастливи са работещите млади хора, следвани от учащите. Младите хора, които едновременно учат и работят, имат най-ниски самооценки за щастие. Установено е, че съществено влияние върху нивото на щастие оказва локусът на контрол на участниците - според проучването този личностов конструкт се отразява върху нивото на личните аспирации и допринася за статистически значими разлики в субективното благополучие. Влиянието на заетостта е 0,14% върху нивото на удовлетвореност от живота и 0,25 % върху самооценката за щастие, за разлика от влиянието на локуса на контрол - 6,30 % върху удовлетвореността и 10,05% върху нивото на щастие.The article reflects the results of a study of the employment impact on the subjective well-being amongst the yout. With a questionnaire designed for this purpose a psychometric study is conducted in a sample of 250 people (average age 22,81±3,43 g), divided into three groups - students, workers and students who work and study. The comparative analysis of self-assessment of subjective well-being as employment showed that the happiest workers are young people, followed by students. Young people who study and work at the same time have the lowest self-assessments of happiness. It was established, that the locus of control has significant impact on the level of happiness amongst the participants - according to the study, this personal construct reflects on the level of personal aspirations and contributes for the statistically significant differences in the subjective well-being. The influence of the employment 0,14 % on the level of life satisfaction 0,25 % on the self-assessment for happiness, unlike the influence of locus of control - 6,30 % on the satisfaction and 10,05 % on the level of happiness

    Extended list of stop words: Does it work for keyphrase extraction from short texts?

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    In this paper we study the problem of key phrase extraction from short texts written in Russian. As texts we consider messages posted on Internet car forums related to the purchase or repair of cars. The main assumption made is: the construction of lists of stop words for key phrase extraction can be effective if performed on the basis of a small, expert-marked collection. The results show that even a small number of texts marked by an expert can be enough to build an extended list of stop words. Extracted stop words allow to improve the quality of the key phrase extraction algorithm. Prior, we used a similar approach for key phrase extraction from scientific abstracts in the English language. In this paper we work with Russian texts. The obtained results show that the proposed approach works not only for texts that are appropriate in terms of structure and literacy, such as abstracts, but also for short texts, such as forum messages, in which many words may be misspelled and the text itself is poorly structured. Moreover, the results show that proposed approach works well not only with English texts, but also with texts in the Russian language