69 research outputs found


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    The article considers the problem of tax incentives for investment activity in the Russian Federation in the current economic conditions. It is shown that in crisis economic conditions, with a financial resources deficit, tax incentives are a key mechanism ensuring the implementation of investment programs of natural monopolies and import substitution projects. The objectives of the tax policy are defined and recommendations are formulated to improve a number of taxes in order to stimulate investment in the Russian economy


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    The policy documents providing a formal framework for the crisis management plan of the Russian Federation Government and the budgetary maneuver are examined along with the key parameters of the updated federal budget for 2015. Changes in the scenario macroeconomic conditions of budget planning due to the deterioration of the foreign economic and political situation. are analyzed.The primary attention of the financial and economic block of the Government as well as the main resources are directed towards the support of the financial sector and mineral companies with the dominant governmentparticipation. The real sector of the Russian economy is supposed to be content with a declaration of measures to reduce administrative barriers and costs.The author suggests that the choice of expenditure items for sequestration should be determined not only by the short-term efficiency criteria but the long-term development objectives of the country’s economy. However, some government programs may (or even should) envisage the revision and internal re-allocation of resources by subprograms and time schedules. Moreover, to maintain the employment, permanent support must be given to programs aimed at development of labor-intensive industries.Given the lack of effective demand from the private sector, a necessity arises to select a different development scenario that proved its effectiveness in a number of countries that performed an economic miracle - successful development of priority sectors and infrastructure projects based on a significant increase in government spendings. However this is made possible only through a substantial improvement of the government spending efficiency and the tight control over the targeted use of funds.В статье рассматриваются программные документы, формализующие антикризисный план Правительства РФ и бюджетный маневр, а также основные параметры обновленного федерального бюджета на 2015 г. Анализируются изменения сценарных макроэкономических условий бюджетного планирования в результате ухудшения внешнеэкономической и внешнеполитической конъюнктуры.Основное внимание финансово-экономического блока Правительства и основные ресурсы направляются на поддержку финансового сектора экономики и нескольких сырьевых компаний с доминирующим государственным участием. Реальному сектору российской экономики приходится довольствоваться декларацией комплекса мер по снижению административных барьеров и издержек.Автор предлагает при выборе расходных статей для секвестра руководствоваться не только критериями эффективности в краткосрочной перспективе, но и задачами обеспечения долгосрочного развития экономики страны. Однако в некоторых госпрограммах возможны (и даже необходимы) ревизия и внутреннее перераспределение ресурсов по подпрограммам и срокам. Кроме того, для поддержания занятости населения необходимо сохранение программ, содействующих трудоемким отраслям экономики.В отсутствие платежеспособного спроса со стороны частного сектора назрела необходимость выбрать другой вариант развития, доказавший свою эффективность в ряде стран, совершивших экономическое чудо - развитие приоритетных отраслей и инфраструктурных проектов на основе значительного роста государственных расходов. Но необходимое условие успеха - серьезное повышение эффективности государственных расходов и жесткий контроль за целевым использованием средств

    Impact of fiscal, monetary and structural economic policies on the growth rates of leading economies : 2000-2016

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    The article analyzes the impact of measures and instruments of fiscal, monetary, and structural economic policies on the growth rates of the economies of many countries around the world from 2000 to 2016, considering the provisions of the structural theory of development. The dynamics of the following indicators of national economies is analyzed: GDP growth rate; total tax rate, central government debt; domestic credit to the private sector; consumer price inflation; high-tech exports as a share of country industrial exports and in value terms. It was revealed that for balanced long-term growth of the economy, it is necessary that the structure of the national economy should include industries whose exported goods are characterized by high elasticity of demand, and goods imported by low elasticity of demand. Selective tools of state stimulating economic policy should be aimed at industries that can generate innovations and promote the dissemination of the results of technological progress.peer-reviewe

    Investment development of Russian regions backed up by natural monopolies

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    The article considers the issues of the relationship between business investment activities and the economic and social development of the regions. Based on the statistical data analysis it is shown that the decrease in investment activities negatively affects all key indicators of regional development after a short period of time. The article shows that a peculiarity defining Russian economy is that its significant part is actually controlled by natural monopolies. At the same time, they are strongly sensitive to all the problems of socioeconomic development of the country's territories and, therefore, are parties concerned in ensuring sustainable and qualitative growth of regional economies. Today many of the natural monopolies implement large-scale investment programs with allocated substantial resources. The analysis of these investment programs showed that they all contain components that contribute to the development of the region where the manufacturing facilities or transportation capacities of these companies are located. It is concluded that a systemic state investment policy aimed at stimulating real investments, rather than "portfolio" ones, is required to address the problem of sustainable economic growth.peer-reviewe


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    The analysis of the financial result of the companies consolidated group has considered. The interpretation of the «financial result» concept applied to the group of financial and organizational related enterprises has given. It has shown, that the main analysis problems are the relationships opacity within the group as well as the specificity of the individual companies accountability and their subsequent consolidation into the group's accountability. An example of the financial result analysis of the companies group operating in the conditions of the investment development program has given

    Innovative Strategy for Selecting Industries for Program-Target Stimulation of Regional Economic Diversification

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    The purpose of this study is to substantiate the approach to the selection of industries for program-target stimulation of regional economy diversification, focusing on developing new strong industries and increasing the economic complexity of the regional economy. The research methodology is based on the application of the concept of revealed comparative advantages and an assessment of the economic complexity of industries and regions of Russia (the Udmurt Republic, Republic of Mordovia, Kaliningrad Region, and Trans-Baikal Territory) using data on tax revenues by economic sectors. The novelty of this research lies in demonstrating the effectiveness of applying the revealed comparative advantage concept, an approach to assessing economic complexity based on the use of tax revenue data by economic sectors, and a strategy for modernizing intermediate opportunities when selecting industries for program-target stimulation of regional economy diversification. The practical significance of the results is determined by the possibilities of their use in the application of program-target mechanisms to solve problems of stimulating the development of individual sectors of the regional economy. Selecting priority areas for diversification based on economic complexity methods can contribute to the improvement of budget balancing, economic growth and sustainable development, and mitigation of interregional inequality. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-03-013 Full Text: PD

    Problems and Prospects of Development of the Oil Exchange Market in the Russian Federation

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    In the context of speculatively priced Russian oil on the world energy market, the oil exchange market development in the Russian Federation is updated. The purpose of the article was to rationalize conditions ensuring the crude oil market pricing by means of exchange trade development. The main objective of the scientific search was to justify state oil purchase as the main factor in improving the Russian oil exchange market liquidity at the present stage of its development. An optimal level of the ratio of public expenditures for oil exchange purchase to Russia's GDP was determined. The optimal amount of public expenditures for oil exchange purchase for the second quarter of 2018 amounted to 2,384.64 billion rubles. The optimal amount of public expenditures for oil exchange purchase is 89.9 million tons per quarter. State procurement of such oil volumes as of today could ensure an increase in the oil exchange market liquidity. The research results may lay the groundwork for enhancing the state strategy efficiency to improve the pricing of Russia's energy resources. Some practical focus areas substantiated in the article would contribute to the exchange market development at the present stage as a factor in the formation of an actual market price for Russian oil. Keywords: Oil Market, Oil Exchange Market, Participants in Oil Exchange Trade, Oligopolistic Oil Market, Russian Oil Industry JEL Classifications: G23; L52; O24 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.737