53 research outputs found

    HARMLESS: Cost-Effective Transitioning to SDN

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    Recently, Software-Defined Networking has grown out of being an "intriguing approach" and turned into a "must-have" for communication networks to overcome many long-standing problems of traditional networking. However, there are still some obstacles on the way to the widespread adoption. Current commodity-off-the-shelf (COTS) SDN offerings are still in their infancy and are notorious for lacking standards compliance, scalability, and unpredictable performance indicators compared to their legacy counterparts. On the other hand, recent software-based solutions might mitigate these shortcomings, but in terms of cost-efficiency and port density they are in a lower league. Here, we present HARMLESS, a novel SDN switch design that combines the rapid innovation and upgrade cycles of software switches with the port density of hardware-based appliances into a fully data plane-transparent, vendor-neutral and cost-effective solution for smaller enterprises to gain a foothold in this era. The demo showcases the SDN migration of a dumb legacy Ethernet switch to a powerful, fully reconfigurable, OpenFlow-enabled network device without incurring any major performance and latency penalty, nor any substantial price tag enabling to realize many use cases that would have otherwise needed standalone hardware appliances

    In vivo measurements with robust silicon-based multielectrode arrays with extreme shaft lengths

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    In this paper, manufacturing and in vivo testing of extreme-long Si-based neural microelectrode arrays are presented. Probes with different shaft lengths (15–70 mm) are formed by deep reactive ion etching and have been equipped with platinum electrodes of various configurations. In vivo measurements on rats indicate good mechanical stability, robust implantation, and targeting capability. High-quality signals have been recorded from different locations of the cerebrum of the rodents. The accompanied tissue damage is characterized by histology

    Keeping P4 switches fast and fault-free through automatic verification

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    The networking dataplane is going through a paradigm shift as softwarization of switches sees an increased pull from the market. Yet, software tooling to support development with these new technologies is still in its infancy. In this work, we introduce a framework for verifying performance requirement conformance of data plane protocols defined in the P4 language . We present a framework that transforms a P4 program in a versatile symbolic formula which can be utilized to answer various performance queries. We represented the system using denotational semantics and it can be easily extended with low-level target-dependent information. We demonstrate the operation of this system on a toy specification

    Keeping P4 switches fast and fault-free through automatic verification

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    The SDN dataplane is going through a paradigm shift, as softwarization of switches sees an increased pull from the market. Yet, software tooling to support development with these new technologies is still in its infancy. In this work, we introduce a framework for verifying data plane protocols defined in the P4 language. Using symbolic execution, the framework checks crash-freedom and bounded execution properties of P4 protocols, and verifies performance requirements by estimating lower and upper bounds of packet processing time. This paper explains related terminology, and briefly describes the methodologies used to reach this goal

    A lovas turizmus szerepe hazánkban, különös tekintettel az ifjúsági vendégkör ágazati motivációira : Nyitottság és felelősség

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    szabadidő aktív eltöltése fontos lehetőségét jelenti a szervezet regenerálódásának, a munkára való felkészülésnek. Opaschowsky felosztása szerint a rekreációs szükségletek kielégítése az egyik út a testi, lelki, szellemi egyensúly megtartásához. A számos sportlehetőség mellett ide köthető a rekreációs szükséglet alapján jelentkező lovaglási motivációk kielégítése is. Kutatásunk során a Nemzeti Lovas Program megszületésének küszöbén arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy a fiatal – egyetemista – korosztály mit tud a lovaglási lehetőségekről, milyenek a korábbi tapasztalataik, mennyire illeszkedik ez a lehetőség szabadidős szokásaikba, illetve hogyan értékelik az ágazatot. A kérdések megválaszolásához alkalmazott piackutatás formája kérdőíves megkérdezés, zárt, nyitott és feleletválasztós kérdések kombinációjával. A kapott válaszokat statisztikailag kiértékeltük és a releváns adatokat diagramon ábrázoltuk. Összességében elmondható, hogy jelenleg messze nem tekinthető általánosnak a lovas turizmus kínálatának kiaknázása a fiatalok körében. A nyitottság a potenciális vendégkör esetében azonban fennáll a lovas turizmusban való részvétel felé. Óriási tehát a felelőssége az oktatással foglalkozó intézményeknek az általános iskolától kezdődően a tudatformálás tekintetében. És legalább ekkora felelőssége van az államnak, valamint a vállalkozásoknak a feltételek, a szükséges infrastruktúra biztosítása vonatkozásában, hogy hazánk a célkitűzések szerint ténylegesen lovasbarát turisztikai desztinációvá válhasson

    A Multimodal, SU-8-Platinum - Polyimide Microelectrode Array for Chronic In Vivo Neurophysiology

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    Utilization of polymers as insulator and bulk materials of microelectrode arrays (MEAs) makes the realization of flexible, biocompatible sensors possible, which are suitable for various neurophysiological experiments such as in vivo detection of local field potential changes on the surface of the neocortex or unit activities within the brain tissue. In this paper the microfabrication of a novel, all-flexible, polymer-based MEA is presented. The device consists of a three dimensional sensor configuration with an implantable depth electrode array and brain surface electrodes, allowing the recording of electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals with laminar ones, simultaneously. In vivo recordings were performed in anesthetized rat brain to test the functionality of the device under both acute and chronic conditions. The ECoG electrodes recorded slow-wave thalamocortical oscillations, while the implanted component provided high quality depth recordings. The implants remained viable for detecting action potentials of individual neurons for at least 15 weeks

    COMPOSER: A compact open-source service platform

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    Compute and network virtualization enable to deliver network services with unprecedented agility and flexibility based on (a) the programmatic placement of service functions across the available infrastructure and (b) the real-time setup of the corresponding network paths. This paper presents and validates COMPOSER, a compact, flexible and high-performance service platform for the deployment of network services. COMPOSER supports multiple virtualization engines (e.g., virtual machines, containers, native network functions) and it can use seamlessly the above different execution environments to instantiate network services belonging to different chains, hence facilitating domain-oriented orchestration and enabling the joint optimization of compute and network resources. We demonstrate that COMPOSER can run on resource-constrained hardware, such as residential gateways, as well as on high-performance servers. Finally, COMPOSER integrates optimized data plane components that enable our platform to reach top-class results with respect to data plane performance as well
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