19 research outputs found

    Income and bargaining effects on education and health

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    In this paper, we examine the impacts of the reform in the rural pension system in Brazil in 1991 onschooling and health indicators. In addition, we use the reform to investigate the validity of the unitarymodel of household allocation by testing if there were uneven impacts on those indicators depending onthe gender of the recipient. The main conclusion of the paper is that the reform had significantly positiveeffects on the outcomes of interest, especially on those co-residing with a male pensioner, indicating thatthe unitary model is not a well-specified framework to understand family allocation decisions. Thehighest impacts were on school attendance for boys, literacy for girls and illness for middle-age people.We explore a collective model as defined by Chiappori (1992) as one possible alternative representationfor the decision-making process of the poor rural Brazilian families. In the cooperative Nash equilibrium,the reform effects can be divided into two pieces: a direct income effect and bargaining power effect. Thedata support the existence of these two different effects

    Correcting the fixed-effect estimator for endogenous switching

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    In this paper, we propose a two-step estimator for panel data models in which a binary covariateis endogenous. In the first stage, a random-effects probit model is estimated, having theendogenous variable as the left-hand side variable. Correction terms are then constructed andincluded in the main regression.

    The causal effect of family size on child labor and education

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between family size and child labor and educationamong brazilian children. More especifically, it analyzes the impact of family size on child labor,school attendance, literacy and school progression. It explores the exogenous variation in familysize driven by the presence of twins in the family. The results are consistent under the reasonableassumption that the instrument is a random event. Using the nationally representative brazilianhousehold survey (Pnad), detrimental effects are found on child labor for boys. Moreover,significant effects are obtained for school progression for girls caused by the exogenous presenceof the young siblings in the household.

    Private Education Market, Information on Test Scores and Tuition Practices

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    In this paper, we study the impact of disclosing information about school quality of private schools in Brazil on school choice. Particularly, we investigate whether test score disclosure affected private schools' tuition prices. In 2006, Brazil started to announce the schools' average test score of ENEM, a high school exit exam run by the federal government. Using longitudinal school data, we gauge the effect of test score disclosure on tuitions of private schools for three different schools levels (elementary, middle and high school). We find that the disclosure of schools' average test scores affects tuitions positively for all these three educational levels, but the effect is larger for high school tuitions. We also find that private education markets are local instead of national, since local ranks better predict tuition prices than national ranks. Finally, adjustments on prices did not follow immediately after the publication of scores but occurred gradually over time, revealing that the parents needed some time to trustfully associate results on the exam to new information on school quality

    Municipalities secession and uncertainty on public goods provision

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    This paper investigates the causes of municipalities secession in Brazil. The theoretical modelproposes that the median voter is not fully informed about the efficiency effect of secession on publicgood provision and uses the break up decision undertaken by neighbor’s municipalities within thestate to account for his voting. Our empirical results confirms that prediction

    Impacto da alfabetização de adultos sobre salårio e emprego

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos evidĂȘncia sobre os efeitos da alfabetização de adultos na renda eprobabilidade de empregos dos indivĂ­duos. Os dados longitudinais disponibilizados pela PesquisaMensal de Emprego (PME) permitem controlar os efeitos fixos nĂŁo-observĂĄveis dos indivĂ­duosgerando uma estimação mais robusta e consistente dos efeitos analisados. De modo geral, osresultados deste trabalho indicam retorno de 9,3% em rendimentos para indivĂ­duos que sealfabetizam. Mostramos evidĂȘncia que sugerem que esse efeito no salĂĄrio se deve a acrĂ©scimos deprodutividade e nĂŁo por um aumento na formalização dos trabalhadores alfabetizados. Ademais,observamos que o efeito na renda Ă© mais proeminente em certos grupos de indivĂ­duos: mulheres,residentes de Salvador e pessoas entre 45 e 60 anos

    O efeito do estigma sobre os beneficiĂĄrios de programas de transferĂȘncia no Brasil

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    Este artigo investiga o impacto do estigma sobre as decisĂ”es econĂŽmicas dos indivĂ­duosbeneficiados por algum programa de transferĂȘncia federal. Estigma Ă© definido aqui como adesutilidade resultante em participar de algum programa de transferĂȘncia. Em particular,estima-se que o estigma afeta positivamente a procura por novos empregos e redução dodesemprego dentro da famĂ­lia, bem como implica em maior assiduidade escolar. Istocontrasta com Moffit (1983) que sugere que o estigma reduz o nĂșmero de horastrabalhadas. Em termos de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, o trabalho sugere que os governos levem emconsideração este efeito quando decidirem implementar determinados programas detransferĂȘncia de renda