3 research outputs found

    Papel de la gluconeogénesis intestinal en la homeostasis energética y en la homeostasis de la glucosa

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    33 p.La función intestinal de la gluconeogénesis es un campo de investigación reciente y en continuo desarrollo. Clásicamente, la gluconeogénesis se establecía solo en hígado y riñones, pese a que actualmente se le ha llegado a atribuir al intestino hasta una tercera parte del aporte endógeno de glucosa total del organismo, bajo determinadas circunstancias. En esta revisión bibliográfica de artículos originales y su análisis crítico se pretende dar una visión amplia del conocimiento científico acumulado hasta hoy sobre el papel de esta función en la homeostasis energética y de la glucosa.Intestinal gluconeogenesis is a recent field for investigation, in continuous development. Classically, gluconeogenesis has been attributed only to liver and kidneys, despite the current tendency to ascribe even a third part of the organism’s endogenous glucose production to the intestines, under certain circumstances. With this bibliographical review of original articles and their critical analysis, we intend to give a wide vision of the scientific knowledge accumulated up to now about the role of this function in the energy and glucose homeostasis.Grado en Medicin

    The excavation of buried articulated Neanderthal skeletons at Sima de las Palomas (Murcia, SE Spain)

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    At Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo (Murcia, Spain) remains of several Neanderthals have been excavated recently. From about 50,000 years ago articulated parts of 3 adult skeletons (including skulls with mandibles, vertebral column, rib cages, shoulder blades, hip bones, upper and lower limbs, hands and feet, often in anatomical connexion) were excavated from the lower part of a cemented accumulation of scree and large stones (éboulis) sloping downwards and inwards into the cavity, along with burnt bones of large mammals and Mousterian implements. The excavation of the skeletons is the subject of this paper (palaeoanthropological skeletal descriptions are soon to be published elsewhere). Behind the cemented scree there accumulated a layer of finer sediment containing burnt animal bones, followed by more fine sediment that filled the cavity up to the overhanging rock roof and contained isolated teeth and unburnt bone fragments of Neanderthals, including 3 mandibles, as well as Mousterian implements and faunal remains, all dating from before 40,000 years ago. Altogether, at least 9 Neanderthals are represented by finds from the site (including 3 unstratified mandibles), ranging from babies to adults. Dating methods include radiocarbon, uranium-series, and optical luminescence. Pollen analysis implies conditions less severe than those of the Heinrich 4 cold oscillation at 40,000 years ago