56 research outputs found

    Latent Graphs for Semi-Supervised Learning on Biomedical Tabular Data

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    In the domain of semi-supervised learning, the current approaches insufficiently exploit the potential of considering inter-instance relationships among (un)labeled data. In this work, we address this limitation by providing an approach for inferring latent graphs that capture the intrinsic data relationships. By leveraging graph-based representations, our approach facilitates the seamless propagation of information throughout the graph, effectively incorporating global and local knowledge. Through evaluations on biomedical tabular datasets, we compare the capabilities of our approach to other contemporary methods. Our work demonstrates the significance of inter-instance relationship discovery as practical means for constructing robust latent graphs to enhance semi-supervised learning techniques. The experiments show that the proposed methodology outperforms contemporary state-of-the-art methods for (semi-)supervised learning on three biomedical datasets.Comment: Accepted at IJCLR 202

    Extracting audio-visual features for emotion recognition through active feature selection

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    Temporal Integration of Text Transcripts and Acoustic Features for Alzheimer's Diagnosis Based on Spontaneous Speech

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    Background: Advances in machine learning (ML) technology have opened new avenues for detection and monitoring of cognitive decline. In this study, a multimodal approach to Alzheimer's dementia detection based on the patient's spontaneous speech is presented. This approach was tested on a standard, publicly available Alzheimer's speech dataset for comparability. The data comprise voice samples from 156 participants (1:1 ratio of Alzheimer's to control), matched by age and gender. Materials and Methods: A recently developed Active Data Representation (ADR) technique for voice processing was employed as a framework for fusion of acoustic and textual features at sentence and word level. Temporal aspects of textual features were investigated in conjunction with acoustic features in order to shed light on the temporal interplay between paralinguistic (acoustic) and linguistic (textual) aspects of Alzheimer's speech. Combinations between several configurations of ADR features and more traditional bag-of-n-grams approaches were used in an ensemble of classifiers built and evaluated on a standardised dataset containing recorded speech of scene descriptions and textual transcripts. Results: Employing only semantic bag-of-n-grams features, an accuracy of 89.58% was achieved in distinguishing between Alzheimer's patients and healthy controls. Adding temporal and structural information by combining bag-of-n-grams features with ADR audio/textual features, the accuracy could be improved to 91.67% on the test set. An accuracy of 93.75% was achieved through late fusion of the three best feature configurations, which corresponds to a 4.7% improvement over the best result reported in the literature for this dataset. Conclusion: The proposed combination of ADR audio and textual features is capable of successfully modelling temporal aspects of the data. The machine learning approach toward dementia detection achieves best performance when ADR features are combined with strong semantic bag-of-n-grams features. This combination leads to state-of-the-art performance on the AD classification task

    Exploring Neural Language Models via Analysis of Local and Global Self-Attention Spaces

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    Large pretrained language models using the transformer neural network architecture are becoming a dominant methodology for many natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, text classification, word sense disambiguation, text completion and machine translation. Commonly comprising hundreds of millions of parameters, these models offer state-of-the-art performance, but at the expense of interpretability. The attention mechanism is the main component of transformer networks. We present AttViz, a method for exploration of self-attention in transformer networks, which can help in explanation and debugging of the trained models by showing associations between text tokens in an input sequence. We show that existing deep learning pipelines can be explored with AttViz, which offers novel visualizations of the attention heads and their aggregations. We implemented the proposed methods in an online toolkit and an offline library. Using examples from news analysis, we demonstrate how AttViz can be used to inspect and potentially better understand what a model has learned

    Slovene and Croatian word embeddings in terms of gender occupational analogies

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    In recent years, the use of deep neural networks and dense vector embeddings for text representation have led to excellent results in the field of computational understanding of natural language. It has also been shown that word embeddings often capture gender, racial and other types of bias. The article focuses on evaluating Slovene and Croatian word embeddings in terms of gender bias using word analogy calculations. We compiled a list of masculine and feminine nouns for occupations in Slovene and evaluated the gender bias of fastText, word2vec and ELMo embeddings with different configurations and different approaches to analogy calculations. The lowest occupational gender bias was observed with the fastText embeddings. Similarly, we compared different fastText embeddings on Croatian occupational analogies