11 research outputs found

    The long-term mechanical integrity of non-reinforced PEEK-OPTIMA polymer for demanding spinal applications: experimental and finite-element analysis

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    Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a novel polymer with potential advantages for its use in demanding orthopaedic applications (e.g. intervertebral cages). However, the influence of a physiological environment on the mechanical stability of PEEK has not been reported. Furthermore, the suitability of the polymer for use in highly stressed spinal implants such as intervertebral cages has not been investigated. Therefore, a combined experimental and analytical study was performed to address these open questions. A quasi-static mechanical compression test was performed to compare the initial mechanical properties of PEEK-OPTIMA polymer in a dry, room-temperature and in an aqueous, 37°C environment (n=10 per group). The creep behaviour of cylindrical PEEK polymer specimens (n=6) was measured in a simulated physiological environment at an applied stress level of 10MPa for a loading duration of 2000hours (12weeks). To compare the biomechanical performance of different intervertebral cage types made from PEEK and titanium under complex loading conditions, a three-dimensional finite element model of a functional spinal unit was created. The elastic modulus of PEEK polymer specimens in a physiological environment was 1.8% lower than that of specimens tested at dry, room temperature conditions (P<0.001). The results from the creep test showed an average creep strain of less than 0.1% after 2000hours of loading. The finite element analysis demonstrated high strain and stress concentrations at the bone/implant interface, emphasizing the importance of cage geometry for load distribution. The stress and strain maxima in the implants were well below the material strength limits of PEEK. In summary, the experimental results verified the mechanical stability of the PEEK-OPTIMA polymer in a simulated physiological environment, and over extended loading periods. Finite element analysis supported the use of PEEK-OPTIMA for load-bearing intervertebral implant

    The importance of the endplate for interbody cages in the lumbar spine

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    Intervertebral cages in the lumbar spine represent an advancement in spinal fusion to relieve low back pain. Different implant designs require different endplate preparations, but the question of to what extent preservation of the bony endplate might be necessary remains unanswered. In this study the effects of endplate properties and their distribution on stresses in a lumbar functional spinal unit were investigated using finite-element analyses. Three-dimensional finite-element models of L2-L3 with and without a cage were used. An anterior approach for a monobloc, box-shaped cage was modelled. The results showed that inserting a cage increased the maximum von Mises stress and changed the load distribution in the adjacent structures. A harder endplate led to increased concentration of the stress peaks and high stresses were propagated further into the vertebral body, into areas that would usually not experience such stresses. This may cause structural changes and provide an explanation for the damage occurring to the underlying bone, as well as for the subsequent subsidence of the cage. Stress distributions were similar for the two endplate preparation techniques of complete endplate preservation and partial endplate removal from the centre. It can be concluded that cages should be designed such that they rely on the strong peripheral part of the endplate for support and offer a large volume for the graft. Furthermore, the adjacent vertebrae should be assessed to ensure that they show sufficient density in the peripheral regions to tolerate the altered load transfer following cage insertion until an adequate adaptation to the new loading situation is produced by the remodelling proces

    Ellbogendysplasie beim Hund: Finite-Elemente-Analyse

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    Ellbogengelenkserkrankungen gewinnen bei jungen Hunden großer, schnellwüchsiger und bewegungsfreudiger Rassen seit Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung. Als mögliche Ursachen der Ellbogendysplasie wurden - neben genetischer Veranlagung - Übergewicht und Überlastung der gelenkbildenden Knochen benannt. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde der Einfluss verschiedener biomechanischer Parameter auf die Lastübertragung in gesunden und pathologischen Hundeellbogen mit einem zweidimensionalen Finite-Elemente-Modell analysiert. Pathologische Veränderungen der Ellbogenstruktur, wie veränderte Materialeigenschaften oder asynchrones Knochenwachstum, veränderten deutlich die Kontaktdrücke in den Artikulationen, die Knochendeformation und die Spannungen in den Knochen. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse unterstützen die langjährigen empirischen Beobachtungen und bieten eine Erklärung für die bis anhin kaum verstandenen klinischen Erscheinungsbilde

    Factors influencing stresses in the lumbar spine after the insertion of intervertebral cages: finite element analysis

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    Abstract.: Intervertebral cages in the lumbar spine have been an advancement in spinal fusion to relieve low back pain. Even though initial stability is accepted as a requirement for fusion, there are other factors. The load transfer and its effect on the tissues adjacent to the cage may also play an essential role, which is not easily detectable with experimental tests. In this study the effects of an intervertebral cage insertion on a lumbar functional spinal unit were investigated using finite element analyses. The influences of cage material, cancellous bone density and spinal loading for the stresses in a functional spinal unit were evaluated. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models of L2-L3 were developed for this purpose. An anterior approach for a monobloc, box-shaped cage was modelled. Models with cage were compared to the corresponding intact ones. The results showed that inserting a cage increased the maximum von Mises stress and changed the load transfer in the adjacent structures. Varying the cage material or the loading conditions had a much smaller influence than varying the cancellous bone density. The denser the cancellous bone, the more the stress was concentrated underneath the cage, while the remaining regions were unloaded. This study showed that the density of the underlying cancellous bone is a more important factor for the biomechanical behaviour of a motion segment stabilized with a cage, and its eventual clinical success, than the cage material or the applied load. Inserting an intervertebral cage markedly changed the load transfer. The altered stress distribution may trigger bone remodelling and explain damage of the underlying vertebra

    [Elbow dysplasia in the dog: finite element analysis]

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    For young active dogs of large, fast-growing breeds, diseases of the elbow represent an increasing important disorder. Genetic predisposition, overweight and joint overload have been proposed as possible causes of elbow dysplasia. In this study, the influence of various biomechanical parameters on load transfer in healthy and pathological dog elbows has been analysed by means of a two-dimensional finite element model. Pathological changes in the elbow structure, such as altered material properties or asynchronous bone growth, have a distinct influence on the contact pressure in the joint articulation, internal bone deformation and stresses in the bones. The results obtained support empirical observations made during years of experience and offer explanations for clinical findings that are not yet well understood

    The importance of the endplate for interbody cages in the lumbar spine

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    Intervertebral cages in the lumbar spine represent an advancement in spinal fusion to relieve low back pain. Different implant designs require different endplate preparations, but the question of to what extent preservation of the bony endplate might be necessary remains unanswered. In this study the effects of endplate properties and their distribution on stresses in a lumbar functional spinal unit were investigated using finite-element analyses. Three-dimensional finite-element models of L2-L3 with and without a cage were used. An anterior approach for a monobloc, box-shaped cage was modelled. The results showed that inserting a cage increased the maximum von Mises stress and changed the load distribution in the adjacent structures. A harder endplate led to increased concentration of the stress peaks and high stresses were propagated further into the vertebral body, into areas that would usually not experience such stresses. This may cause structural changes and provide an explanation for the damage occurring to the underlying bone, as well as for the subsequent subsidence of the cage. Stress distributions were similar for the two endplate preparation techniques of complete endplate preservation and partial endplate removal from the centre. It can be concluded that cages should be designed such that they rely on the strong peripheral part of the endplate for support and offer a large volume for the graft. Furthermore, the adjacent vertebrae should be assessed to ensure that they show sufficient density in the peripheral regions to tolerate the altered load transfer following cage insertion until an adequate adaptation to the new loading situation is produced by the remodelling process

    Factors influencing stresses in the lumbar spine after the insertion of intervertebral cages: finite element analysis

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    Intervertebral cages in the lumbar spine have been an advancement in spinal fusion to relieve low back pain. Even though initial stability is accepted as a requirement for fusion, there are other factors. The load transfer and its effect on the tissues adjacent to the cage may also play an essential role, which is not easily detectable with experimental tests. In this study the effects of an intervertebral cage insertion on a lumbar functional spinal unit were investigated using finite element analyses. The influences of cage material, cancellous bone density and spinal loading for the stresses in a functional spinal unit were evaluated. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models of L2-L3 were developed for this purpose. An anterior approach for a monobloc, box-shaped cage was modelled. Models with cage were compared to the corresponding intact ones. The results showed that inserting a cage increased the maximum von Mises stress and changed the load transfer in the adjacent structures. Varying the cage material or the loading conditions had a much smaller influence than varying the cancellous bone density. The denser the cancellous bone, the more the stress was concentrated underneath the cage, while the remaining regions were unloaded. This study showed that the density of the underlying cancellous bone is a more important factor for the biomechanical behaviour of a motion segment stabilized with a cage, and its eventual clinical success, than the cage material or the applied load. Inserting an intervertebral cage markedly changed the load transfer. The altered stress distribution may trigger bone remodelling and explain damage of the underlying vertebrae