4 research outputs found

    Changes in Intra-industry Competitiveness of the New Member States (EU-10) Economies During the Crisis, the Years 2009-2011

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    This paper aims to present the main results of our analysis of changes in the trade flows of the examined countries in the initial years after the accession (2003-2008), and subsequently during the crisis (2009-2011). It especially focuses on presenting the main tendencies in intra-industry trade development in mutual trade among the new member states and with the EU-15 countries, and the main changes in a vertical and horizontal intra-industry specialization.Kryzys gospodarczy wywołany głównie czynnikami zewnętrznymi, nie pozwolił na utrzymanie tendencji wzmacniających siłę gospodarek krajów UE-10, będących efektem rzetelnie przeprowadzonych reform strukturalnych w okresie przedakcesyjnym. W artkule podjęto więc następujący problem badawczy: jak w czasie kryzysu postępowały zmiany konkurencyjności wewnątrzgałęziowej gospodarek nowych państw członkowskich (UE-10) oraz w jakim stopniu zakłócone zostały pozytywne procesy dostosowawcze, jakie dokonały się w strukturach ich gospodarkach przed i po akcesji do UE, odzwierciedlające stopień przygotowań do ich pełnej integracji z jednolitym rynkiem UE. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze wyniki analizy zmian strumieni handlu analizowanych krajów w pierwszych latach po akcesji (w latach 2003-2008) oraz w okresie kryzysu (2009-2011). Szczególna uwaga została wrócona na wskazanie najważniejszych tendencji w rozwoju handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego nowych państw członkowskich w handlu wzajemnym oraz w handlu z państwami UE-15, a także głównych zmian pionowej i poziomej specjalizacji wewnątrzgałęziowej

    Intra-industry trade and revealed comparative advantage : empirical analysis of new members state's economic competitiveness (EU-8) on a single market between 2000 and 2007

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    This article analyzes changes in the intensity of intra-industry trade between the new Member States (EU-8) and the EU-15 in the period of 2000-2007. The authors claimed that the results should help to assess adaptation processes which had taken place in these countries before and after the accession to the EU. By analysis of revealed comparative advantage and horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade further research examines the real adjustment processes in terms of EU-8 state economic competitiveness, which occurred during the pre- and post-accession period in order to prepare them to maximize the benefits of the Single European Market. Shares of intra-industry trade, and their dynamics was calculated on the basis of the Grubel and Lloyd`s intra-industry trade (IIT) index. Analysis of the competitiveness of goods from EU-8 in a trade with the EU-15 was based on the Balassa`s revealed comparative advantage index, RCA. Three trade types (one-way, two-way trade in similar products, two-way trade in vertically differentiated products) indictors were calculated using the Freudenberg and Fontagné methodology

    Intra-Industry Competitiveness of the European Union Member States by Industry in 2004–2015

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    The article aims to present the results of research into changes in the international competitive position of the European Union Member States in the period 2004–2015 on the basis of analysing the development of particular types of intra-industry trade (IIT) of manufactured goods. The investigation was based on the IIT share measurement methodology (Grubel, Lloyd 1975) and calculations of types of intra-industry trade (Greenaway, Hine, Milner 1994, 1995). Multilateral IIT indices were computed at the 6-digit CN code level on the basis of data published by Eurostat. As part of a larger research project funded by the National Science Centre, this analysis contributes to the assessment of the degree of intra-industry specialisation of the EU Member States and the resulting changes in the international competitive position of the economies covered. Key words: intra-industry trade, international competitiveness, EU enlargement JEL classification: F14, F1

    Intra-Industry Competitiveness of the European Union Member States by Industry in 2004–2015

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    The article aims to present the results of research into changes in the international competitive position of the European Union Member States in the period 2004–2015 on the basis of analysing the development of particular types of intra-industry trade (IIT) of manufactured goods. The investigation was based on the IIT share measurement methodology (Grubel, Lloyd 1975) and calculations of types of intra-industry trade (Greenaway, Hine, Milner 1994, 1995). Multilateral IIT indices were computed at the 6-digit CN code level on the basis of data published by Eurostat. As part of a larger research project funded by the National Science Centre, this analysis contributes to the assessment of the degree of intra-industry specialisation of the EU Member States and the resulting changes in the international competitive position of the economies covered. Key words: intra-industry trade, international competitiveness, EU enlargement JEL classification: F14, F1