568 research outputs found

    Nouvelles perspectives sur la fonction publique

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    S’interroger sur le devenir de la gestion des ressources humaines suppose d’en saisir les tendances essentielles, d’en comprendre les évolutions, les ruptures et les continuités. C’est à cet exercice de « rétroprospective », qui combine précisément rétrospective et prospective, que s’essaient régulièrement les spécialistes de RH, explorant le passé pour éclairer l’avenir de la fonction ressource humaine. Parce qu’elle permet de saisir les dynamiques à l’œuvre, la démarche aide ainsi à se tenir à l’affût de changements émergents. Marcel Pochard a accepté pour Politique et Management Public d’effectuer ce « retour vers le futur ». Revenant sur le rapport du Conseil d’Etat de 2003, il mesure le chemin parcouru, s’interroge sur la persistance de difficultés et esquisse des futurs possibles pour la fonction publique.Marcel Pochard est conseiller d’État, ancien directeur général de l’administration et de la fonction publique (1993-1998). Il est également professeur associé à l’université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.To Wonder about the future of human resource management requires to capture key trends, and to understand the changes, ruptures and continuities. HR specialists are regularly experiencing this retrospection exercise which combines precisely retrospection and  forecasting; exploring the past in order to  light the future of the human resource management. Because it captures the dynamics at work, the approach helps to be on the lookout for emerging changes.Marcel Pochard has accepted for Politiques et Management Public to carry out this "Back to the Future. " Coming back to  the 2003 Conseil d’Etat  report, he assesses the progress made, wonders about the persistence of issues and outlines possible futures for the Public Service.Marcel Pochard is Conseiller d’Etat and a former Director General for Administration and Civil Service (1993-1998). He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

    Impact of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Dendritic Cells from Allergic Patients in an Experimental Model of Intestinal Epithelium

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are Gram positive nonpathogenic commensal organisms present in human gastrointestinal tract. In vivo, LAB are separated from antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DC) by the intestinal epithelial barrier. In this study, the impact of one LAB strain (Lactobacillus casei ATCC393) on human monocyte-derived DC from allergic and healthy donors was assessed by using a polarized epithelium model. Confocal and flow cytometer analyses showed that immature DC efficiently captured FITC-labelled L. casei through the epithelial layer. After interaction with L. casei, DC acquired a partial maturation status (i.e., CD86 and CD54 increase) and increased their interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-12 production. Interestingly, after activation by L. casei in the presence of experimental epithelium, DC from allergic patients instructed autologous naïve CD4(+) T cells to produce more interferon-γ than without the epithelium. Thus by modulating human DC reactivity, LAB and intestinal epithelium might modify T cell immune response and regulate the development of allergic reaction

    Etude expérimentale et modélisation thermodynamique du système CaO-SiO2-(Al2O3)-H2O

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    L objectif de ce travail est de proposer un modèle thermodynamique à 25C qui permette de décrire les principaux produits d hydratation d un ciment Portland ordinaire avec et sans matériaux cimentaires secondaires : les hydrosilicates de calcium. La composition riche en aluminium de ces produits de substitution modifie la nature et la composition des hydrates de la pâte de ciment.Nous avons donc étudié le système simplifié CaO-SiO2-H2O, pour lequel nous avons réalisé différentes synthèses de C-S-H dans des conditions de synthèse et d analyse identiques. Nous avons distingué le cas où la solution d hydratation est sous-saturée de celui où elle est sursaturée par rapport à la Portlandite.Nous avons ensuite étendu le système simplifié précédent au système CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O, pour lequel nous avons réalisé différentes synthèses de C-A-S-H et déterminé le protocole le plus adéquat pour obtenir des hydrates purs.La nature nanoparticulaire et la surface spécifique importante des C-S-H nous ont conduit à développer un modèle thermodynamique qui tiennent compte de réactions de surface. Ainsi, le modèle thermodynamique proposé dans ce travail, inspiré de différents travaux antérieurs du laboratoire, permet de décrire la composition de la solution, la stoechiométrie, et les propriétés de surface des C-S-H à l équilibre. Ce premier modèle a été étendu aux C-A-S-H, en implémentant dans le modèle précédent des réactions de surface qui permettent de décrire l incorporation de l aluminium dans les différents sites possibles.Ce modèle a été appliqué à des cas simples tels que l étude de la rétention d alcalins par les C-S-H, et l évaluation de l impact de l incorporation d aluminium dans les C-S-H sur la répartition minéralogique des hydrates à l équilibre pour un mélange cimentaire avec une forte teneur en aluminiumThe aim of this work is to build a thermodynamic model at 25C to describe the main hydrates of ordinary Portland cement with or without supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) : calcium hydrosilicates. With high aluminium content, SCM in blended cements modify the nature and the composition of the hydrates of cement paste.The simplified model system CaO-SiO2-H2O was studied by synthesising of C-S-H with identical protocol and analysis. We distinguished, hydration solutions undersaturated and supersaturated from Portlandite.This last system has been extended to CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system. Then, we determined the most suitable protocol to synthesize pure C-A-S-H.The nanoparticular nature and high specific surface of C-S-H lead us to build a surface dependant thermodynamic model. The modelling described in this work, which is inspired from previous works of our laboratory, enables to describe chemistry of solution, solid composition but also surface properties of C-S-H at equilibrium. This first model has been extended to C-A-S-H. Incorporation of aluminium in C-S-H has been taken into account through surface reactions on different titrable sites.Our models were applied to some simple cases such as the study of alkali retention by C-S-H, the evaluation of the impact of aluminium incorporation in C-S-H on hydrates nature and distribution for highly substituted blended cements, i.e. with high aluminium contentDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Conquête de l'Andalousie : campagne de 1810 et 1811 dans le midi de l'Espagne

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200

    Discomfort experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at ICU

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    This is a qualitative research that aimed to get to know the discomforts experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU). It happened on a general ICU at a public hospital, in Salvador-BA, by the second half of 2009. Nine relatives of people admitted were interviewed. The technique used was the analysis from the Grounded Theory. The results showed that the interaction of the families with the reality of life threat from the relative admitted, had as main discomfort, the discontinuity in their daily life, which was characterized by four categories: Living the distress of a possible loss, difficulties to take care of themselves, facing a separation in the family, suffering with changes in their social and professional lives. These discomforts can be minimized by the healthcare team’s effectiveness to the demands of the family and the support of its social network

    The role of advance directives in end-of-life decisions in Austria: survey of intensive care physicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently, intensive care medicine strives to define a generally accepted way of dealing with end-of-life decisions, therapy limitation and therapy discontinuation.</p> <p>In 2006 a new advance directive legislation was enacted in Austria. Patients may now document their personal views regarding extension of treatment. The aim of this survey was to explore Austrian intensive care physicians' experiences with and their acceptance of the new advance directive legislation two years after enactment (2008).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Under the aegis of the OEGARI (Austrian Society of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care) an anonymised questionnaire was sent to the medical directors of all intensive care units in Austria. The questions focused on the physicians' experiences regarding advance directives and their level of knowledge about the underlying legislation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 241 questionnaires sent and 139 were turned, which was a response rate of 58%. About one third of the responders reported having had no experience with advance directives and only 9 directors of intensive care units had dealt with more than 10 advance directives in the previous two years. Life-supporting measures, resuscitation, and mechanical ventilation were the predominantly refused therapies, wishes were mainly expressed concerning pain therapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A response rate of almost 60% proves the great interest of intensive care professionals in making patient-oriented end-of-life decisions. However, as long as patients do not make use of their right of co-determination, the enactment of the new law can be considered only a first important step forward.</p