25 research outputs found

    Niccol\uf2 Tartaglia nella storia con antologia degli scritti

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    Una panoramica completa sulla vita e le opere di Niccol\uf2 Tartaglia, matematico bresciano del '50

    La Via Lattea, in cielo e in terra

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    Si parla di stelle e galassie e della loro osservazion

    Lettura del "General trattato di numeri et misure" di Niccol\uf2 Tartaglia da parte di Arnaldo Masotti

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    Le tre componenti della ricognizione del prof. Arnaldo Masotti (1902-1989), cui si deve il merito d\u2019aver dato un impulso nuovo e significativo sia agli studi tarta- gliani sia alla riedizione critica di alcune delle opere tartagliane, intorno al monumentale trattato tartagliano costituiscono al- trettanti paragrafi dello studio che qui presentiamo, precisando solo che assai limitate sono state le aggiunte da parte nostra al puntuale e metodico lavoro effettuato a suo tempo dallo stesso A. Masotti

    Un artefice dell\u2019unit\ue0 italiana, il beato Francesco Fa\ue0 di Bruno: militare, scienziato e sacerdote

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    Francesco Fa\ue0 di Bruno (1825-1888) fu, oltre che uomo di fede e patriota, matematico, ingegnere e inventore. Nel 1859 pubblic\uf2 a Parigi, in francese, la Th\ue9orie g\ue9n\ue9rale de l'\ue9limination, in cui viene fornita la formula, che da lui prende il nome, della derivata n-esima di una funzione composta. Il suo nome in matematica \ue8 per\uf2 legato soprattutto al trattato sulla teoria delle forme binarie

    Sex and cognitive influence on visual hemifield superiority for face and letter recognition

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    Two groups of field independent individuals (one male and one female) and two groups of field dependent individuals (one male and one female) were selected as subjects in the experiment. The classification of field dependence-independence was based on predetermined RFT and EFT standards. The subjects, all right-handed, were given a face and a letter recognition task in a tachistoscopic visual hemifield paradigm; reaction time with either hand was the dependent measure. Field independent subjects of both sexes showed a clear right-field superiority for letter and a left-field superiority for face recognition. Field dependent subjects of both sexes showed a right-field superiority in both letter and face recognition, although of a smaller magnitude than the previous group. The results of the experiment do not support previous findings of no field superiority in females for face recognition; on the contrary, they provide additional evidence that measures of cognitive style significantly predict hemisperic specialization

    Hemispheric superiorities on a unilateral tactile test: relationship to cognitive dimensions.

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    Subjects, 30 male and 30 female, were administered a unilateral tactile test, which requires the subject to judge line orientations. More field-independent individuals in the sample perceived line orientation significantly more accurately with their left hand than with their right hand, while more field-dependent individuals showed no significant lateral difference. However, a similar pattern was observed when a verbal comprehension measure was used as a criterion. The results are discussed as they relate to the hypothesis of a link between psychological differentiation and cerebral specialization

    The independence of face identity and facial expression recognition mechanisms: Relationship to sex and cognitive style

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    Two tasks, one mapping the recognition of unfamiliar face identity and the other the identification of six facial expressions were unilaterally presented to field dependent and field independent individuals of both genders. Regardless of sex, field independent subjects showed faster response times (RTs) in the left visual vield (LVF) for face identity and for the identification of disgust and fear and faster RTs in the RVF for the identification of anger. A trend toward LVF superiority was found over the whole sample for the facial expression task; this effect was still present when the face identity task was partialled out, indicating the independence of the underlying mechanisms. © 1983

    Development of a rehabilitative program for unilateral neglect

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    Purpose: The aim of the present paper is to review several studies which assessed the validity of a visuo-spatial training for the rehabilitation of neglect patients. In addition two peripheral stimulations (TENS and Optokinetic Stimulation) have been studied to assess the improvements of neglect disorders when used in combination with the visuo-spatial training. Also we analyzed the potential effect of training for attention on neglect and, viceversa, the effect of visuo-spatial training on attentional impairments. Methods: the goals have been investigated by both group studies and descriptions of single cases. Results: The visuo-spatial training produced significant improvements on the performance of neglect patients which generalized to every day living situations: the results showed to be stable over time and had positive effects on a variety of other neurological impairments. It was also shown that the improvements are confined to tasks involving spatial exploration of extrapersonal space, but did not extend to other neglect disorders, such as representational and personal neglect. The use of peripheral stimulations, at variance with other studies in the literature, did not add any advantage as compared to the improvements produced by the visuo-spatial training. No transfer between training for neglect and attention was observed. Conclusions: the present review pointed out that neglect disorders can be improved in a clinically meaningful way: the studies described also showed some limitations and proposed the need of further researches in order to extend the improvements to several other aspects of the neglect syndrome