16 research outputs found

    Comparison of the quantum and classical calculations of flux density of (220) channeled positrons in Si crystal

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    Simulation of flux-peaking effect of the 255 MeV positrons channeled in (220) Si crystals is performed in the frame of classical and quantum mechanics. Comparison of the results obtained using both approaches shows relatively good agreement

    Evolution of radiation spectra of relativistic positrons at (100) and (111) channeling in Si changing of angle incidence and particle energy

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    Evolution of radiation spectral intensity has been investigated at (111) positron channeling in thin crystals Si at in energy of positrons increase from 100 up to 300 MeV and change of the angle of incidence. It was revealed that spectra have more complIcate structure and a full output of radiation is a few times higher than at (100) or (110) channeling, that is explained by presence of additional group of positrons on transverse section energ